Earth Charter Bibliography

(as of 19 October 2009)

1. Books on the Earth Charter

Boff, Leonardo. 2003. Ethos Mondial - Um conseno mínimo entre os humanos. Animus/Anima

Producoes. Brasil: Sextante. (Portuguese)

Boff, Leonardo. 2006. Caderno de Debate Agenda 21 e Sustentabilidade: Ética e

Sustentabilidade. Brasil: Ministerio do Meio Ambiente, Secretaria de Políticas para o

Desenvolvimento\Sustentável. (Portuguese)

Boff, Leonardo, and Marco Antonio de Miranda. 2003. Terra America: Imagens = Images.

Brazil: Sextante. (English and Portueguese)

Corcoran, Peter Blaze, ed. 2005. The Earth Charter in Action: Toward a Sustainable World.

Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze, and A. James Wohlpart, eds. 2008. A Voice for Earth: American Writers

Respond to the Earth Charter. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press.

Earth Charter in Tatarstan. 2005.

Ferrero, Elizabeth, and Joe Holland. 2004. The Earth Charter: A Study Book of Reflection for

Action. California: Redwoods Institute.

2. Books with Significant Reference to the Earth Charter

Adelson, Glen and others, eds. 2008. Environment: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. New Haven,

CT: Yale University Press.

AtKisson, Alan. 2008. The ISIS Agreement: How Sustainability Can Improve Organizational

Performance and Transform the World. London: Earthscan Publications, Ltd.

Barney, Gerald O., Jane Blewett, and Kristen R. Barney. 1999. Threshold 2000: Critical Issues

and Spiritual Values for a Global Age. Grand Rapids, MI: CoNexus Press.

Beversluis, Joel, ed. 2000. Source Book of the World's Religions: An Interfaith Guide to Religion

and Spirituality, 3rd ed. Novato, CA: New World Library.

Brown, Peter C. 2009. Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy. San Francisco,

CA: Berrett-Koehler.

Brown, Peter C. 2007. The Commonwealth of Life: Economics for a Flourishing Earth, 2nd

Ed. Montreal, QC: Black Rose Books.

Boff, Leornardo. 1999. Saber cuida: Ética do humano – compaixão pela terra. Editora Vozes,

Brasil: Petópolis. (Portuguese)

Boff, Leonardo. 2005. Virtudes para un outro mundo Possítivel – Volume I: Hospitalidade:

Direito & Dever de todos. Voses, Brasil: Pétopolis. (Portuguese)

Bosselmann, Klaus. 2008. The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance. New Zealand: Ashgate.

Bosselmann, Klaus, Ron Engel, and Prue Taylor. 2008. Governance for Sustainability: Issues, Challenges, Successes. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Boulding, Elise. 2000. Cultures of Peace: The Hidden Side of History. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse

University Press.

Cox, Louis, Ingrid Fabianson, Sandra Moon Farley, and Ruah Swennerfelt, eds. 2004. Earthcare for Friends: A Study Guide for Individuals and Faith Communities. Burlington,

VT: Quaker Earthcare Witness.

Damianovic, Maria Cristina. 2008. De un limón una Limonada. San José, Costa Rica: Perro

Azul. (Spanish)

Del Signore, Giuliana. 2001. Riflessioni sulla Carta della Terra [Reflections on the Earth

Charter]. Italy: Edizioni Qualevita.

Dernbach, John, ed. 2002. Stumbling Toward Sustainability. Washington, DC: Environmental

Law Institute.

Dower, Nigel. 2003. An Introduction to Global Citizenship. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.

Foltz, Richard C., ed. 2002. World Views, Religion and the Environment. Florence, KY: Wadsworth Publishing.

Gadotti, Moacir. 2000. A Pedagogia da Terra [The Pedagogy of Earth]. Sao Paulo, Brazil:

Editora Fundação Peirópolis.

______. 2000. Pedagogy of the Earth and Culture of Sustainability. Brazil: Instituto Paulo


Hallsmith, Gwendolyn. 2003. The Key to Sustainable Cities: Meeting Human Needs,

Transforming Community Systems. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publisher.

