East Front Series Expanded Sequence of Play – References to Crimea rulebook
* Note: Activities marked may beaffected by presence of Non-Op HQs.
A. Strategic Segment
(Both players; any order unless noted)
1. Weather Determination Phase:
a. Determined by Axis player fromscenario instructions or the appropriatescenario Weather Table [5.1].
b. If Stormcondition occurs, move all air units inReady Boxes, plus reinforcing /replacement air units to the Flown Box[9.12], move any flotilla in a sea orcoastal hex to nearest in-range friendlyport and mark flotillas Do Not Move 1GT [23.34].
c. Conduct Moscow AirBombardment [AGCPB 14.10.2, TyPB19.5.4] if allowed
2. Supply Determination Phase:
a. Axis logistics pause [KtRPB 5.1]
b. Trace supply to all on-map units[6.1]. In any hex where supply statushas changed, remove Emergency/Outof Supply markers if now in generalsupply [6.62]; flip EmergencySupply markers to Out of Supply [6.64]; place new Emergency Supply markers [6.63]
Note: If units draw their supply from a Port that may be subject to Axis Air Interdictionthis turn, then for those units, perform this step, and step 2c, after the Interdiction Status (and hence supply capacity) is determined (6.i)
c. Remove MSUs/flip Dumps servingas one-turn Supply Sources. RemoveEmergency/Out of Supply markers fromhexes now in general supply [6.62]
d. Receive ASPs [6.81]; convertASPs into MSUs or Dumps usingavailable Supply counters; set asideuntil friendly Movement Phase [6.83-4]
e. Strongpoint deterioration [6.76]
f. Axis fuel shortage [KtRPB 5.2]
g. Supply Base Unit removal [9.95]
h. Place Bridge Units (2/map) [23.22]*
i. Emplace Crimea Ice Bridge [CPB 10.44]
j. Axis player acquires Super-Heavy Artillery ammo points required (1xASP = 4xSHAP) [CPB 10.54g]
3. Replacement Phase:
a. The Soviet player refers to thescenario Set-Up Card /ReplacementChart [AGSPB, AGCPB, AGNPB 6.4,KtRPB 3.2, CPB] for:
1) Use or lose RPs[7.24,7.25] and Strongpoints (including EType) - note and set aside (Can store Strongpointsin Active Box)for theSoviet Engineering Phase [7.21]. Spend anyV typeRPs immediately.
2) TypeI RPs – adjustInfantry Repl marker for:
• new points received [7.22a],
• points received for each eligibleReserve/Militia step converted[7.22b-c].
3) Zap units already in a town/city/major citycan be exchanged for an eligible one-step unit from the Cadre Box [7.22.c.1]
4) If playing a Combined Game, Release One Untried Militia unit from movement restrictions from GT18 onwards [KtRPB 3.5f]
5) "R" Results: remove oneGarrison marker now, or set asidechosen Pool Group(s) to enter asreinforcements; adjust VP marker ifnecessary [7.26b and CPB 3.23f].
6) “M” Results: Advance MandatedAttack marker [7.26a].
7) “S” Results: Remove OOS /Emergency marker or add 1 ASP.
b. Spend Type I RPs to move Zap units from the Cadre Box to the Active Box [7.22.c.3]
c. The Axis player refers to thescenario Set-Up Card for:
1) Use-or-Lose RPs - expendimmediately in this turn or lose [7.33].
2) Type A or I RPs – adjustAxis Replacement markers [7.31 and 7.32].
4. Reinforcement/Withdrawal Phase:
a. Victory Plan determination [AGSPB14.8, AGCPB 14.9, Typhoon RB 17.3, KtRPB 10.65, CRB 10.35].
b. Remove available Axis/Sovietreinforcements plus chosen Pool Groupsfrom Set-Up Cards. Adjust VPs asrequired for Pool Groups. Set asideground units. Place air units on Air UnitStatus Charts [8.21 - 8.23].
c. Withdraw required units (or their substitutes)or pay VPs [8.7].
5. Air Readiness Phase:
(Refer to Air Unit Status Cards.)
a. Resolve readiness for air units inFlown Boxes [9.11].
b. Resolve readiness for air units inDamaged Boxes [9.11].
c. Optional Air System (AGC/AGS) -Refer to Optional Air System Card
d. If playing a Combined Game, transfer any required Air units to the new ‘flown’ holding box and place a Do Not Move 2GT Marker on them [KtRPB 3.5d].
