Ebsco Search – DE and Policy
Record: 4
Title: It's My Library, Too, Isn't It?
Author(s): Barsun, Rita
Source: Journal of Library Administration; 2002, Vol. 37 Issue 1/2, p59, 24p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): LIBRARIANS
LIBRARIES & distance education
Abstract: Focuses on the responsibilities of distance education librarians students' development of a total information network that equitably uses both virtual and traditional libraries. Seven elements necessary for meeting the library and information needs of distance learners, their faculty and support staff; Policies of academic libraries toward unaffiliated users.
ISSN: 01930826
Accession Number: 10033963
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
*Abstract Only
Record: 6
Title: House Republicans Challenge New England Senators on Shaping Aid Policy.
Author(s): Burd, Stephen
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education; 2/15/2002, Vol. 48 Issue 23, pA14, 2p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): EDUCATION, Higher -- Government policy
Abstract: Focuses on the challenges brought by United States House Republicans on the higher-education policies of New England senators as of February 15, 2002. Information on House Resolution 1992, on federal financial aid for distance-education students; Problem on the formula the government uses to distribute funds in major financial-aid programs; Lawmakers on the panel in charge of higher-education policy.
Full Text Word Count: 2509
ISSN: 00095982
Accession Number: 6219439
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Reauthorization of Higher Education Act soon – may be a good time to include accessibility in guidelines
Record: 8
Title: Report: U.S. Schools Lack E-Learning Policies.
Author(s): Trotter, Andrew
Source: Education Week; 10/24/2001, Vol. 21 Issue 8, p13, 1/2p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DISTANCE education
EDUCATIONAL law & legislation -- United States
Abstract: Reports the lack of electronic learning policies in schools in the United States. Impact of the lack of drafted policies concerning e-learning on the educational system; Barriers to e-learning; Importance of determining the payment system, quality control and other matters in an e-learning mode of schooling.
Full Text Word Count: 636
ISSN: 02774232
Accession Number: 5467492
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
Record: 9
Author(s): Czubaj, Camilia Anne
Source: Education; Fall2001, Vol. 122 Issue 1, p119, 4p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DISTANCE education
UNITED States. -- Federal Communications Commission
EDUCATION -- Costs -- Government policy
Abstract: Policies are being developed to define and regulate distance education. Technology is one modality in the delivery processes of distance education. The Federal Communications Commission has adopted the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and established criteria for a technology plan that will receive monetary discounts under the Universal Service Program. Previous rulings were amended to include the "Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure." PurdueUniversity's Distance Education and Information Technology Unit has five goals to their program. The Committee at the University of Texas at Arlington monitors the federal, regional, and state governing bodies of distance education. The staff of the Texas Woman's University believes monitoring of the learners' knowledge is imperative. Facilities and programs in which distance education can occur should be made available. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Full Text Word Count: 1555
ISSN: 00131172
Accession Number: 5570432
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Types of DE
Record: 11
Title: A Study Produces a List of 24 Benchmarks for Quality Distance Education.
Author(s): Carnevale, Dan
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education; 4/7/2000, Vol. 46 Issue 31, pA45, 2/5p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DISTANCE education
INSTITUTE for Higher Education Policy (Organization)
Abstract: Informs on a study of top United States distance-education programs that has led researchers to compile a list of 24 benchmarks that can be used by institutions to create high-quality offerings. Review conducted by the Institute for Higher Education Policy; Sponsorship by the National Education Association, a faculty members' union and Blackboard Inc.
Full Text Word Count: 565
ISSN: 00095982
Accession Number: 2974965
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Find original study?
Record: 12
Title: Universities in Transition: The Promise and the Challenge of New Technologies.
Author(s): Burbules, Nicholas C.
Source: Teachers College Record; Apr2000, Vol. 102 Issue 2, p271, 23p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): TECHNOLOGICAL innovations
EDUCATION, Higher -- United States
DISTANCE education
EDUCATIONAL accountability
Abstract: This essay reviews two interrelated sets of changes that are having a major influence on higher education now and for the future. Our primary concern is with the changes wrought by the incorporation of new information and communication technologies into the teaching activities of colleges and universities. Today these are normally discussed under the rubric of "distance education,' but we believe this label misconceives the importance of online technologies in blurring' the distinctions between on- and off-campus teaching. We consider a number of ethical and policy issues arising from these changes and the ways in which the uses of these new technologies affect and are affected by a second set of changes affecting universities, the conditions of globalization. In general, we want to question the forced options of boosterism or rejectionism, along with other unhelpful dichotomies that have characterized much of the discussion of these issues up until now. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Full Text Word Count: 10117
ISSN: 01614681
Accession Number: 2988844
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Record: 14
Title: Cultural issues related to transnational Open and Distance Learning in universities: a European problem?