Hallsmith, Gwendolyn, Christian Layke, and Melissa Everett. 2005. Taking Action for

Sustainability: The EarthCAT Guide to Community Development. Montpelier, VT:

Global Community Initiatives.

Henderson, Hazel, and Daisaku Ikeda. 2004. Planetary Citizenship: Your Values, Beliefs, and

Actions Can Shape a Sustainable World. Santa Monica, CA: Middleway Press.

Hernández Pedreño, Manuel and Teresa Vincente Giménez. 2007. Los derechos de los niños:

responsabilidad de todos.. Mallorca, Spain: Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de

Publicaciones. (Spanish)

Hessel, Dieter, and Larry Rasmussen, eds. 2001. Earth Habitat: Eco-Injustice and the Church’s

Response. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press.

Kiss, Alexandre, and Dinah Shelton. 2004. International Environmental Law, 3rd ed. New York:

Transnational Publishers.

Korten, David. 2006. The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community. San Francisco, CA:


Lubbers, Ruud, Willem van Genugten, and Tineke Lambooy. 2008. Inspiration for Global

Governance: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter.

Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer.

Marinho, Kleber Maia and Valéria Viana Labrea. 2007. Histórias de aprender-e-ensinar para

mudar o mundo. Sao Paulo, Brasil: Instituto Bioma. (Portuguese)

Moe, Jessica, and Lisa Jokivirta, eds. 2008. Interwoven Stories: The Fabric of Community. Costa Rica: Lidia Picado, Alpi Producciones.

Novo, María. 2006. El desarrollo sostenible – Su dimensión ambiental y educativa. Madrid,

Spain: UNESCO and Pearson Educación. (Spanish)

Plotkin, Bill. 2008. Nature and the Human Soul; Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a

Fragmented World. Novato, CA: New World Library.

Pojman, Louis P. 2004. Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application. 4th ed. Florence, KY: Wadsworth Publishing.

Preston, Noel. 2001. Understanding Ethics. 2d ed. Australia: The Federation Press.

Raskin, Paul. 2002. Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead. Stockholm,

Sweden: Stockholm Environment Institute.

Ruether, Rosemary Radford. 2005. Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World

Religions. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Soskolne, Colin L., ed. 2007. Sustaining Life on Earth: Environmental and Human Health Through Global Governance. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Speth, James Gustave. 2004.Red Sky at Morning: America, the Crisis of the Global Environment,

and What We Can Do. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.

Speth, James Gustave. 2008. Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and

Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Strong, Maurice F. 2001. Where on Earth Are We Going? London: Texere.

Taylor, Prue. 1998. An Ecological Approach to International Law. London: Routledge.

Westra, Laura. 1998. Living in Integrity: A Global Ethic to Restore a Fragmented Earth.

Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

______. 2004. Ecoviolence and the Law: Supranational Normative Foundation of

Ecocrime. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers Inc.

Talbot, Lyn and and Glenda Verrinder. 2005. Promoting Health: The Primary Health Care

Approach. 3rd ed. Sydney: Churchill Livingstone.

Tucker, Mary Evelyn. 2003. Worldly Wonder: Religions Enter Their Ecological Phase. LaSalle,

IL: Open Court.

Westra, Laura, and Peter Miller. 2002. Just Ecological Integrity. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Westra, Laura, Klaus Bosselmann, and Richard Westra, eds. 2008. Reconciling Human Existence

with Ecological Integrity. London, Earthscan Publications, Ltd.

3. Book Chapters on the Earth Charter

Ab’saber, Aziz. 2002. “The Essence of the Earth Charter.” In Goldewijk, Berma Klein, Adalid

Contreras Baspineiro, & Paulo César Carbonari (Eds.). Dignity and Human Rights:

The Implementation of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, 179-184. Antwerpen,

Belguim: Intersentia

Ariyaratne, A.T. 2005. “Awakening and the Earth Charter in Sri Lanka.” In Earth Charter in

Action, ed. Peter Blaze Corcoran. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers,

Bosselmann, Klaus. 2008. “The Way Forward: Governance for Ecological Integrity.” In

Reconciling Human Existence with Ecological Integrity, eds. Laura Westra, Klaus

Bosselmann, and Richard Westra, 319-331. London, Earthscan Publications Ltd.