6. Axis Air Interdiction Phase:
a. Remove previously placed Interdiction Markers from the last GT [CSW #13352].
b. Designate New Interdiction mission hexes,
or Soviet Sea Loss [AGNPB 8.7.2].
c. Axis player places air units fromReady Box face down on in-rangemission hexes [17.23, AGNPB 8.7.4], or onto the Naval Movement Interdiction Box.
d. Soviet player places fighters fromReady Box on mission hexes [17.23], or onto the Naval Movement Interdiction Box, as desired.
Exception: Soviet Sea Loss [AGNPB8.7.3].
e. Axis player reveals units; declaresmission/firing unit status of dual-purposefighters [17.31b2]
f. Resolve each air combat [17.33]
g. Soviet player resolves AA Fire againstsurviving Axis mission air units [17.4].
h. Place Interdiction markers in missionhexes which still contain Axis mission airunits [13.14] and in the Naval Movement Interdiction Box. Place air units in Flown Box.
i.Re-check supply status of units utilising Ports for supply which now have Interdiction - and adjust supply status (perform steps 2b and 2c) as necessary [CPB 8.44].
j. [AGNPB 8.7.4b3 and 15.13]: Roll on Port Interdiction Table orInset Map Ground Interdiction Table and applystep loss or damage points
7. Naval Readiness Phase:
a. Resolve Readiness for naval units in port [CPB 8.13].
b. Conduct Naval Damage Repair [CPB 8.35].
Note: In the Crimea game only the Soviet player has naval units.
B. Axis Player Segment
1. Axis Movement Phase:
a. Flip bridge units over non-majorrivers [23.23].
b. Mark on-map units receivingReplacements [10.12]
c. Execute ground unit movement.
1) Breakdown : detach any RSCs before movement.
2) Unit types allowed to move:
All, includingMSUs and Dumps (by rail)
3) Special movement allowed:
Reinforcement entry [10.13g]; Rebuilt Units [8.4a-b];
Railroad[11.1]; Flotilla [11.2]; Strategic [11.3]; Overrun [11.4]; Infiltration [11.5] andOne-hex movement [11.9].
d. Perform Air Transport missions[11.7]. Convert MSUs to ASPs on InsetMap [AGNPB 15.7].
e. Perform Naval Movement, SeaTransport, Amphibious Assault [AGNPB8.1-8.5].
f. Adjust VP Track for VP hexesoccupied.
g. Recombine RSCs [24.4].
h. Check each friendly hex for over-stacking [3.3].
2. Axis Attack Declaration Phase:
Declare all attacks; mark defender hexeswith Declared Attack markers [12.0].
3. Soviet Reaction Phase:
a. Execute Motorized ReactionMovement [14.1]
and Naval ReactionMovement [AGNPB 8.2.2.b] *.
b. Designate artillery support fordefender hexes [14.2] *.
c. Issue Retreat or No Retreat Orders [14.3,22.12] *.
d. If not using Crimea Naval Rules: Consult Black Sea Fleet table ifrequired [AGSPB 6.5.1.a].
4. Axis Combat Phase:
a. CAS missions and Shipping Attack missions.
(if using Optional AirSystem, see Optional Air System Card -AGS/AGC)
1) Axis player moves air units fromReady Box to in-range mission hexes(hexes with Declared Attack markers)and places them face down [17.24]
2) Soviet player moves air unitsfrom Ready Box to in-range missionhexes [17.24].
3) Flip air units and declare mission or firing units[17.31.b.2].
4) Resolve air combats in orderdesired by Axis player [17.33]
5) Both players resolve AA fire asnecessary [17.4]
6) Net out surviving opposing CASpoints in each mission hex. Convertremaining CAS points in a missionhex into a DRM for that side to applyto the combat die roll [15.13].
7) Resolve the Shipping Attack Table for both Axis Air and coast defence artillery units and apply Damage points [CPB 6.44]
b. Axis player designates all DeclaredAttacks which are Attack Supplied, anddesignates the MSUs/Dumps which willprovide the Attack Supply Points [15.3].
c. The Axis player conducts Super Heavy Artillery Citadel and Fortified LineDestruction prior to combat [CPB 7.33]
d. Axis player resolves DeclaredAttacks in any order desired [15.2].Each Declared Attack is resolved usingthe following sequence:
1) Axis player allocates artillery support if the attack is receivingAttack Supply [15.4].
2) Axis player totals participatingattack and support factors [15.51],adjusting for terrain [15.52] andweather [15.53].
3) Soviet player flips Untried unitsand removes any with zero defencestrength [15.54].
4) Soviet player totals participatingdefence and support strengths [15.54,15.55,22.14] *.
5) Expend Axis ASP(s) if Attack Supply designated [15.56].
6) Determine Final Odds [15.57].
7) Axis player issues any Retreator No Retreat Orders [15.58].
8) Flip any Defender Orders marker to its known side [15.59].
