- Matter for Consideration
.1Members are requested to consider a further review of Discretionary Rate Relief for East Dorset Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club.
2.1To continue the rate relief, which is currently 80% but as a condition of its continuation, to recommend to the Club that they should register with the Inland Revenue as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) – point 4.4 refers.
- Background
.1At the review of Discretionary Rate Relief during 2001/2002, the East Dorset Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club was awarded a continuation of 80% Discretionary Rate Relief.
.2In considering the application, Members were advised that in return for the award of 80% rate relief in 1999, the club agreed to offer Access to Leisure (ATL) cardholders a 75% discount on membership fees (allowing ATL members to become full and equal members) and in addition, exclusively offered a casual access facility to ATL members.
.3Members agreed they wished to see greater usage by disadvantaged groups and questioned whether the club had financial need. Approval was given for the continuation of relief subject to a further review after one year.
4.Current Situation
6.2The club has provided information on the number of ATL members and attendances for the years 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 (attached to this report). Members will see that casual attendances from April 2004 to November 2004 have almost trebled the previous year’s attendances.
6.3The club has established links with local schools, currently Baden Powell, Oakdale and Longfleet, where the tennis coach runs after school clubs and lunchtime sessions. Coaching sessions are also run at the club for schools.
6.4The savings from the rate relief contribute towards funding the school activities and renovating a short tennis court to provide access to court space for all ages.
6.5The club is considering an application to the Planning Obligations Fund for funding to extend its facilities and build covered tennis courts on site.
- Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC)
.1From 1 April 2004, voluntary sports clubs have been able to register with the Inland Revenue as a CASC and if successful, clubs receive 80% mandatory rate relief. The review of EDLTCC’s rate relief was assessed on the original application form and criteria, however, in November 2003 the criteria was amended to include the statement, “All community amateur sports clubs are entitled to register as such with the Inland Revenue and therefore claim mandatory rate relief. In view of this an application for discretionary rate relief will only be considered if the club can satisfactorily demonstrate why it has not done so.”
.2EDLTCC will be taking steps to register as a CASC during 2005.
6.Financial Position
6.1 EDLTCC’s full rates bill for 2004/2005 is £7,980.00 and their liability of 20% is £1,596.00. The cost to the Council is £1,596.00.
6.2The club’s accounts show that as at 31 October 2003, it had cash in the bank and bonds to the value of £71,000, which has been accrued to fund projects such as the links with schools.
6.3The club received two10-year interest free loans from Lawn Tennis Association for £40,000 and £48,000, which each have approximately 18 months and 5 years left to run. The LTA loans were approved on the condition that the club would build up a development fund for future court refurbishment. The club’s accounts show a development fund of £64,000, which is ring-fenced to refurbish the tennis courts.
Clive Smith
Head of Leisure Services
Contact Officer
Andrew Dayus
Recreation Team Leader
Ext 1312
Tennis / CroquetNumber of Access To Leisure members for the year 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2003
/ 9 / 1Number of Access to Leisure members for the year 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004
/ 12 / 1Number of Access to Leisure casual attendances for the year 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2003 / 32 / 1
Number of Access to Leisure casual attendances for the year 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004 / 26 / 1
Please illustrate how the Club has encouraged disadvantaged groups to use its facilities and its successes.
NOTE:1 April 2004 to date (November 2004)
Access to Leisure members 16
Access to Leisure Casual Attendances76
With the introduction of a new head coach, we intend to explore how we can make the club more widely used.
As can be seen, use this year so far has almost trebled on previous years.
With further awareness, this can only improve.
Please provide details of how the Club has used the savings from the rate relief.
The club has funded such activities as club/school links with schools local to the club.
A Kidzone/short tennis court is being renovated in the near future to provide access to court space for all ages.
A comprehensive marketing plan is being drafted to create effective advertising.
Use by Access to Leisure is a key factor to maximise court use at all times.
We wish to liaise with the Council on this matter.