Kitsap Community Resources

Early Learning & Family Services

Policy Council

Wednesday 04/20/2016

April Minutes

Policy Council:
Victoria Hilt - Chair
Melissa Farrar - Secretary
Betty Schenk - Rosemary Moen Full Day (R)
Jacqueline Cheek – Carlton PM (R)
Christopher Carr – Carlton AM (R)
Sarah Phillips – Elizabeth PM (R)
Courtney Anderson – Bainbridge Island (R)
Shellone Reynolds – EHS Home Base B1 (R) / Staff:
Connie Mueller- Director of Early Learning and Family Services
John Hurley- Family Service Manager
Shannon Turner

I.  Meeting called to Order at: 5:49pm

·  Flag Salute by: Melissa Farrar

II.  Corrections/Approval of Minutes

·  Motion to approve minutes from March 31, 2016 Policy Council Meeting received by: Betty Schenk 2nd:Jacqueline Cheek Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

III.  Announcements

·  The Kitsap Great Give – May 3rd, 2016 #KitsapCommunityResources #KCR #KCRGreatGive #GreatGive. Victoria Hilt reviewed what the Great Give was and reminded the Policy Council to make and keep their commitments to spread the word about the Event. The fundraising Goal this year will be $12,000.00.

·  Father Engagement– Movie Night, Saturday, May 14, 2016

i.  Meets at 10:00 am for ‘Daddy & Doughnut’ time while building ‘cars’- Flyers were presented to the council and John Hurley requested individuals RSVP for the event as soon as possible so enough boxes are attained and a sponsor can donate enough popcorn.

ii. Meets at 6:00 pm for the movie- Will be watching the movies in the boxes built at the earlier event.

·  Happy 50th Year Head Start! Birthday Party, Saturday, May 28, 2016 1:00pm-5:00pm- Victoria Hilt touched based on the event. Requested any volunteers assist.

·  Recruitment Calendar and Sign up- Victoria Hilt passed around the Recruitment schedules. Requested parents help with the recruitment since so many slots are opening to prevent loss of slots.

·  Kitsap Early Learning Website –

IV.  Additions to Agenda

V.  Old Business

·  Policy Council By-Laws & Code of Conduct – Victoria Hilt explained these proposes are changes that have been discussed in length and are to help make clarifications to the information already present. These changes, once approved by the Policy Council, will be presented to the KCR Board of Directors.

i.  Motion to approve changes made to Policy Council By-Laws received by: Shellone Reynolds 2nd: Betty Schenk Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

ii. Motion to approve Policy Council Member Consent Form received by: Shellone Reynolds 2nd: Betty Schenk Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

VI.  New Business

·  Approval of New Hire Process

i.  Motion to approve process of hire for Naval Teacher’s Assistant received by: Jaqueline Cheek 2nd: Courtney Anderson Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

ii. Motion to approve process of hire for Rosemary Moen Teacher’s Assistant received by: Betty Schenk 2nd: Courtney Anderson Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

·  Parent Activity Fund Requests

i.  Motion to approve Parent Activity Fund Request for Almira received by: Jaqueline Cheek 2nd: Betty Schenk Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

ii. Motion to approve Parent Activity Fund Request for National ECEAP Received by: Jaqueline Cheeck 2nd: Christopher Carr Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

iii.  Motion to approve Parent Activity Fund Request for Park Avenue HS/ECEAP received by: Jaqueline Cheek 2nd: Betty Schenk Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

iv.  Motion to approve Parent Activity Fund Request for Elizabeth HS received by: Melissa Farrar 2nd: Jaqueline Cheek Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

v. Motion to approve Parent Activity Fund Request for Naval received by: Jaqueline Cheek 2nd: Shellone Reynolds Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions: 0

·  Interview Representative & Alternate

i.  Requested Action: Nominate and Vote on new Interview Representative and Alternate.

·  Motion to Table the nomination and voting on new Interview Representative and alternate received by: Jaqueline Cheek 2nd: Shellone Reynolds Yea: 7 Nay: 0 Abstentions:0

VII.  Committee Reports

·  50th Celebration – Melissa Farrar shared with the council the information that was on the invitations and requested everyone pass out pinwheels to their sites and edit CeCe’s contact information to reflect the correct phone number. It was requested. These be passed out by next Wednesday and to email Victoria Hilt when this task is completed. She explained what would be provided during the event including food items and what was still being worked on such as volunteers from the OC Student Volunteer Group. Parents have also been asked to participate in the 50th Celebration Committee. Sara Phillips told the council Franz will donate if given three weeks’ notice for the event and will bring the applications to the next meeting, which will be Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 1 pm.

·  Fundraising for Transportation – Victoria Hilt informed the council that this has been placed on hold to focus on the 50th Celebration.

·  Board of Directors – Shannon Turner explained that most of what was discussed at the last meeting was already discussed tonight.

·  WSA Delegate Report—No report given.

·  Eating Smart – Being Active Food Sense (ESBA) Victoria Hilt explained the class has been successful so far. She said she is going to see if any of the participants want to give a demonstration to the council.

VIII.  Staff Reports

·  Directors Report – Connie Mueller said we will be under budget in all three programs. The money that has been saved will be used to give staff medical coverage during the summer to those laid off during the summer. Explained KCR will be doing a rather lengthy Parent survey to see what participating families think of the program as part of the Community Assessment. Additional question are being added to combine the information for two different assessments. The concern is with this survey being approximately eight pages long individuals may not participate. Policy council members were asked to encourage families to participate. KCR is looking for at least 100 surveys to be completed. Surveys will be available via Survey Monkey. The Foster Grandparent Program has been disbanded due to lack of funding. However we have created a way to help get volunteers for the program. KCR will continue paying for transportation but cannot continue paying the two dollars an hour. KCR is trying to keep the Grandparent Volunteers as they bring in a large portion of In-Kind hours.

·  Family Services Report – John Hurley looking for one more ECEAP participant. The program was granted four extra slots just for the remainder of this service year. Recruitment is pretty much done for the current year. John Hurley is having a couple individuals stay on to assist with recruitment and recruitment will pick up significantly by fall. Parents were again encouraged to assist in recruitment.

Next Meeting is on Wednesday May 18, 2016

5:30-7:00 pm

Adjourn: 7:05 pm

Minutes submitted by: Melissa Farrar, Policy Council Secretary

Policy Council Approval: PC Chair/Executive Committee Representative:

Date Victoria Hilt