
Early Statehood Web Quest (A.C.)

Directions: You will be visiting different websites in order to research questions given below. Please type your answers directly into this document as you work. When you are completely finished, edit out extra space in order to save paper. Please print, complete the illustration for the Religion question and turn in to your teacher.

The Founding of UGA

A University is born! Log onto and select UGA’s virtual field trip:

  1. When was UGA founded?
  2. Where is its main campus today? (city and county)
  3. How many acres does it cover today?
  4. Who wrote the charter creating UGA?
  5. What was the original emphasis of the college?
  6. UGA has the honor to be the first ______institute of higher learning in the United States (and first land grant institute) but did not hold classes until _____.
  7. Who was Josiah Meigs?
  8. When did Franklin College open its doors?
  9. How many buildings does UGA’s main campus have today?
  10. When were women granted admission?

The Spread of the Baptist and Methodist Religions

Answer the following questions using the links provided:

  1. What is the Great Awakening? When did it happen?
  2. How did the Great Awakening change religion in the South? What was different about the way George Whitefield approached religion from those before him?
  3. What was George Whitefield trying to do? Why do you think his “home base” was in Savannah?
  4. “Democratic in its appeal and egalitarian in its preaching, revivalism fit the social and political spirit of the new nation.” Analyze this quote from the article. What is the “political spirit of the new nation?” Why did this type of religious practice appeal to people during the time after the American Revolution?
  5. What might you guess “Methodist circuit riders” and “Baptist farmer preachers” are? What did they replace?
  6. Who were these Methodist and Baptist preachers including in the people they were trying to convert? Why might this have been a big deal?
  7. Illustrate the description given in the article of camp meetings, and provide a written summary paraphrasing the details given in the article. Type the written summary part here in the document. After you print out your answers, please complete the illustration on the back of the last page.
  8. What did Methodist preacher, Lorenzo Dow, do after witnessing the first recorded camp in Georgia? What year did this happen in? What message did this send to England about the United States of America?


  1. What movement helped to advance the spread of Methodism in Georgia?
  1. What are camp meetings?
  1. Complete the graph.

1788 / 1790 / 1814 / 1861
# of Methodists in GA
  1. What caused this growth of participants in the Methodist religion?
  1. Why do you think Methodists sought to evangelize slave populations?
  1. Browse through the section “Beliefs and Organization” and tell me what “circuit riders” are and who founded the Methodist religion.
  1. As of 2005, how many Baptist churches are estimated to be in Georgia? How many members of the Baptist religion are their approximated to be?
  2. Where were “tiny Baptist centers” formed? How many Baptists arrived with James Oglethorpe?
  3. What was the first continuing Baptist church?

“Major Baptist Bodies in Georgia”

4. Skim through this section and tell me whether or not slaves were converted to the Baptist religion.

History of Georgia’s Capitals

Answer the following questions using the links provided:

  1. How many cities have been Georgia’s capitals and in what order?
  1. At what point was Savannah named the capital city or “seat of government”?
  2. Why did the government leave Savannah?
  1. What caused the center of population to move away from Savannah and the coast?
  2. Where is Augusta?
  3. Identify some of the tasks the legislative handled in Augusta?
  4. Describe the complaint about the location of Augusta which led to a search for a new capital location?
  1. What city was Georgia’s third capital modeled after?
  2. What did they name this new city and why?
  1. Over the course of what years was Louisville the capital?
  2. Where us Louisville?
  3. Why was the building of the capital delayed?
  4. What was the criticism that led to the move of the capital from Louisville?
  1. What years was Milledgeville the state capital?
  2. Where is Milledgeville? What was it modeled after?
  3. What was its role during the Civil War?
  4. What caused Milledgeville to prosper into a wealthy city?
  5. What two events solidified Milledgeville’s reputation as a social and political center of Georgia?
  6. What happened during the Civil War which led to the capital moving again?
  1. To what does Atlanta owe its origins to?
  2. What was Atlanta once known as?
  3. When did Atlanta become the current state capital?
  4. How would you describe Atlanta’s significance to the United States today?
  1. Scroll down to the interactive map toward the middle of the web page. Click “play” and watch the state of Georgia grow over time. Pay attention to the years and the caption to the right of the state. You are able to “stop” to pause and just click “play” again to resume.
  2. Describe the location of the Cherokee and Creek lands.
  3. When did the Creek lose all of their land? What counties were in this location?
  4. When did the Cherokee officially lose their land? What county was in this location?

Headright System

  1. What was the purpose of the Georgia Headright System?
  2. Who had rights to this land and how much could they receive?
  3. Why was the headright system implemented?
  4. Timeline:
    Who was allowed to give land in 1777?
  5. What is changed to this system in 1780?
  6. What is marked in 1783?
  7. How do they establish order in 1785?
  8. Who does Georgia agree to sell land to in December of 1789?
  9. What happened on January 7, 1795?
  10. February 18, 1796?
  11. February 21, 1796?
  12. May 11, 1803?

The Yazoo Land Fraud

Answer the following questions using the link(s) provided:

  1. What were the names of the Yazoo land companies?
  1. How far west did Georgia’s boundaries extend in 1795?
  2. What was the reasoning behind wanting to move the Native Americans from this western area?
  3. How did the land companies manage to buy land at such cheap prices?
  4. Describe how the land companies were able to make huge profits off the land?
  5. How did many Georgians react when they discovered the fraud?
  6. Describe the actions in 1796.
  7. How did the event end up in the United States Supreme Court?
  8. How did the scandal finally end?

Land Lotteries

  1. Prior to the American Revolution, what group held political and economic power in the South?
  2. How did the role of political and economic power change after the Revolution?
  3. What was the source of the land that was distributed in the land lotteries?
  4. Who was eligible to receive land? How much did they pay for the land?
  5. Describe how the lottery worked.
  6. What gave participants more opportunities to be selected to receive land?
  7. What is the Compact of 1802?
  8. How did the use frontier land change after the land lotteries? Why?
  9. How did the land lottery change the role of the common man?

The Cotton Gin

  1. What was the peculiar institution?
  2. What were the positive and negative aspects of the invention of the cotton gin?
  3. Why did Eli Whitney move to South Carolina? What did he want to become?
  4. We seldom think that technology or innovation can be harmful. Name some instances where technology has "gone wrong"? What have we done to combat this issue? Name a technology that has done incredible good for the world (without any known negative consequences).
  5. How much cotton could be cleaned a day by hand?
  6. Is there anything that has made your life easier, but you feel uncomfortable about it? An SUV instead of a hybrid? Disposable plastic as opposed to a reusable container? Describe this innovation and explain how you justify the personal dilemma.
  7. What does the word “gin” mean in the context of the cotton gin?
  8. Before the cotton gin was widely available, the American slave population was 700,000 in 1790. By 1860, the narrator says, the slave population was______.

The Railroad

Please see your teacher’s blog for (1)the Georgia Department of TransportationFreight Railroad Map (Adobe) and the (2)Railroad article to answer the following questions.

  1. When were Georgia’s first railroad tracks laid?
  2. Identify three INTENDED consequences railroads have for society and three UNINTENDED consequences railroads had for society. (NGE article)
  3. List the following towns that “owe their existence” to Georgia’s rail system. (NGE article)
  4. What is Georgia’s sole passenger train system? (NGE article)
  5. How many miles of railroad track does Georgia boast today?
  6. (Map) Follow the GCR line with your finger from Savannah to Macon. Record the cities the railroad crosses.
  7. (Map) Identify the FOUR main rail lines running to/from Atlanta.
  8. (Map) List the cities that have four points of rail intersecting in the heart of the city.