Ecce Romani I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 2
1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other.
2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards,
3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See]
Chapter 7 Vocabulary:
occupātus, occupāta, occupātum = busy[accept, acceptable, acceptance, accipe hoc, accipiter, anticipant, anticipate, anticipation, anticipatory, apperceive, apperception, apperceptive, cable, caitiff, capability, capable, capacious, capacitor, capacity, capstan, capsule, caption, captious, captivate, captivation, captive, captivity, captor, capture, case, casement, cash, cashier, catch, cater, caterer, chase, conceit, conceited, conceivable, conceivably, conceive, concept, conception, conceptive, deceit, deceitful, deceivable, deceive, deception, deceptive, emancipate, encapsulate, except, exception, exceptionable, exceptional, forceps, imperceptible, imperception, imperceptive, incapable, incapacitate, incapacitation, incapacity, inception, inceptive, incipiency, incipient, inconceivable, intercept, interception, interceptor, misconception, municipal, municipality, occupancy, occupant, occupation, occupy, participant, participation, participle, perceivable, perceive, percept, perceptible, perception, perceptive, photoperception, piscicapturist, preceptress, preconceive, preconception, preoccupation, preoccupied, prince, principle, purchasable, purchase, receipt, receivable, receive, receptacle, reception, receptionist, receptive, receptor, recipe, Rx, recipient, recover, recoverable, recovery, recuperate, recuperation, recuperative, susceptibility, susceptible, unacceptable, unexceptionable, unprincipled, viviperception]
labōrantēs = working from:
labōrō, labōrāre, labōrāvī, labōrātus/a/um = to work
[belabor, belabored, belaboring, belabors, clinical laboratory, collaborate, collaborated, collaborating, collaboration, collaborationism, collaborationist, collaborative, collaborator, collaborators, elaborate, elaborated, elaborateness, elaboration, elaborative, elaborator, hot laboratory, inelaborate, labor, laboratorian, laboratory, lab, labored, laborer, laboring, laborious, laboriously, laboriousness, laborite, Labor omnia vincit. = “Perseverance [Work] overcomes all difficulties”, labors à as in Hercules’ labors]
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus/a/um = to watch, look at
[aspect, audiospectogram, auspices, auspicious, cacospectamania, chronospecies, circumspect, conspicuous, despicable, despise, despite, ecospecies, especial, espionage, expect, expectancy, extrospection, haruspex, haruspicate, inauspicious, inspect, inspection, introspect, introspective, perspective, perspicacious, perspicacity, perspicuous, prospect, prospective, prospectus, respect, respective, respite, retrospect, special, species, specification, specify, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectacles, spectacular, spectator, specter, spectral, spectroheliograph, spectrology, spectrometer, spectrophobia, spectrum, speculate, speculation, speculative, speculator, spy, suspect, suspicion, suspicious]
nūntius, nuntiī M. = messenger, message
[announce, announcement, announcer, annunciate, annunciation, denounce, denouncement, denouncer, denunciation, denunciatory, enounce, enouncement, enunciate, enunciation, nuncio, pronounce, pronounceable, pronouncement, pronouncer, pronunciamento, pronunciation, pronunciative, pronunciatory, renounce, renouncement, renouncer, renunciation, renunciatory]
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventus/a/um = to come, arrive
[advene, advenement, advenient, Advent, advent, adventism, adventist, adventitious, adventitiously, adventitiousness, adventure, adventurer, adventuresome, adventuress,
anteroventral, atrioventricular, auriculoventricular, aventurous, adventurously, adventurousness, avenue, chemoprevention, circumvent, circumventive, circumvention, connivent, contravene, contravening, contravention, convenance, convenances, convene, convenience, convenient, conveniently, convent, conventicle, convention, conventional, conventionalism, conventionalist, conventionality, conventionalize, conventionally, conventual, conventually, covenant, covenant, covenanter, dorsoventral, event, eventful, eventfully, eventfulness, events, eventual, eventuality, eventually, eventuate, eventuation, idioventricular, inconvenience, inconvenient, inconveniently, intervene, intervention, interventional, Inveniam viam aut faciam. = “I will find a way or make one.”, invenient, invent, invention, inventive, inventively, inventiveness, inventively, inventory, misadventure, parvenu, peradventure, periadventitial, prevenient, prevent, prevent, preventative, preventable, preventative, preventible, prevention, preventive, preventively, preventiveness, provenance, provenience, revenue, souvenir, subvene, subvention, supervene, supervention, unconvenentionally, unconventional, unconventionality, uteroventral, venire, venire facias, ventose, venture, venture capital, venturer, venturesome, venturesomely, venturesomeness, venturous, venturously, venturousness, venue]
salūtō, salūtāre, salūtāvī, salūtātus/a/um = to greet [salutations, salute, salve]
[Morituri te salutamus. = “We who are about to die salute you.”, salubrious, salubriously, salubriousness, salubrity, salus mundi = “The welfare of the world.”, salutarily, salutary, salutation, Salutations!, salutatorian; salutatory, salute, salvation, salve, salvo, save, saver, saving, savingly, savior, vouchsafe]
Salvē! / Salvēte! = Greetings!, Hello! [salutations, salute, salve, see above]
inquit = he/she says/said [used with direct quotes]
meus. mea, meum = my [my, mine]
dūcō, dūcere, duxī, ductus/a/um = to lead, guide; take,bring
[abduce, abduct, abduction, adduce, adduction, aqueduct, caliduct, caloriduct, circumduct, conduce, conducive, conduct, conductor, conductress, conductus, conduit, contransduction, coproduct, counterproductive, deduce, deductible, ducal, ducat, duce, duchess, duchy, duct, ductile, ductile, ductus litterarum, duke, dukedom, educable, education, educe, eduction, induce, inducement, inductee, introduce, irreducible, misconduct, oviduct, photoconductivity, producer, product, productivity, reduce, reduction, reproduce, reproduction, seduce, seduction, subduction, subdue, traduce, transduction, ventiduct, viaduct]
trādō, trādere, trādidī, trāditus = to hand over [tradition, trade, traitor]
ēheu! = Alas!
prīnceps, prīncipis M. = emperor; leader, chieftain
[prince, princely, princess, principal, principality, principally, principle, principled, unprincipled]
ad urbem = to/toward the city [note the accusative of motion towards]
urbs, urbis F. = city [urban, urbane, urbanity, transurban]
revocō, revocāre, revocāvī, revocātus = to call back, recall [revoke, revocation]
cōnsulō, cōnsulere, cōnsuluī, cōnsultus = to consult; advise [consult, consul, counselor]
redeō, redīre, rediī [redīvī], redītus = to go back, return [exit, ambition]
Eugepae! = Hurray!
eō, īre, iī [īvī], ītus = to go [exit, ambition]
Quōs…? = Whom…? [pl.]