9) Net out Axis and Soviet DRMs;final DRM cannot exceed +3/-3 [15.6and 15.7].
10) Resolve the attack on the CRT[15.81a-g].
11) Remove Declared Attack,Orders and Numeric markers [15.81h]
12) Apply Combat Results [16.1 through 16.4].
13) Adjust Step Loss and VPTracks as needed [16.25].
14) Advance after combat [16.5]
15) Adjust VP Track for VP hexescaptured [25.12]
5. Axis Motorized Movement Phase:
(Notallowed during Snow or Arctic weather)
a. Unit types allowed to move:
Flotilla,Naval, Motorised units and Cav. (at one-halfMA) [see Movement Phase Chart].
b. Special movement allowed:
1) Reinforcemententry for Motorised and Cavalry units only [10.13g];
2)Overrun [11.4];
3) One-hex movement [11.9];
4)Flotilla [11.2]; Naval[AGNPB 8.1-8.3].
c. Adjust VP Track for VP hexescaptured [25.12].
6. Axis Engineering Phase:
a. Flip on-map Strongpoint UnderConstruction markers stacked with Axisengineers; place new StrongpointUnder Construction markers in hexeswith qualifying Axis engineers [18.34 &23.12].
b. Place or turn over Ferry markers [CPB 2.35]
c. Conduct Axis Railroad Conversion [19.2,AGSPB 6.8.4, AGCPB 6.2.6, KtRPB4.13].
d. Conduct Captured Railroad utilisation [CPB 2.34]
e. Place Fortified Line Destroyedmarkers, remove Strongpoint markerswhere allowed [18.13].
f. Remove Overrun markers fromSoviet units [11.44 note].
g. Spend Axis RPs to:
1) Remove Receiving Replacements markers from on-map units [7.41]; increase each by one step.
2) Option for Independent Creationof German and Rumanian RSCs [24.5] from their respective type I RPs; set aside for entry next GT (can store in Active Box).
3) Move units from Cadre Box to the Active Box.
4) Move units from Eliminated Box to the Cadre Box
5) Reduce Damage Point levels by one [AGNPB 15.13.4b].
h. Flip/remove Axis ‘Do Not Move’ markers.
i. Conduct bridge repair [KtRPB 4.34]
j. Flip Bridge Units adjacent to majorrivers to completed side [23.23c].
k. Axis S-H Artillery units may beflipped if they have not been movedduring the turn [23.43b].
l. Check for Logistics Pause end[KtRPB 5.12]
C. Soviet Player Segment:
(Note change in phase sequence).
1. Soviet Motorized Movement Phase:
a. Mark on-map units receivingreplacements [10.22].
b. Execute ground unit movement:
1) Unit types allowed to move:
Cavalry (at one-half MA),
Motorized,Armoured Train, Flotilla, Naval
and unitsactivated by Soviet HQs*(full MA -refer to Movement Phase Chart).
2) Special movement allowed:
Reinforcement Entry-Mot and Cavalry units only[10.13g];
Overrun [11.4]; Infiltration(Mot only) [11.5]; Flotilla [11.2]; ArmouredTrain [11.12 Exception]; One-hexmovement [11.9]; Naval Evacuation [CPB 8.82].
3)AGN Rules Amphibious Assault [AGNPB 8.1-8.5].
c. Adjust VP Track for VP hexesregained [25.12].
2. Soviet Attack Declaration Phase:
Declare all attacks; mark defenderhexes with Declared Attack markers[12.0].
3. Axis Reaction Phase:
a. Execute Motorized Reaction Movement [14.1] ;
Naval ReactionMovement [AGNPB 8.2.2.b]
and Shipping Attack missions [CSW #13583].
b. Designate artillery support fordefender hexes [14.2].
c. Issue Retreat Orders [14.3].
4. Soviet Combat Phase:
(Naval Amphibious Assault CombatAllowed [CPB 8.74c])
a. CAS missions (if using Optional AirSystem, see Optional Air System Card -AGS/AGC)
1) Soviet player moves air units fromReady Box to in-range mission hexes(hexes bearing Declared Attackmarkers) and places them face down[17.24] *
2) Axis player moves air units ReadyBox to in-range mission hexes [17.24].
3) Flip air units and declare mission /firing unit status of any dual-capablefighters [17.31].
4) Resolve air combats in orderdesired by Soviet player [17.33]
5) Both players resolve AA fire asnecessary [17.4]
6) Net out surviving opposing CASpoints in each mission hex. Convertremaining CAS points into a DRM for the combat die roll [15.13].
b. Soviet player designates all DeclaredAttacks which are Attack Supplied, anddesignates the MSUs/Dumps which willprovide the Attack Supply Points [15.3].
c. Soviet player resolves DeclaredAttacks in any order desired [15.2]. EachDeclared Attack is resolved using thefollowing sequence:
1) Soviet player allocates artillerysupport if the attack is receiving AttackSupply [15.4, 22.14] *.