Author(s): Van den Branden, Jef
Lambert, Jose
Source: British Journal of Educational Technology; Jul99, Vol. 30 Issue 3, p251, 10p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): OPEN learning
DISTANCE education
EDUCATIONAL innovations
EDUCATIONAL anthropology
LANGUAGE experience approach in education
Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is much more than a didactic or technological issue. On the basis of contemporary approaches to culture, it is both an agent and a barometer of culture: culture influences the appearances, models and contents of ODL, but is influenced itself as well by the ODL phenomenon. Illustration of the point is made through an analysis of the historic roots of ODL in comparison with Europe's contemporary transnational and technology based ODL. The analysis results in an agenda for important cultural issues, such as the institutional character of ODL, its contribution to Europe's competitiveness, the shaping of a European citizenship, and the nature of European ODL in terms of its cultural barriers and cultural assets. The ambiguity of culture typically emerges when looking at language. European transnational, and especially technology based ODL, may be hindered by the multilingual societies of Europe, and remain so as long as language policies are imposed. It is advocated that language policies be replaced with language management, applied in a creative way (eg, by implementing appropriate technical solutions). The final question examined here, is whether these problems and solutions are particular to Europe, or whether there are good reasons for acknowledging the cultural origins, barriers and assets of a wider ODL model. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Full Text Word Count: 4568
ISSN: 00071013
Accession Number: 3251771
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
Creation of ODLs – Learning Communities/Cultures
Record: 15
Title: 2 Reports Question Utility and Accessibility in Distance Education.
Author(s): Blumenstyk, Goldie
McCollum, Kelly
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education; 4/16/99, Vol. 45 Issue 32, pA31, 2/3p, 1bw
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DISTANCE education
COLLEGE freshmen
Abstract: Comments on two reports which question the effectiveness of distance education. Report of the Institute of Higher Education Policy; Report of the College Board; Arguments; The theme of the College Board's report; E-mail use among college freshman; Advertisement featuring comedian Don Novello.
Full Text Word Count: 908
ISSN: 00095982
Accession Number: 1758080
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Find more on these studies
Record: 1
Source: Teaching Exceptional Children; Mar/Apr2003, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p68, 6p
Document Type: Interview
Subject(s): BRADEN, Jeff -- Interviews
DISTANCE education
INTERNET (Computer network) in education
Abstract: Interviews Jeff Braden, co-author of the book, 'Assessing One and All: Educational Accountability for Students With Disabilities.' Growth in distance education; Acceptance of online distance education by school systems and universities; Advantages and disadvantages of online distance education; Insights learned about student and instructor needs and preferences. INSET: Lisa Marie Vitale.
ISSN: 00400599
Accession Number: 9201844
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
*Abstract Only
Record: 4
Title: Making Web Sites Work for People With Disabilities.
Author(s): Foster, Andrea L.
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education; 2/2/2001, Vol. 47 Issue 21, pA30, 3p, 3c
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): STATE universities & colleges
HANDICAPPED -- United States
WEB sites -- Universities & colleges
DISTANCE education
Abstract: Focuses on the regulation demanding state-controlled colleges in the United States to make their Web sites accessible and to make sure that the hardware, software, machines and computer programs they purchase can be adapted for use by disabled people. Date set for the rule's effectivity; Application of the regulation to state-university Web pages; Impact of the regulation on distance education.
Full Text Word Count: 2254
ISSN: 00095982
Accession Number: 4040356
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Record: 5
Title: For the Disabled, Barriers to Online Study.
Author(s): Nussbaum, Debra
Source: New York Times; 04/09/2000, Vol. 149 Issue 51353, Section 4A p41, 1/2p, 2bw
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): HANDICAPPED students -- Education
HANDICAPPED -- Legal status, laws, etc.
DISTANCE education
Abstract: Deals with the difficulties faced by United States disabled students in online learning over the Internet. Details on the case of Frances Moyer, a student with macular degeneration; Importance of the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act; Cost of online courses for disabled.
ISSN: 03624331
Accession Number: 3023656
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
*Abstract Only
Record: 6
Title: Going the Distance.
Author(s): Kessler, David
Keefe, Barbara
Source: American School & University; Jul99, Vol. 71 Issue 11, p44, 3p, 1c
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DISTANCE education
HANDICAPPED -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Abstract: Examines how to achieve full access to distance-learning programs for all students. Definition of distance-learning; Provisions under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990; Things to consider in designing an accessible distance-education classroom; Regulatory requirements that affect the design of learning facilities. INSET: A model for the deaf.
Full Text Word Count: 1588
ISSN: 00030945
Accession Number: 2172273
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
Record: 7
Title: Alaska's Rural Early Intervention Preservice Training Program.
Author(s): Ryan, Susan
Source: Rural Special Education Quarterly; Summer/Fall99, Vol. 18 Issue 3/4, p21, 8p, 1 chart
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): EARLY childhood educators -- Training of
DISTANCE education
UNIVERSITY of Alaska (Anchorage, Alaska) -- Graduate work
Abstract: Describes a Master's level training program for early intervention personnel currently providing services in rural Alaska to infants and toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities and their families. Implementation of current best practices in early intervention via distance education; Graduate training program at the University of Alaska-Anchorage.
