East Grand Forks Blue Line Club

General Meeting April 16, 2008

Meeting called to order by John Egeland @ 8:00 pm

Members present: John Egeland, Scott Selk, Rod Hajicek, Mark Dragich, Troy Pecka, Mark Cowger, Randy Galstad, Janna Swanson, Brenda Konze, Liesa Hanson, Jason Mack, Jeff Boyum, Nick Bowen, Brent Lindstrom, Steve Olson, Dave Aker, Matt Fore, Chad Grassel, Jason Hearn, Warren Konze, Bruce Nelson, Drew Mortenson

Prior Minutes-Motion to approve by Mark Cowger, 2nd by Brent Lindstrom, Motion carried.

Treasurers Report- Mark gave report. Motion was made by Warren Konze and 2nd by Rod Hajicek. Motion carried. Mark also gave a “Big Thank You” to Loren Abel & Linda Peterson for all of their work on the Spring Raffle. Approximate profit of $18,500. 871 tickets sold and our most successful raffle yet.

Gaming Report-Brenda Konze gave report. Motion to approve by Steve Olson, 2nd by Jason Mack. Motion carried.

Concession Report-Brenda Konze reported that the season ended well and we will be having a sale of left over items next week. Motion to approve by Scott Selk, 2nd by Bruce Nelson. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Blue Line Club Arena- Mark Cowger reported the compressor has been moved and the floor is done. Red River Refrigeration is coming on Thursday. Will be ready for boards.

New Business:

07/08 Peanut Parents-Randy Galstad presented a check from the 07-08 Peanut parents from the Peanut Jamboree in which they had profit of $3073 from their raffle. There are still funds coming from clothing and photo’s.

Dave Aker-Dave Aker thanked the club for the plant that was sent to him while he was in the hospital.

Bruce Nelson-reported that Steph Larson is looking for a home for a foreign exchange student. Cannot be in home with pets.

Board Elections-John Egeland reported that during the board meeting this evening that the board had agreed to accept all 4 candidates for the board.

Next Meeting May 21st 8:00 at American Legion Club.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Chad Grassel, 2nd by Bruce Nelson

Submitted April 17, 2008

By Brenda Konze, Secretary

EGF Blue Line Club