Announcements for December 11, 2016
Activities this week
After Services: Cookie Walk
Gift Wrapping
Monday: 9:30 am Quilters
7:00 pm Consistory
Tuesday: 9:30 am Badminton
11:00 am Balance for Life
1:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Bible Study
Wednesday: 7:30 am Bible Study
Thursday: 9:30 am Badminton
7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Saturday: 9:00 am Soup Preparation
10:00 am Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
4:30 pm Youth Fusion
Join us in Schadewald Hall after worship for our Annual Cookie Walk sponsored by the Women’s Guild. After church go into Schadewald Hall, take a box, fill it with other people’s favorite cookies. It is fun and you will save some time baking. We loveallgoodies -homemade or store bought.Please sign up for refreshments for fellowship hour. There is a signup sheet posted in Schadewald Hall. DATES AVAILABLE.
Cookie Walk – Today: After church, go into Schadewald hall, pick up a box,
go down the tables and pick up a variety of cookies and pay just $6 a pound and your Christmas baking is all finished. Bakers, please divided your cookies between two trays of cookies. You don’t have to have baked to shop.
PECANS HAVE ARRIVED! Pick them up in Schadewald Hall. See Sandy Emrich.
Today is the last day to bring in items for the Giving Tree. It isn’t too late to help spread Christmas cheer. Thank you for your support. Please see Lisa Longto or Sandy Emrich with any questions.
Do you like to wrap gifts? There will be a wrapping party right after the
Cookie Walk on the stage in Schadewald Hall. You don't need to bring anything except yourself. If you have any questions, please see Lisa Longto or Sandy Emrich.
Christmas Party at the Parsonage. Open House from 2-6 pm today.
Tuesday Evening Bible Study: December 13, 7:00-8:30 pm. Study of the
Prologue to the Gospel of John and how it relates to the birth narratives of Matthew and Luke.
Social Solos will have their lunch date on December 14 at noon at Reginatos
Restaurant in Lake Katrine.
The Soup Elves will be at work next week on Saturday (12/17) and selling
"Market Basket Soup" on Sunday (18th) after church. Cost of a quart is $7.00. If anyone would like to join us on Saturday at 9:00, please see Dennis or Sonnie.
It creeps up on you! The Spire deadline that is! December 20th is looming and
Dorothy needs content for the next issue of the Spire. You know what to do!
Poinsettia order forms are included in this week’s bulletin.Please return your
order to Shirley Ruth today.
Women’s Ministry Bible Study: Women’s Ministry Bible Study is studying the
bookReally Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs. Women’s Ministry Bible Study meets every other Tuesday at 1pm in the Dutch Room. Next meeting December 13.
Confirmation class is forming in January. Class is scheduled for Sundays after
church and is for people aged 12-16. For more information, call the church office.
Classics in Religion at the Kingston Library. December’s offering is “Jesus and
his Jewish Influences” led by Cantor Bob Cohen, cantor at Temple Emmanuel and chair of the Ulster County Religious Council. Meetings are at the Kingston Library on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. Dates are December 14, 21.
Mission of the month: Our December Mission is the Family of Woodstock
Teen Shelter. This is a place for teens who have either been removed from their homes or left them.
The Reformed Church is a connectional church. Our classis includes 33
congregations in the Mid-Hudson Valley. We pray for the strength and vision of the pastors and the revitalization of their members. Today we pray for Rochester Reformed Church, Accord, New York
2017 Envelopes are available in Schadewald Hall. Classis dues are $108 per
person or $9.00 per month. Classis assessment is per member and supports ourDenominational Financial Responsibility.
Box tops for Education. A container has been set up in Schadewald Hall to
collect Box tops for Education. A separate box is also available for
Campbell Soup Labels. They will be given to Myer School. See Aileen Helsley for more information.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Hurley
Reformed Church every time you shop at You’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible purchases. This is an easy way to support the Church while you shop for Christmas.
New Consistory Members have been approved by the congregation. They are: Elder: Paul Vonderheide. Deacons: Linda Clarke-Dido and Marilyn Lowe. If anyone knows of any legitimate objections they should contact a member of the Board of Elders.
“Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand.” How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Dr. Seuss
Events at other churches: Check the Bulletin Board in the entrance to
Schadewald Hall for more information.
Exploring Universal Themes of Advent, Reformed Church of Saugerties,
December 15 and 22, 7:00 pm
Candlelight Service, Reformed Church of New Paltz, December 11, 5 pm
Cookie Walk, Reformed Church of the Comforter, December 17, 1 pm
Living Nativity, Old Dutch Church, December 20 & December 21; 6:30 pm
Annual Epiphany Gathering, First Reformed Church of Fishkill, January 8,
3:30 pm
O Come, Let Us Adore Him
You and Your family are invited to join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in our Christmas Eve Services:
7:00pm - A service of Carols and Candles to welcome the Light that comes in the Christ Child
9:00pm - We celebrate His birth with a service of Carols, Candles, and Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Experience the Wonder in the beauty of the season
as we join together in the sanctuary to welcome Him
as the Babe of Bethlehem who comes to give us joy and
peace, this night and all year long.
It's That Time Again!!!
Once again it's time to place your orders for poinsettia plants to adorn the sanctuary for the Holiday season.
Plants are one size, one color, and one price: red at $10.00 each.
Number of plants:______@ $10.00 each: Total due______
In Memory of:______
In Honor of:______
We are requesting that you take your plant home or deliver it to someone special.
Make Checks Payable to: HRC Women's Guild
Give to Shirley Ruth after worship or mail to:
215 Grandview Terrace, HurleyNY12443
Payment must be received by December 11, 2016