Ebru workshop for kids

EBRU is an old Persian technique that uses the water’s surface to create images or patterns, which is then transferred onto paper. The word "EBRU" comes from Turkish and means "sky" or "cloudy".

Paint is spread on the water by using special brushes such that colours do not mix. Then, by using metal sticks or brushes you form models and shapes. When the image is complete, one can simply transfer it on a special paper sheet by placing it on the coloured water.

EBRU art is different from other types of painting and drawing techniques. The result may not always be what initially expected but this part is what makes this type of art so unique.

EBRU is enhancing imagination, creativity and, at the same time, puts your patience to test. We hope that more people become interested in this type of art, which is currently little known in Norway. Children will learn the EBRU technique and handle colours and materials used for this, as well as various general ways to create shapes. Then they can explore and use their imagination and create their own artwork / images / patterns.

EBRU: The Art Of Paper Marbling

Day 1

General information about EBRU technique, how we make ready to paint and the use of materials (paint brushes and other tools). We also learn about colours and basic techniques.


Battal: Stony It is the oldest known pattern in ebru. There are also variations of the Battal designs. Colors are simply applied with a brush without using a comb or an awl.

EBRU-techniques “BATTAL


Day 2

EBRU-techniques “GEL-GIT EBRUSU”

Drawing parallel lines in a back-and-forth.

EBRU-techniques: “HATIP EBRUSU”

It consists of concentric shapes of several colours formed one inside the other and can be acclaimed as the foundation of flowery ebru.

Day 3

EBRU-techniques:: “BULBUL YUVASI”

Nightingale's Nest On a Battal pattern from out to in drawing spirals.

Day 4



Day 5


Combed This pattern is obtained by applying a comb.

Day 6


Flowers - Pansies

Day 7



Day 8

EBRU Freestyle: The children can explore and use their imagination and create their own artwork.

Day 9

The children will also try out imprinting the paint on other materials than paper, such as wood. In this way they can design their own jewelery. All children will receive a wooden bracelet to put their creativity at test.

EBRU is great Art Therapy for kids.

We hold all of the equipment and materials used in the course.

Courses are supported by Florinda Zeida

