News and Notes
East KY/KEDC Cadre Meeting
October 9, 2017
Trisha Carroll – KEDC welcomed everyone. Big SHOUT OUT to Trisha and KEDC staff for once again serving as a gracious hostess.
Trisha Carroll gave us a brief overview of our current pension situation. Great information was provided. Thanks Trisha- our pensions are important to all of us and really impact so many people! We do need to let our voices be heard!!!!!
Amy Polston gave a wonderful presentation showcasing Pulaski County Schools. The Literacy Bell is an excellent idea to allow students to announce they can READ!!!
Sean Murphy- KDE gave some Title I Updates on changes with Equitable Services and Consultation with private schools. EL students in Title III- provide narrative in GMAP on how schools/districts will serve these students
Erin Sudduth – KDE presented on Methodology – Supplement- not-Supplant. Two methods to document methodology are Staffing Allocation Sheets and the Comparability Report. District Coordinators must have on file in their office documentation of methodology by December 10, 2017. Erin completed a mock Comparability Report for us. Great Job Erin!!
Jennifer Baker – Title II – KDE gave an excellent presentation Teaching and Learning – Career Pathways. The jest of this initiative is to “grow our own” teachers beginning with high school juniors and seniors. Educators Rising was also presented. Excellent handouts were provided.—Thanks Jenn Baker- Great work!!!
Sean Murphy – KDE presented information on Foster Students in our schools. IC clerks in schools must make sure each foster student has a start date and end date (if applicable). Also- if possible type in the school of origin. Sean also gave us a copy of House Bill 33 that deals with the requirements of CHFS to notify schools that they are in custody of the student and who is authorized to make contact with the student. A documentation form was provided. Thanks Sean – good job!
Natasha Napier- KDE gave an overview of eProve and gave us some future training dates. Wonderful presentation!!!
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 16, 2018 beginning at 10:00 am. We will meet at KEDC offices in Lexington.
Current agenda items are: Legislative Updates, eProve, Charter Schools, Title II updates, District Showcase will be Clark County Schools – Christy Bush and Assessment Updates. Please email Trisha Carroll or myself if you have agenda items you want added.
Finally, the handouts for today’s meeting have been added to the KEDC website.
Four hours of EILA credit were awarded