Full Text Word Count: 4131
ISSN: 87568705
Accession Number: 4035508
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
Record: 8
Title: Life Beyond the Large City: A Distance Education Program in Learning Disabilities at theUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte
Author(s): Jordan, LuAnn
Spooner, Fred
Calhoun, Mary Lynne
Beattie, John
Algozzine, Bob
Galloway, Tara
Source: Rural Special Education Quarterly; Summer/Fall99, Vol. 18 Issue 3/4, p44, 14p, 3 charts, 1 graph
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DISTANCE education
TEACHERS -- Training of
SPECIAL education
UNIVERSITY of North Carolina (Charlotte, N.C.)
NORTH Carolina
Abstract: Describes a distance education program in learning disabilities at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. Technology used; Faculty and student training for using the distance education technology; Service to rural areas around the metropolitan area of Charlotte.
Full Text Word Count: 7005
ISSN: 87568705
Accession Number: 4035511
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
Technologies Used
Record: 10
Title: Help for businesspeople with disabilities.
Author(s): Sorohan, Erica Gordon
Source: Training & Development; Jul95, Vol. 49 Issue 7, p13, 2p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): HANDICAPPED -- Education
BUSINESS education
DISTANCE education
Abstract: Reports that GeorgeWashingtonUniversity's School of Business and Public Management in Washington, D.C., and DIAD, have jointly developed a distance learning program aimed to develop the entrepreneurial and leadership skills of peoples with disabilities. Participation in interactive live video classes.
Full Text Word Count: 376
ISSN: 10559760
Accession Number: 9608222380
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Record: 11
Title: `Distance learning' programs.
Source: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness; Sep/Oct94, Vol. 88 Issue 5, JVIB News Service p17, 1/8p
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DISTANCE education -- Catalogs
HANDICAPPED students -- Services for
Abstract: Reports on a catalog titled `Distance Learning and Adults with Disabilities' which describes classes for the handicapped available through computer conferencing, on cable television and on videocassettes. Contact information.
Full Text Word Count: 62
ISSN: 0145482X
Accession Number: 9502173174
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
Get Paper!!!
Record: 13
Title: Distance education: Removing barriers to knowledge.
Author(s): Barron, D.
Source: School Library Journal; Nov89, Vol. 35 Issue 15, p28, 6p, 1 illustration, 1c, 4bw
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): HOME schooling
Abstract: Discusses distance education in the US which helps provide quality education to people who, due to disabilities or location, are unable to travel to schools or instruction. Home study; History and background of distance education; Implementation of the Star Schools program; Use of cable television, public television, computers, and satellite technology; Rule of school library media specialists and librarians. INSET: Star Schools partnerships.;Commercial programs & services.
ISSN: 03628930
Accession Number: 9001150766
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
*Abstract Only
Ebsco Search – DE and AT
Record: 1
Title: Using Talking Lights Illumination-Based Communication Networks to Enhance Word Comprehension by People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Author(s): Hinman, Roderick T.
Lupton, E. C.
Leeb, Steven B.
Avestruz, Al-Thadeus
Gilmore, Robert
Paul, Donald
Peterson, Nancy
Source: American Journal of Audiology; Jun2003, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p17, 6p, 3 charts
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): DEAF
HEARING impaired
VISUAL education
HEARING disorders
EAR -- Diseases
Abstract: Presents a study which detailed a method that has been developed to transmit auditory and visual information to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Methods; Results; Discussion.
ISSN: 10590889
Accession Number: 10221649
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify.
*Abstract Only
Record: 2
Author(s): Bray, Marty
Flowers, Claudia P.
Smith, Shelia
Algozzine, Robert F.
Source: Education; Summer2003, Vol. 123 Issue 4, p815, 16p, 2bw
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): WEB sites
WEB sites -- Directories
Abstract: Many Elementary Schools use the World Wide Web (WWW) to disseminate and gather information. On-line barriers limit the accessibility of the WWW for students with disabilities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accessibility of Elementary Schools' home pages. A total of 244 Elementary School web sites were located using a popular online directory and evaluated for accessibility. A software program was used to quantify the number of accessibility errors at each site. The results indicated that most (57.4%) Elementary School home pages had accessibility problems, many of which were severe and should be given a high priority for correcting. The good news is that the majority of the errors can easily be corrected. The work reflects a need for Elementary Schools to examine the accessibility of their home pages. Direction for improving accessibility is provided. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Full Text Word Count: 4747
ISSN: 00131172
Accession Number: 10187559
Database: Academic Search Elite
Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine.
Lots of info – good list of resources
Record: 3
Title: Telemedicine and the delivery of health services to veterans with multiple sclerosis.
Author(s): Hatzakis Jr., Michael
Haselkorn, Jodie
Williams, Rhonda
Turner, Aaron
Nichol, Paul
Source: Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development; May/Jun2003, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p265, 18p, 3 charts, 1 graph, 1 map, 2bw
Document Type: Article
Subject(s): TELECOMMUNICATION in medicine
MULTIPLE sclerosis
VETERANS -- Medical care