Tonka Babe Ruth
Board Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2008
Eleventh(11th) meeting of the year
2008 Officers:
Vice President:MarkShepherd
2008 Members and Assistants Present: (12) (meetings attended / 2008 meetings) Eric Fahlsing(9/11), John Flynn(9/11), Terry Franzen (7/8), JimHayden(9/11),Jeff Kraimer(8/11),Shelby Manion(8/11),Benno Sand(10/11), Greg Smith(10/11),Kristin Smith (7/11), Tim Tobin(11/11), Julie Tuttle(10/11), Jeff VanThournout(10/11),
2008 Members and Assistants Not Present:(10)
Bob Dayton(1/11),Bob Demun(5/6),Jim Kimes (4/11),Mark Maddox(7/11),Jim Quackenbush (0/11), Joe Rieder(6/11), Tom Schneider (1/5), Mark Shepherd(9/11),Mark Williams(2/11), Steve Youngstedt (3/11),
July 9, 2008 8:00p to 10:00p, Wednesday: BennettFamilyPark Pavilion
August 13, 2008 8:00p to 10:00p, Wednesday: BennettFamilyPark Pavilion
Meeting called to order at 8:02 p.m. by Tim Tobin
May 14 2008 Meeting Minutes had been approved.
Meeting Agenda reviewed and approved.
AGENDA ITEMS in order of discussion:
- Treasures’ Report
Kristin Smith provided a cash basis budget report as of June 11, 2008. Kristin expressed concern that the various surcharges need to be collected from Senior TBR and Tournament Teams as budgeted. Action Item: Terry Franzen will coordinate collection of fees.
- Registration Report
Shelby Manion continued the discussion on fees and how the league will collect the outstanding Senior Babe Ruth registration fees. This continued as a discussion about Buddy Ball and how that registration will work. Benno Sand introduced a proposed registration form that created many more comments. Tom Snyder was not present to give an over view of the Buddy Ball registration plan and some things need to be finalized.
Action Item: Tom Snyder will coordinate the registration of the Buddy Ball Season, which is coming up quickly.
Action Item: Terry Franzen will coordinate fall ball uniforms.
- Team Parent Update:
Julie Tuttle reported there are 22 teams that will be donating a “team basket” to the BFP Parent Party Auction being held June 18th. She also reminded the board that Chanhassen has requested our help on July 4th with their city celebration. Chanhassen is a great partner with TBR and Tim Tobin asked people to volunteer if they can.
Action Item: Julie Tuttle will coordinate getting the baskets to John Nelson, golf even chairperson.
- TBR Year End Survey
Benno Sand brought up the year end survey and asked people to think about what sort of questions should be asked. It was also discussed that we would try to use an electronic survey.
Action Item: Benno Sand will coordinate the collection of YE Survey questions if you can send him your ideas.
- All Star Team Selection
Team selection was discussed and Benno Sand was asked to post the all star selection process prominently on the web page to help answer questions. Coach selection was discussed and candidate qualifications were discussed.
Motionto approve the following 2008 all star head coaches: John Flood, 15-yr-old coach; Greg Smith, 14-yr-old coach; Tony Ingraffia,13-yr-oldcoach by Benno Sand, second by Shelby Manion. No discussion, Motion Passes.
Action Item: Benno Sand will post the all star selection process on the web page where people can have easy access.
- Uniform and Equipment Status:
Terry Franzen spoke on behalf of Jim Kimes. Terry said Metro Athletic is saying equipment costs may be up as much as 25% next year. Metro also reports it is too late to order balls, etc. early in an attempt to get a lower price. A discussion took place about possible alternate sources. No action required at this time other than to plan accordingly for next year.
- Majors Division Report:
Greg Smith reported the Memorial Day Wood Bat tournament was a success and should be considered for both AAA and Prep in 2009.
- AAA Division Report:
Terry Franzen reported that a couple teams continue to struggle. A discussion about umpires took place.
- PREP Division Report:
Greg Smith said there was some concern that some teams were not following, or at least tracking, the TBR pitch count rules as they should. Everyone felt comfortable with the TBR pitch count rules as they are written.
Tim Tobin reported that the PREP travel team tryouts went well, but four (4) hours was a long time.
John Flynn said that MLB tournaments require bats be -9 or heavier. And, Benno Sand said Hopkins-Minnetonka Babe Ruth has the -9 rule and our teams should be following it when they play at Hopkins.
Action Item: In 2009 Benno Sandand Shelby Manion will try to make it clear to parents and players that, although TBR Prep does not have any bat restrictions, TBR Prep teams will be participating in inter-league and tournaments where a -9 bat is required. This should help parents with bat purchases.
- Senior Babe Ruth Division Report:
It was reported by Jeff Kramer, that even thought the schedules were completed games have been missed because the schedule did not get communicated effectively. It was strongly suggested that Senior TBR should get some extra focus in preparing for the 2009 season.
Action Item: Jim Hayden will help organize a committee to work on Senior TBR for the 2009 season.
- Tournament Teams:
A short review of our TBR Tournament Team results took place. The PREP A team did not get registered for the tournament they were scheduled to play in. The PREP AA team had fairly good success and the PREP AAA team did not do well in their first tournament. Some of this was attributed to a tough draw in their pool.
- Freshman Team at Area High Schools:
Benno Sandinformed the board that Minnetonka HS may start a 9th grade team in the spring of 2009. There was concern this may impact the TBR Majors Division and overall TBR registration numbers and competitiveness. Benno Sand had prepared a list of potential good and bad impacts this might have on TBR. He said he would email his thoughts to the board.
Tim Tobin asked that board members send him an email wit their thoughts and how me might work with the school district to minimize any impact a 9th grade team could have on TBR.
Action Item: Everyone please email your thoughts to Tim Tobin.
Motion to adjourn made by Eric Fahlsing, second by Kristin Smith. Meeting Adjourned at 10:13 PM.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 9, 2008 8:00p to 10:00p.m.BennettFamilyPark Pavilion
Respectfully submitted by John Flynn
Please return all comments and corrections to John Flynn by FridayJune 20th. If no changes are requested the minutes will be considered approved.
TBR Board Meeting Minutes - 2008 - 6 - 11 - June