______. 2005. “Ethical Implications.” In Bradbrook, Adrian J., Rosemary Lyster,

Richard L. Ottinger, & Wang Xi (Eds.). The Law of Energy for Sustainable

Development, 74-92. London: Cambridge University Press.

Clugston, Richard M., Wynn Calder, and Peter Blaze Corcoran. 2002. “Teaching Sustainability

with the Earth Charter.” In Teaching Sustainability at Universities: Toward Curriculum

Greening, ed. Walter Leal Filho. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. 2002. “The Earth Charter: An Ethical Framework for “Good”

Globalization.” In Ways to Institutionalize the Concepts, 213-217. Luneburg, Germany:

Copernicus, 2002.

______. 2004. “The Earth Charter as an Integrative Force for Peace Education and

Environmental Education.” In Educating Toward a Culture of Social and Ecological

Peace, ed. Anita L. Wenden, 183-202. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze & A. James Wohlpart. 2007. “Infusing the Earth Charter into Research

and Curriculum: One American University’s Example.” In Good Practices in Education

for Sustainable Development Using the Earth Charter, eds. Mirian Vilela and Kimberly

Corrigan. UNESCO and the Earth Charter Initiative.

Engel, J. Ronald. 2002. “The Earth Charter as a New Covenant for Democracy.” In Just

Ecological Integrity: the Ethicsof Maintaining Planetary Life, eds. by Peter Miller and

Laura Westra , 37-52. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

______. 2006. “A New Covenant of Covenants for the World Community: the Meaning of

Global Citizenship in the 21st Century.” In Sustaining Life On Earth: Environmental and

Human Health Through Global Governance, ed. Colin Soskolne, 27-40. Lanham, MD:

Rowman and Littlefield.

______. 2006. “Making the Earth Covenant: The Earth Charter and the Eastern European

Revolutions.” In Democracy, Nature, Pragmatism, ed. Leslie Muray and Jon Taylor.

New York: Peter Lane.

Gadotti, Moacir. 2009. “Eco-pedagogy: Extending the Educational Theory of Paulo Freire to

Sustainability.” In Young People, Education, and Sustainable Development, eds. Peter

Blaze Corcoran and Philip M. Osano. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Gorbachev, Mikhail. 2005. “The Third Pillar of Sustainable Development.” In Earth Charter in

Action, ed. Peter Blaze Corcoran. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

Lotz-Sisitka, Heila. 2009. “Utopianism and Education Processes in the United Nations Decade of

Education for Sustainable Development: A Critical Reflection.” In Young People,

Education, and Sustainable Development, eds. Peter Blaze Corcoran and Philip M.

Osano. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Henderson, Hazel. 2005. “Beyond Economism: Toward Earth Ethics.” In Earth Charter in

Action, ed. Peter Blaze Corcoran. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

Hessel, Dieter. 2002. “The Earth Charter: Guide to a Sustainable Way of Life.” In Ethics for

a Small Planet: A Communications Handbook on the Ethical and Theological Reasons

for Protecting Biodiversity, 84-91. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press.

Jimenez, Alberto Cardenas and Mateo A. Castillo Ceja. 2005. "The Earth Charter in Mexico:

Actions to Advance Towards Democratic Societies that are Just, Participatory,

Sustainable, and Peaceful." In Earth Charter in Action, ed. Peter Blaze Corcoran.

Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

Kakabadse, Yolanda. 2005. “Using Earth Charter Principles to Assess Social and Economic

Justice in Latin America.” In Earth Charter in Action, ed. Peter Blaze Corcoran.

Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

Kalaw, Maximo T., Jr. 1999. “Earth Charter Benchmark Draft II, Commentary.” In The United

Nations University: Codes of Conduct for Partnership in Governance: Texts and

Commentaries, 311-315. World Civil Society Conference: Building Global Governance

Partnerships, 1999.

Krieger, David. 2003. Hope in a Dark Time. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press.

