East Dunbartonshire Soccer Sevens Association
Minutes of Meeting Number 89
Tuesday 2nd August 2011 – 7.30pm
Caldwell Halls Torrance
In Attendance: Andy Bonar (President), Brian Martin (Secretary), Campsie - Pat Bradley (Treasurer), Martin Lyons (Lets Co-coordinator); EDFC – Andy Cameron, M Curtis, D Mallon; Baljaffray – Graham Hanna, David Benham;North Glasgow Villa – Robert Wilson; Rosebank – John Gray, K Scott, S Wares, A Smith, David Kennedy;St Joseph’s PS – Willie Gallacher, J Reilly, Doug Watson; Milngavie BC – Sean Slaven, W McIntosh;North Kelvin Utd–Pauline Robertson, Bobby Barratt; Thistle United – G Russell, L Sharma; Petershill BC – C Jones
Apologies: EDFC – Jim Morrison; Rosebank – Jennifer Grey; Baljaffray - Ian Vassie; SFA Central – Alan Taylor, Scott Murray
Non Attendance: Lenzie YC, Westerton United
1. Minutes of last Meeting;
The minutes of Meeting No. 88 held on 13.6.2011, approved. Proposed by David Benham and seconded by Pat Bradley.
2. Correspondence:
This item will be dealt with at the appropriate section as we go through the meeting.
3. Treasurer’s Report;
- Bank Balance as at 26//7/11 was £12085.74
- All invoices for Spring 2011 event now settled (except one o/s which has been chased up and promised)
- Invoices for fines to clubs not in attendance will be issued
4. Autumn 2011 Event update
- Pitches for Autumn 2011 Event : 27.8.11 – 26.11.11 (12 weeks football + 2 hols);
- Douglas Academy - 9am to 12pm (3 hours = 12 Teams)
- St Helens PS - 11.15am to 12.15pm (1 hour = 4 teams)
- Merkland - 9am to 12pm (3 hours = 18 teams)
- Wester Cleddens PS – 9am to 12.30pm (3 hours = 6 teams, 15 mins set up before/after)
- Kirkintilloch High - 11am to 12pm (depending on numbers could run two sessions of 11am to 11.40am and 11.50am to 12.30pm)
- Holiday dates are 24.9.11 & 22.10.11
- Times to be confirmed due to high schools once again looking to secure the earlier let times for school teams, in case they require them – did not use them last year and we gradually were given the earlier times.
- Age Groups & Match Secretaries
- 2000 Group – Martin Lyons agreed to retain the role as Match secretary for the 2000s.
- 2001 group – David Benham agreed to retain the role as Match secretary for this age group.
- 2002 Group - Martin Lyons agreed to retain the role of Match secretary for the 2002s.
- 2003/2005 group – Pat Bradley agreed to retain the role as Match Secretary.
- Match Secretaries Details
6/8s (2003 & 2004/5) - Pat Bradley – 07941 801870 –
- Simon O’Neil - 0141 931 5438 –
9s (2002) – Martin Lyons – 07951 004869 -
10s (2001) - David Benham – 07889 037804 -
11s (2000) – Martin Lyons – 07951 004869 -
- Registration of Teams – Autumn Event
- All teams should have had their SYFA & EDSSA registrations completed by tonight. Unfortunately this was not the case and a few days leeway was granted. Most clubs have given in the number of teams for the 2000/2002 age groups. The 2003/2005 fun fours has some leeway as it is a ‘Round Robin’ format at Kirkintilloch High and teams can join until the 24 – 48 spaces are full. We had around 40 teams in the Spring Event.
- It should be noted however if teams have not completed their registration forms for the appropriate age group with the SYFA they will not be allowed to start the EDSSA autumn event. Our autumn event starts on the 20.8.2011 with a Positive Coaching Scotland event for our coaches and the actual games start on the 27.8.2011. So clubs/teams have to registered with SYFA before then, as we are given weekly updates on teams entered into the EDSSA autumn Event. They also have to have signed off EDSSA entry forms prior to that date.
- PVG - Procedures for Individuals per SYFA Instructions
- Please note the new PVG scheme (Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme) covering Disclosures has now being implemented from 28th February 2011. Our Committee has gone through the necessary training in late May 2011. We still await clearance to undertake the filling in and signing off of PVG forms on behalf of individuals. As soon as clearance is given we will arrange night/s to fill in the necessary forms to be sent to SYFA.
- If you already have CRBS clearance you will not be required to go through the PVG process until 2012.
- Only new coaches starting off for the 1st time should arrange to come along to one of our sessions once we have permission to hold them although we may invite coaches to come along based on SYFA advice
Monitoring Form
It was hoped to try out the use of a monitoring form in the last few weeks of the Spring Session- but unfortunately this was not possible. The form and how it would be used was outlined by Brian Martin at the March Meeting and Brian went over this again at the June meeting, again giving the reasons for bringing it in to use (Currently used by North Lanarkshire Football Development Association). Brian did go over the main aspects once again and to explain what was required.
- Up to team coaches to ensure Coaches, parents and players adhere to the rules
- Separate line on form filled in after each game by both teams (both teams retain their own form)
- At the end of the Event, the form is sent to the appropriate official designated by EDSSA Committee
- Brian went through how to fill in form based on a points system of 1 – 5
- Form also has a place for short comments
- A total score of less than 3 for any team is unsatisfactory and the EDSSA Committee would look into why this has occurred
So in reality it is a form of ‘self policing’ by teams. North Lanarkshire says it has seen a vast improvement on behaviour and number of incidents since its introduction.
