Earned Income Credit Worksheet for 2015

Did the IRS disallow your earned income credit in the past, and are you prohibited fromclaiming the EIC on your2015 tax return?
Can you or your spouse (if a joint return) be claimed as a qualifying child for earned income credit purposes an another person’s return?
Do you the taxpayer (and your spouse if filing jointly) have a social security number (SSN) that allows you to work or is valid for EIC purposes?
Wereyour main home, and the main home of your spouse if filing jointly, in the United States for more than half the year? (Military personnel on extended active duty outside the United States are considered to be living in the United States during that duty period. See Pub. 596.)
Did your child(ren), live with you in your home outside of the United States (one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia) for more than half of 2015?
Could any other person claim Child 1on Schedule EIC as a dependent for earned income tax credit purposes on their 2015 income tax return?
  • If YES, enter the person’s relationship with Child 1 ______
  • If YES, is the other person claiming the EIC based on Child 1?
  • If YES, if the tie-breaker rules applied, would Child 1 be treated as the taxpayer’s qualifying child (see Form 1040 or 1040A instructions before answering)?

Could any other person claim Child 2 on Schedule EIC as a dependent for earned income tax credit purposes on their 2015 income tax return?
  • If YES, enter the person’s relationship with Child 2 ______
  • If YES, is the other person claiming the EIC based on Child 2?
  • If YES, if the tie-breaker rules applied, would Child 2 be treated as the taxpayer’s qualifying child (see Form 1040 or 1040A instructions before answering)?

Could any other person claim Child 3 on Schedule EIC as a dependent for earned income tax credit purposes on their 2015 income tax return?
  • If YES, enter the person’s relationship with Child 3 ______
  • If YES, is the other person claiming the EIC based on Child 3?
If YES, if the tie-breaker rules applied, would Child 3 be treated as the taxpayer’s qualifying child (see Form 1040 or 1040A instructions before answering)?
Were you a nonresident alien during any part 2015?
A child must meet certain requirements to be a qualifying child for EITC. The following chart outlines the three requirements that must be met: / YES / NO
RELATIONSHIP:Son, Daughter, Step child, Foster child, Brother, Sister, Stepbrother, Stepsister, or a descendant of any of them AND….. (Circle one above)
AGE:Under the age 19 at the end of the tax year
Under the age of 24 at the end of the year tax year and a full-time student OR…
Any age and permanently and totally disabled at any time during the year AND…
RESIDENCY:Lived with the taxpayer within the United States for more than half of the year.
Does your child meet the Age, Residency and Relationship tests for the qualifying children?
Do you have documentation to prove that the dependent lives with you and have provided for them? (i.e. School, Medical records and birth certificates)

I / We ______, do affirm that the above information is true to

(PrintFirst and Last Names -Taxpayer and Spouse if Married Filing Jointly)

my knowledge.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that all children named on Page 1 of Form 1040 or 1040A are my dependents, and that I provided my preparer with complete and accurate data as to all my earnings, my marital status, and the names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers of my children. I declare that I have reviewed the information on this EIC worksheet and Form 8867 and I affirm that it is true and correct. I understand that a false statement will subject me to the penalties by the Internal Revenue Service. This also releases any liabilities on Landingham Enterprises LLC and I/ we take full responsibilities.

Primary Taxpayer’s Signature Date

Spouse’s Signature Date

Earned Income Credit Worksheet for 2015

Is the taxpayer’s filing status married filing separately?
Is the taxpayer filing Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ (relating to the exclusion of foreign earned income)?
Is the taxpayer’s filing status married filing jointly?
Is the taxpayer’s investment income more than $3,400? See Rule 6 in Pub. 596 before answering
Did the IRS disallow your earned income credit in the past, and are you prohibited from claiming the EIC on your 2015 tax return?
Can you or your spouse (if a joint return) be claimed as a qualifying child for earned income credit purposes an another person’s return?
Do you or your spouse (if a joint return) posses a social security card that says: Not valid for employment, or have a social security number that was issued solely so the taxpayer could apply for or receive a federally funded benefit?
Wereyour main home, and the main home of your spouse if filing jointly, in the United States for more than half the year? (Military personnel on extended active duty outside the United States are considered to be living in the United States during that duty period. See Pub. 596.)
Was the taxpayer, or the taxpayer’s spouse if filing jointly, at least age 25 but under age 65 at the end of 2015?
Is the taxpayer, or the taxpayer’s spouse if filing jointly, eligible to be claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s federal income tax return for 2015? If the taxpayer's filing status is married filing jointly, check “No”
Are the taxpayer’s earned income and adjusted gross income each less than the limit that applies to the taxpayer for 2015? See Pub. 596 for the limit
Were you a nonresident alien during any part 2015?

I / We ______, do affirm that the above information is true to

(PrintFirst and Last Names -Taxpayer and Spouse if Married Filing Jointly)

my knowledge.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that all children named on Page 1 of Form 1040 or 1040A are my dependents, and that I provided my preparer with complete and accurate data as to all my earnings, my marital status, and the names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers of my children. I declare that I have reviewed the information on this EIC worksheet and Form 8867 and I affirm that it is true and correct.I understand that a false statement will subject me to the penalties by the Internal Revenue Service. This also releases any liabilities on Landingham Enterprises LLC and I/ we take full responsibilities.

Primary Taxpayer’s Signature Date

Spouse’s Signature Date

Landingham Enterprises LLCEIC WorksheetTY 2015Revised 1/12/15