Cohen: Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide (Sixth Edition)

Chapter 9 — Circulation: The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, Sixth Edition (Cohen)

Lesson Plans

Chapter 9 — Circulation: The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

Goals of the Lesson:

Cognitive: The student will be able to identify the structure and function of the cardiovascular and lymphatic system, in its normal and clinical aspects. They will also learn different disorders, medical terms, and medical abbreviations involving the cardiovascular and lymphatic system.

Motor: The students will be able to identify the various structures on models of the heart. They will also be able to identify the location of the lymphatic structures.

Affective: The students will gain understanding of the complexity and interrelationship of the cardiovascular and lymphatic system.

Learning Objectives:

The lesson plan for each objective starts on the page shown below.

9-1 Label a diagram of the heart. 61

9-2 Trace the path of blood flow through the heart. 65

9-3 Trace the path of electric conduction through the heart. 67

9-4 Identify the components of an electrocardiogram 69

9-5 Differentiate among arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. 71

9-6 Explain blood pressure and describe how blood pressure is measured. 73

9-7 Identify and use the roots pertaining to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems 75

9-8 Describe the main disorders that affect the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems 76

9-9 Define medical terms pertaining to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems 78

9-10 List the functions and components of the lymphatic system . 79

9-11 Interpret medical abbreviations referring to circulation 20

9-12 Analyze case studies involving circulation 21

You Will Need:

Gather the following materials and teaching aids for the following lessons:

9-1 1. An unlabeled poster of the Heart and card with labels of the heart written or printed over them. 2. Animal hearts, dissection tools, unsterile gloves, biohazard containers. 3. Anatomic model of the heart.

9-2 Poster of the heart. Sufficient number of red and blue arrows.

9-3 Stethoscope and microphone.

9-4 Sufficient number of ECG samples.

9-5 Anatomic model demonstrating the arteries and veins.

9-6 Sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, alcohol prep pads, biohazard container.

9-7 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Illustrated, 6th ed. (2008), one per small group. Stedman’s Medical Terminology Flash Cards, 2e (2009).

9-9 Stedman’s Medical Terminology Flash Cards, 2e (2009).

9-10 Poster boards and markers.

9-11 Sufficient note cards.

9-12 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Illustrated, 6th ed. (2008), one per small group.

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)

Objective 9-1

Label a diagram of the heart. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Layers of the heart
Ø  Endocardium
Ø  Myocardium
Ø  Epicardium
Ø  Pericardium
v  Chambers of the heart
Ø  Atrium (upper)
Ø  Ventricle (lower)
Ø  Septum (separating wall)
v  Blood circuits
Ø  Pulmonary circuit
§  Between heart and lungs
§  Exchange of CO2 for O2
Ø  Systematic circuit
§  Between heart and body
§  Exchange of O2 for CO2 / 145-147 / 25-28 / Figures
9-1 The cardiovascular system, pulmonary circuit, systemic circuit.
pp. 146, PPt 26
9-2 The heart and great vessels
pp. 147, PPt 31 / Resources
Have students review the Audio Pronunciation Glossary, Flash Cards, and Audio Drills for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).
Related Chapters
10 – Blood and Immunity
In-Class Activities
1. Pin an unlabeled poster of the heart to a large soft board. Divide the class into small teams. Randomly distribute labels of the heart to each team. Ask a person from each team to go to the poster and pin the label at the correct position. Give the team points for correctly labeling the parts. If the person gets the label wrong, the label is passed on to the next team.
An unlabeled poster of the Heart and card with labels of the heart written or printed over them.
2. Obtain several hearts from a butcher. Using dissection tools, allow the students to dissect the heart, pointing out the various structures.
Animal hearts, dissection tools, unsterile gloves, biohazard containers.
3. Using a model of the heart, point out the various structures during the discussion. Allow the students time to also identify the various structures on the model.
Anatomic model of the heart. / Outside Assignments
Chapter Review
pp. 174-180
Test Bank (IR)
TG Questions 1- 50
Have students work through exercises for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)

Objective 9-2

Trace the path of blood flow through the heart. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Blood flow through the heart
Ø  Right atrium
Ø  Tricuspid valve
Ø  Right ventricle
Ø  Pulmonary valve
Ø  Pulmonary arteries (left and right) to lungs
Ø  Pulmonary veins (left and right) returning from lungs
Ø  Left atrium
Ø  Mitral valve
Ø  Left ventricle
Ø  Aortic valve
Ø  Arch of aorta
Ø  Aorta / 146-147 / 31-32 / Figures
9-2 The heart and great vessels
pp. 147, PPt 31 / Resources
Have students review the Audio Pronunciation Glossary, Flash Cards, and Audio Drills for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).
In-Class Activities
Pin a poster of the heart to a large soft board. Divide the class into two teams. Distribute red and blue arrows to the teams. Ask each team to pin the red and blue arrows in the correct sequence. Give the team points for correctly pinning the arrows.
Poster of the heart.
Sufficient number of red and blue arrows.
View “Blood Circulation” (IR, SR) / Outside Assignments
Chapter Review
pp. 174-180
Test Bank (IR)
TG Questions 1- 50
Have students work through exercises for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)