2) Soviet player totals participatingattack and support factors [15.51],adjusting for terrain [15.52] and weather[15.53].
3) Soviet player flips Untried unitsand removes any with zero defencestrength [15.5.4].
4) Axis player totals participatingdefence and support strengths [15.54,15.55].
5) Expend Soviet ASP(s) if AttackSupply designated [15.56].
6) Determine Final Odds [15.57].
7) Soviet player issues any Retreator No Retreat Orders [15.58, 22.12c] *.
8) Flip any Defender Orders marker to its known side [15.59].
9) Net out Axis and Soviet DRMs;final DRM cannot exceed +3/-3 [15.6and 15.7].
10) Resolve the attack on the CRT[15.81a-g].
11) Remove Declared Attack andNumeric markers [15.81h]
12) Apply Combat Results [16.0].
13) Remove Retreat Orders markers[16.6.1].
14) Adjust Step Loss and VP Tracksas needed [16.25].
15) Advance after combat [16.5].
16) Adjust VP Track for VP hexescaptured [25.12].
5. Soviet Movement Phase:
a. Execute ground unit movement:
1) Unit types allowed to move:
All(except for units with Activatedmarkers or Arm. Trains that moved inthe Mot Move Phase), Mot unitsallowed one-half MA [see MovementPhase Chart].
2) Special Movement Allowed:
Reinforcement Entry [10.13g]; Rebuilt Units [8.4a-d];
Garrisoned in-town placement from Active Box [8.4c];
Major City MSU placement and movement [6.84d];
Rail [11.1];Strategic [11.3]; Overrun [11.4];
Armoured Train [10.14];
One-hex movement[11.9];
Infiltration (Cavalry and Ski[11.5]).
3) Zap unit may add 1 type I step to an on-map unit that has not moved this phase [7.22c.2 and 22.72] (place a DNM 1GT marker on the unit).
b. Movement executed after on-mapmovement ceases:
1) Option to flip desired Untried UR/MGunits to their tried sides; remove zerodefence strength units; can now move newlyflipped UR/MG units with MA greaterthan zero[11.6]
2) Air Transport movement [11.7].
3) Sea Transport, Flotilla, andNaval unit Movement [11.2, 11.8, andAGSPB 6.7, AGNPB 8.1-8.5].
c. Adjust VP Track for VP hexregained [25.12].
6. Soviet Engineering Phase:
a. Flip on-map Strongpoint UnderConstruction markers; place newStrongpoint Under Constructionmarkers in qualifying hexes [18.33] *.Engineers speed construction [23.11];
b. Soviet Engineers required forSoviet rail conversion [19.3]. CuttingAxis rail lines [19.4].
c. Remove Strongpoint markerswhere allowed [18.13], and removeOverrun markers from Axis units [11.44note].
d. Destroy bridges [KtRPB 4.31-4.33].
e. Spend Soviet RPs [7.41-7.43, 8.4c]to:
1) Remove Receiving Replacements markersfrom on-map units [7.41]; increase each by one step.
2)Move units from Cadre Box to the Active Box [note: KtRPB 3.22d, AGNPB 14.4o for GT 30+], or the map [7.43d].
3) Move units from Eliminated Box to the Cadre Box
4) Reduce Damage Point levels by one [AGNPB 15.13.4b].
f. Soviet RR S-H Artillery units maychange modes [23.42].
g. Remove excess ASP near Kievprior to GT49 [KtRPB 10.25a]
h. Conduct bridge repair [KtRPB 4.34]
i. Flip Bridge Units adjacent to majorrivers to completed side [23.23c].
j. Remove Do Not Move 1GT from Soviet Units and turn-over Do Not Move 2 GT markers to 1 side.
7. Soviet Surrender Phase:
a. Perform surrender checks; Place unitswhich fail in Eliminated Box [21.0]
b. Adjust Step Loss and VP markers[25.13].
D. Game Turn Interphase
1. Remove all Activated markers.
2. Soviet player performs Non-Op HQrecovery or disbandment [22.26].
3. Axis player converts eachMandated Attack not yet made into VPsif any VP hex captured during the turnand still held at the end of the Sovietplayer segment; adjust VP Track & setAttacks Not Made back to 0 [7.26a.2].
4. Optional Air System (AGS/AGC) -set air point markers back to zero.
5. Remove the Ice Bridge [CPB 10.44.c.3]
6. Move Game Turn marker ahead