- High visibility Yellow bibs
Committee had sourced the bibs that will be used by all official coaches at games come the Autumn Event 2011. Some Fun Fours coaches had already been given bibs in the Spring Event and further bibs had been purchased to ensure all coaches named on registration forms have bibs, which they must wear, in the Autumn Event. These bibs will be given out at the Positive Coaching Scotland event on 20.8.2011.
- Age Groups for August – November Event
- 2000s – Soccer Sevens. Split into 2 Periods – Period 1 (27th August to 30th November 2011) and Period 2 (from March – June 2012)
- There are 13 teams taking part at this age group at present.
- Will play 7s right through until June 2012 and move to 11s in August 2012.
- 2 x Baljaffray, 2 x Campsie, 4 x EDFC, 2 x North Kelvin United, 2 x Rosebank United, St Josephs PS
- 2001s – Soccer Sevens (27th August to 30th November 2011)
- There are 9 teams taking part in this age group at present
- Will play 7s right through to November 2011.
- 2 x Baljaffray, 2 x EDFC, 2 x North Kelvin United, Campsie and 2 x Petershill BC
- 2002s – Soccer Sevens (27th August to 30th November 2011)
- There are 13 teams taking part in this age group
- Will play 7s right through to November 2011
- 3 x Baljaffray, Campsie, 2 x EDFC, 2 x North Glasgow Villa, North Kelvin United, 2 x Rosebank, St Josephs PS and Thistle United
- 2003 – 2005s – Developmental Fours (27th August to 30th November 2011)
- Autumn 2011 Session covering 2003s, 2004s and 2005s (if teams enter).
- Availability at Kirkie high to allow 24 teams on the pitch in the 1st hour and possibly a further 24 teams in the second hour giving a total of 48 teams. Would probably like 24 (2003s) for 1 hour and up to 24 (2004/5s) for the other hour.
- Teams entered so far come from Baljaffrey, Campsie, EDFC (2003s), Rosebank and Lenzie YC including some teams from the 2004 & 2005 age groups.
- There is still the opportunity to register new teams, as there is the possibility to take up to 48 teams for these age groups, as the format is based on a ‘round robin’ every Saturday.
- Please remember if your team cannot play on any of the designated Saturdays whether due to school holidays or otherwise inform your match secretary as quickly as possible in order to allow time to reschedule fixtures or cancel them if need be. Also inform the treasurer Pat Bradley plus Brian Martin, and your own Club treasurer to avoid paying for week/s where you have called off. If you do not do this you will be charged and possibly fined. Refer to the Constitution for details
- Centre Organisers - We have not allocated official Centre Organisers, as we do not feel they are required at present. All fixtures are placed on the website and updates regarding fixtures will be placed their, up to and including Saturday mornings if need be. Please ensure all club coaches and parents of children taking part in the Aug – Nov Event check the website if they feel the weather is adverse.
- Fixtures for Aug – Nov Event
- Fixtures should be ‘run' be available by week prior to games starting
- Age groups and location of games will be issued once we know exact number of teams per age group. Hopefully manage to get all games for each individual age group at one venue. But this may not be possible.
- Retained for Information
- No dogs at all allowed in school premises/areas or ‘Cage’ at Merkland.
- Use of boots on synthetic Pitches - Have given out previously from Community Letting in EDC re footwear on synthetic pitches.
- Teams were advised of SYFA checks that will take place and in particular to ensure that they had the necessary Insurances, Disclosures, Child Protection, First Aid, etc., in place.
- Also mentioned that clubs could start going through SFA Quality Mark and get access to free First Aid Courses and a reduced price for coaching courses. Could also qualify for a grant towards payment for these courses if the Club affiliates to East Dunbartonshire Sports Council – contact Karin Jackson on – 578 –8498 there is an annual fee of £30.
5. AOCB;
- SFA Central - holding a number of courses between 5th August and 16th September 2011.
- Saturday 20th August 2011 in Caldwell Halls is compulsory for all coaches within EDSSA whose teams are taking part in the Autumn Event. Time 9.30am till 11.30am. Data on the website w/c 15/8/11.
- There is an SFA Central Region Coaches In-Service evening session on Friday 16th September from 6.30pm till 8.30pm at St Ninians High in Kirkintilloch. This is a mixture of information in the conference suite and practical on the astro turf. This is for all who are taking Sevens teams in the EDSSA Autumn Event. Fun four coaches welcome to come along to this event also. Data will also go on the website.
- You have been informed already of a 4–a-side workshop being held in Dumbarton on Friday the 5th August from 6.30pm till 8.30pm in Dumbarton Academy.
- Also been informed previously of a Regional developmental day on Sunday 7thAugust at Broadwood Stadium, Cumbernauld from 9.30am till 3pm. Sessions by Pat Bonner and Gordon Craig. Data will go on the website.
- And lastly more data on a course being held by South Lanarkshire on the 10th September 9.30am till 3.30pm. It is an interactive session with groups discussing different topics am and pm. A charge of £30 but includes tea. Coffee + buffet lunch.
Monday 21st November at 7.30pm in Caldwell Halls in Torrance. Would coaches please pass on copies of these minutes to any colleagues not currently on e- mail list. Although all coaches can and should access minutes via Website.
If any of your colleagues have changed e-mail address or are not currently receiving e-mail information being sent, or should now be taken off the mailing list please contact Andy Bonar or Brian Martin so that we can update our records – many thanks.
23/01/2019 1EDSSA