Objective 9-3

Trace the path of electric conduction through the heart. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Path of electric conduction
Ø  Sinoatrial (SA) node
Ø  Atrioventricular (AV) node
Ø  AV bundle (bundle of His)
Ø  Bundle branches (left and right)
Ø  Purkinje fibers / 147-148 / 33-35 / Figures
9-3 The heart’s conduction system
pp. 148, PPt 35
9-1 Focus on Words: Name That Structure
pp. 148 / Resources
Have students review the Audio Pronunciation Glossary, Flash Cards, and Audio Drills for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).
In-Class Activities
Ask a volunteer to step forward. Listen to the volunteer’s heartbeat using a stethoscope. If the heartbeat is normal, attach the earphone of the stethoscope to a microphone. Ask the class to listen to the heartbeat and identify the systole and diastole. Simultaneously, ask the students to measure the heart rate.
Stethoscope and microphone
View “cardiac cycle” (IR, SR) / Outside Assignments
Chapter Review
pp. 174-180
Test Bank (IR)
TG Questions 1- 50
Have students work through exercises for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)

Objective 9-4

Identify the components of an electrocardiogram. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Components of a normal ECG tracing
Ø  P wave
Ø  QRS component
Ø  T wave
Ø  U wave
v  Sinus rhythm
v  Interval
v  Segment / 149 / 35-36 / Figures
9-4 Electrocardiography
pp. 149, PPt 36
Boxes / Resources
Have students review the Audio Pronunciation Glossary, Flash Cards, and Audio Drills for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).
In-Class Activities
Divide the class into groups. Give each group a sample ECG tracing. Ask each group to label the components of an ECG tracing.
Sufficient ECG samples / Outside Assignments
Chapter Review
pp. 174-180
Test Bank (IR)
TG Questions 1- 50
Have students work through exercises for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)Objective 9-5

Differentiate among arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Arteries
Ø  Aorta
Ø  Carries blood away from heart
Ø  Carries oxygenated blood (except for pulmonary and umbilical arteries)
Ø  Under pressure from heart contraction
Ø  Thick muscular walls
v  Arterioles
Ø  Small arteries
v  Capillaries
Ø  Microscopic vessels
Ø  Exchange of nutrients, gases, and waste products occur here
Ø  Connect arterioles and venules
v  Venules
Ø  Small veins
v  Veins
Ø  Inferior vena cava
Ø  Superior vena cava
Ø  Carries blood toward the heart
Ø  Carries deoxygenated blood (except for pulmonary and umbilical vein)
Ø  Thin walls
Ø  Contain one-way valves to prevent backflow of blood / 149-150 / 37, 39-40 / Figures
9-5 Principal systemic arteries
pp. 149, PPt 39
9-6 Principal systemic veins
pp. 150, PPt 40 / Resources
Have students review the Audio Pronunciation Glossary, Flash Cards, and Audio Drills for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).
In-Class Activities
Using models point out the various arteries and veins during discussion.
Anatomic model demonstrating the arteries and veins. / Outside Assignments
Chapter Review
pp. 174-180
Test Bank (IR)
TG Questions 1- 50
Have students work through exercises for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)

Objective 9-6

Explain blood pressure and describe how blood pressure is measured. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Blood pressure (BP)
Ø  Systole
Ø  Diastole
v  Measuring BP using sphygmomanometer / 150-151 / 38 / Figures
9-7 Sphygmomanometer
pp. 150
9-2 Clinical Perspectives, Cardiac Catheterization: Measuring Blood Pressure from Within
pp. 151 / Resources
Have students review the Audio Pronunciation Glossary, Flash Cards, and Audio Drills for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).
Related Chapters
7- Diagnosis and Treatment; Surgery
In-Class Activities
1. Instruct the students on the correct method to obtain a BP.
Sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, alcohol prep pads, biohazard container.
2. Divide the class into small groups. Instruct each group to create an educational poster on ways to treat hypertension. / Outside Assignments
Chapter Review
pp. 174-180
Instruct the students to research the signs and symptoms of hypertension and write a short report of their findings.
Test Bank (IR)
TG Questions 1- 50
Have students work through exercises for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)

Objective 9-7

Identify and use the roots pertaining to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Roots for Heart
Ø  cardio/o
Ø  arti/o
Ø  ventricul/o
Ø  valv/o, valvul/o
v  Roots for the Blood Vessels
Ø  angi/o
Ø  vas/o, vascul/o
Ø  arter/o, arteri/o
Ø  arteriol/o
Ø  aort/o
Ø  ven/o, ven/i
Ø  phleb/o
v  Roots for Lymphatic System
Ø  lymph/o
Ø  lymphaden/o
Ø  lymphangi/o
Ø  splen/o
Ø  thym/o
Ø  tonsill/o / 153, 154, 167 / 29-30 / Tables
9-1 Roots for the Heart
pp. 153, PPt 29
9-2 Roots for the Blood Vessels
pp. 154, PPt 30
9-3 Roots for the Lymphatic System
pp. 167 / Resources
Have students review the Audio Pronunciation Glossary, Flash Cards, and Audio Drills for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).
In-Class Activities
Pull the cardiology and lymphatic flash cards from the Stedman’s Flash Cards and randomly distribute them among the students. Ask the students to give the meaning, example, and definition of the example written on the card. Allow the students to use a dictionary to verify their answer.
Stedman’s Medical Terminology Flash Cards, 2e (2009).
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Illustrated, 6th ed. (2008). / Outside Assignments
Exercise 9-1
pp. 154
Exercise 9-2
pp. 155
Exercise 9-3
pp. 167
Chapter Review
pp. 174-180
Test Bank (IR)
TG Questions 1- 50
Have students work through exercises for Chapter 9 in PASSport To Success (SR).

Legend: IB: Image Bank (IR); IR: Instructor’s Resources; MRA: Medical Record Analysis; PPt: PowerPoint (IR); SR: Student Resources (student DVD or companion website); TG: Test Generator (IR)Objective 9-8

Describe the main disorders that affect the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments
