Date:September 11, 2012
In Attendance:
EBoard:Rick Koczera, Kiley Palmer, Deborah Polydys, Tim O’Shea, Greg Sioch
Members:Kyle Gunderson, Tom Porter, Ron Pastor, Alex Partyka, Pat Testa, John Shea, Chris Kohl, Shawn Jean, Sarah Jean, Jeffrey Buonanni, Michael Ferreri, Scott Barmore, Rob Thomson, Tito Roderick, Jim Tracy, Andy Pettola, John Degumbia, George Cardozo, Kyle Cooney
Meeting called to order at 8:15 p.m.
Review and approval of previous minutes.
Announcement that John Degumbia had resigned from the Flag Commissioner Position and that the E-Board had voted in Tom Porter as the new Flag Commissioner for the remainder of the season.
Based on feedback from the teams, a motion was put on the table to amend the By Laws in regards to the 3 points for a kick after a touchdown to be 2 points for a kick after a touchdown and 1 point for a run or a pass after a touchdown. All in favor –yes. None opposed.
Review of field set up and breakdown. Home team sets up field at the beginning of game day. Visiting team picks up field at the end of the last game of the day. Home side is on the same side as the concessionstand. Chains are on the visitor’s side.
Are now having Game Announcers for all Tackle Games. Are looking for 2 adults or kids to announce each game. Feedback is positive. People like the game anouncements.
Comment was made that it is difficult to read the scoreboard. Need to get bulbs changed to make it easier to read. The league is looking for volunteers to do this.
Putting a field clean up schedule together this week.
Pictures schedule coming out this week for the next two Saturdays. Broncos are playing Friday nights for the next 2 weeks. Will work with photographer to decide when pictures are to be taken.
New announcer’s booth needs to be built out and installed. Will need carpenters and electricians.
SVMFL has received a donation of a score board. The old board will be moved to the lower flag field. The goal posts located on that field are broken again due to kids playing on them. Consensus was made to take them down. The Town does not want SVMFL to install football goal posts on the lower field. They want us to install universalgoalposts on that lower field.
The Powder Puff League has been launched. Saturday, September 29th is the first game. Powder Puff Game Jerseys should be in by then. Have had some problems with kids hanging around and mouthing off as well as parents not coming until late to pick up their children.
Nov. 17th is the Mom’s Powder Puff Game. Need volunteersfrom SVMFL Coaches to act as refs for that game. Pink mouth pieces have been purchased and distributed to both the girls and Mom’s Powder Puff Teams.
Officials are all set for flag & tackle. SVMFL board members will meet with both head coaches and officials to review our rules as well as to educate coaches on what the officials look for during the game.
There were some concerns about consistency. Kiley Palmer, President, will meet with officials to discuss issues and concerns.
Alex Partyka asked why the board decided to change officials this year. The review of last year’s officials was that they were very demanding; expecting free food and the ability to dictate terms back to the league. Had issues with consistency as SVMFL received the newest officials and not the experienced ones. There were also problems with the manner in which the officials talked to the players on the field.
This current group of officials is willing to work with us on our terms. We are receiving seasoned officials for the games. They are donating funds back to the league. They have been very accommodating and responsive. They are insured by the town, by us and by themselves. In comparing both groups – SVMFL received more across the board while also saving money.
The Code of Conduct was raised. It is believed that many of our players do not really understand what it means. Kyle Gunderson felt that all coaches need to constantly reiterate the Code of Conduct to the players. Feels it also needs to be applied consistently. Gunderson will be part of committee that will review the Code of Conduct and determine how the rules should be applied.
There will be a meeting this Thursday at 8:15 p.m.with the officials.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.