Likhotal, Alexander. 2005. “The Earth Charter as a Vehicle of Transformation.” In Earth

Charter in Action, ed. Peter Blaze Corcoran. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

Lubbers, Ruud and Patricia Morales. 2003. “The Earth Charter: Global Ethics for the 21st

Century.” In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 1911-59. Oxford: Eolss Publishers.

Mackey, Brendan G. 2002. “An Earth Charter perspective on food.” In Good Grub: Food for

Healthy People and a Healthy Planet, ed. Bryan Furnass. Canberra, Australia:

Nature and Society Forum and The Mulangarri Foundation.

______. 2008. “The Earth Charter, Ethics, and Global Governance.” In Reconciling

Human Existence with Ecological Integrity, eds. Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann, and

Richard Westra, 61-72. London, Earthscan Publications Ltd.

Maathai, Wangari. 2005. “Abandon Apathy and Be Moved to Action.” In Earth Charter in

Action, ed. Peter Blaze Corcoran. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

Mireles, Namir Hadad Nava. 2009. “Sexual and Reproductive Rights and HIV: Experiences of

Empowerment among Mexican Youth through the Earth Charter.” In Young People,

Education, and Sustainable Development, eds. Peter Blaze Corcoran and Philip M.

Osano. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Morales, Partricia. 2002. “Moral and Global Challenges of the III Millennium: How to

Implement the Earth Charter.” In Dignity and Human Rights: The Implementation of

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, eds. Berma Klein Goldewijk, Adalid Contreras

Baspineiro, and Paulo César Carbonari, 185-198. Antwerpen, Belguim: Intersentia.

Osano, Philip. 2005. “Shaping Our Common Future: Youth Campaigning for Sustainable

Development Using the Earth Charter in East Africa.” Earth Charter in Action, ed. Peter

Blaze Corcoran. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.

O’Sullivan, Edmund. 2004. “Sustainability and Transformative Educational Vision.” In Higher

Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise and Practice, eds.

Peter Blaze Corcoran and Arjen E.J. Wals, 163-180. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer

Academic Publishers.

Rockefeller, Steven C.. “Faith and Community in an Ecological Age.” In Spirit and Nature, eds.

Steven Rockefeller and John Elder, 139-172. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992.

______. 1992. “Keeping Faith with Life:A Dialogue.” In Spirit and Nature: Why

Environment is a Religious Issue, eds. Steven C. Rockefeller and John Elder, 173-192.

Boston: Beacon Press.

______. 1997. “Buddhism, Global Ethics, and the Earth Charter.” In Buddhism

and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds, eds. Mary Evelyn Tucker and

Duncan Ryuken Williams, 313-324. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University


______. 2001. “Global Interdependence, the Earth Charter, and Christian Faith.” In

Earth Habitat, eds. Larry Rasmussen and Dieter Hessel, 101-121. Minneapolis,

Minnesota: Fortress Press.

______. 2001. “Interview: Steven Rockefeller: The Earth Charter.” In Our Fragile World:

Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development, ed. M.K. Tolba, xxxi-xxxv.

Paris: EOLSS Publishers.

______. 2003. “Faith and Ethics in an Interdependent World.” In Pragmatism and Religion,

eds. Stuart Rosenbaum, 303-320. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.

______. 2005. “The Earth Charter.” In Encyclopedia of Religion and Ecology, eds. Jeffrey

Kaplan and Bron Taylor. London: Continuum International.

______. 2006. “Teilhard’s Vision and the Earth Charter.” In Teilhard and the Future of

Humanity, ed. Thierry Meynard. Bronx, New York: Fordham University Press.

______. 2006. “Animals and the Earth Charter.” In A Communion of Subjects: Animals in

Religion, Science and Ethics, eds. Paul Waldau and Kimberley Patton, 621-628. New

York: Columbia University Press.

______. 2007. “Ecological and Social Responsibility: The Making of the Earth Charter.”

In Responsibility, ed. Barbara Darling-Smith. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Slaby, Michael C., Brandon P. Hollingshead & Peter Blaze Corcoran. 2007. “Learning and

Living with the Earth Charter.” In Social Learning Toward a Sustainable World, ed.