East-west encounters : Indonesia


Enquiry Question / East-west encounters : Indonesia
Content / ※Features of western expansion to Indonesia
※Effects of western expansion to Indonesia
※Reponses of Indonesians to western penetration
Learning Objectives / Knowledge / ※Features of western expansion to Indonesia
※Effects of western expansion to Indonesia
※Reponses of Indonesians to western penetration
Skills / ※To observe and comprehend
※To establish historical images and think creatively
※To illustrate and explain sources
Attitude / ※To be inquisitive and willing to think
※To care about and respect historical experience of other nations and to understand with empathy the development of Indonesia

Source A

Watch the documentary: Modernisation and transformation in 20th-century Southeast Asia : Case study (Indonesia)(00:00-2:15),and complete the tasks in the worksheet.

  1. Refer to Source A, please explain the reasons for western expansion to Indonesia?


  1. How did Holland get Indonesia?


  1. Please explain the effects of western expansion to Indonesia.



Source B
In 2007, an Indonesian expressed on the Internet his views of Dutch rule over Indonesia. Below is an extract of his views.
...the Dutch stole millions of dollars of resources, including royal treasures and heritage from Indonesia... Over 80% of our cultural heritage was stolen by the Dutch.
...The Dutch excluded Javanese and other Indonesians in politics, administration, and the military... the Dutch caused the Java War (1825-30)... a bitter guerrilla conflict in which 200,000 Javanese died...
The Dutch enforced growing of export crops... They raised the land tax and created economic problems.
...We Indonesians will never forget the Dutch slavery and rape of our nation...
  1. How did the writer of Source B see the Dutch administration of Indonesia? Why did he see it in such a way? Explain your answer by citing two evidences in the source. (2+4 marks )

View:(2marks )


Causes and Evidences: (any two) (2+2 marks)


  1. If I were an Indonesian, I would …

Dutch ruled Indonesia since the 17thc up to 1942. It has great impact on Indonesia, such as……
/ / IIf I were an Indonesian, I would …
  1. Draw a cartoon in the space below to express the life of the Indonesians at the time of Dutch Colonial Rule. Add a caption to the cartoon

Caption / Cartoon
(Answer Open-ended) / (Answer Open-ended)