Donor Choice Report Instructions
To access the ePledge website, open Internet Explorer and type in the following address: Enter the user ID and password we have provided you.
Once you have entered your User ID and password and logged into the site, the main menu will appear.
Figure1 Home Page
Donor Listing
The Acknowledgement Report will allow you to generate the list of donors to your agency for which we are the processor.
On this report please note the following:
- The total dollar amounts on this report only refers to the funds processed by United Way of Greater Atlanta
- For the total dollar amount your agency is projected to receive, please refer to the DCP Payee By Organization Report.
Figure 2 Acknowledgement Report Page
The Acknowledgement Report may be generated at any time.
The Campaign Year defaults to the current campaign year being processed. To view a list of donors for a different year, use the drop down arrow in the campaign year box.
The Campaign Account option defaults to the campaign in which your organization has designations.
Below the Campaign Account box is the report format box. Use the drop down arrow to select the report format of your choice.
Click the "Submit" button once you have made your selection. The report will be available from "My Outputs" when produced.
Note: On this report the far right column labeled “Acknowledgement Previously Sent On” indicates the date of the report on which the designation was first captured.
Payee By Organization Report
Payee By Organization Report lists the details of donor designated payments. This report is available only when a payment is generated to your agency from arespective payout definition.
Select the payout definition that corresponds to the check received and click the Submit button to generate the report.
The Payee report may be generated at any time during the 3 month period starting from the date the payout was processed. For instance if the payout definition is 2012/13 #4 FULL PMT THRU 5/31/13 (06/19/13)thenthe reportmay be generated from June19th, 2013 through September19th, 2013. Beyond September 19th 2013, the report will no longer be available.
Figure 3 Payee by Organization Report
My Outputs
To view any of the reports featured on the site after submitting your request,select "My Outputs" from the side menu and you will see a list of current reports you have submitted with their current status.
To update your view click the Refresh button to refresh your screen. When your report status is "Ready" you may open and print the report in Adobe pdf format or save the csv-formatted report to your computer. We suggest that you save the reports to your computer. Reports in the Output queue are available for seven days.
Figure 4 My Outputs Page
Donor Choice DCP Payee Report by Organization
The first column lists the donors’ workplace, names and account numbers.
If the individual name is missing, then, the amountrepresents designations given as part of a corporate gift.
Anonymous donors will be listed as anonymous.
The following columns summarize projected amounts.
Total Designation column – represents the donor’s total annual pledge.
The Processing Expenses and Fundraising Expenses columns summarize the processing and fundraising fees paid to the respective entity. Please note that the processor and fundraiser are noted on the row above each company’s pledges.
The Net Projectedis the amount you will receive from processor if 100% of the designation is received.
Uncollectable Pledges represents pledges made but not received. United Way of Greater Atlanta pays your agency based on received dollars; therefore, this column will not apply.
The following columns summarize the actual payouts received by your agency.
Actual Cash Receivedis the allocated share of funds received as payment on the donor’s pledge. Payment may be received from the donor’s workplace through payroll deductionor directly from the donor.
TheCurrent Processing ExpenseandCurrent Fundraising Expensefor United Way of Greater Atlanta is a total of 9.5%. This is the amount deducted from the first payment to your agency for the respective campaign year. It matches the processing and fundraising expenses columns.
Adjust Amount reflects voided checks that mayor may not be reissued.
Direct Checks refers to checks sent to your agency that are not a part of the distribution payout. In many cases direct checks total includes funds raised by our United Way and paid by 3rd party processors.Occasionally, we receive checks from donors that are payable to an agency. These checks are forwarded to the agency and are included in the agency’s designation total.
Amount Paid Previouslyrepresents the total amount paid to your agency in previous distributions.
Amounts Due This Period represents the amount paid to your agency in the current check.
% Paid to Date is the total amount paid to your agency based on cash we have received as payment from the donor.
Summarized at the bottom rows of the DCP Payee Report by Organization are the following:
Payee Totals:reflects the summary for each column.
Reversal of Held Payments: reflects the amount withheld from your designations and payments. Our United Way will hold payments if an agency’s status or eligibility is being determined. Most often, this column will show zeros.
Distribution Adjustments: reflects voided checks that are being reissued in this distribution.
Actual Payee Totals: reflects the net amounts of each column after all adjustments.
Note: The total amount your organization is projected to receive from all processors is listed in the row under the “Total designation” column.
Payout Terms
Campaign Year - United Way of Greater Atlanta campaign typically runs from August through December of each year. Payments are received from donors and/or workplaces over an eighteen month cycle. For instance, campaign year 2012 runs from August through December of 2012. United Way of Greater Atlanta will receive payments on pledges over the next eighteen months starting January 2013 and ending June 2014.