Early Fall Tournament (Koo/Teitler – Packet 2)
1. The first ruler of this dynasty faced an uprising initiated by the 6th Earl of Mar, while the last ruler weathered the so-called “bedchamber crisis.” Upon the death of the 5th member of this house, sometimes called the Sailor King, his brother Ernest Augustus acceded to the throne of its namesake realm. Its second ruler suffered a minor setback when royal troops under John Cope were routed at Prestonpans by troops led by the Young Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charlie, a claimant from the previous House of Stuart. FTP, name this British dynasty named for a German electorate which featured several Georges and Queen Victoria.
ANSWER: House of Hanover
2. A proper labeling scheme for a polygonal region is of this type if each label in it appears once with exponent +1 and once with exponent -1; otherwise, the scheme is of projective type. A plane bitangent to one of these cuts it into the two Villarceau circles. The classification theorem states that any compact, connected, orientable surface is homeomorphic to the sphere or a connected sum of these objects, which have Euler characteristic 0 and genus 1. FTP, name this surface given by the Cartesian product of two circles which resembles a donut.
ANSWER: 1- or 2-torus
3. This poem was written under the pen-name Glirastes a few weeks before Horace Smith wrote that “some Hunter may express / wonder like ours” in another poem on the same subject, inspired by a passage in Diodorus Siculus. This poem mentions “lifeless things” whose record of passions survives “the heart that fed,” as well as “The hand that mocked them.” Smith’s version focuses on “a gigantic Leg,” while this poem mentions a “wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,” and “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone.” FTP name this poem describing the wreck of an Egyptian statue, written by Percy Shelley.
ANSWER: “Ozymandias”
4. This composer's third piano concerto and viola concerto were both left unfinished at his death and completed by his friend Tibor Serly. One of his works features an "interrupted intermezzo" fourth movement that parodies a theme from the seventh symphony of Shostakovich, and a second movement "game of couples" featuring five pairs of wind instruments. His works for piano include the Out of Doors Suite and a set of 153 pieces entitled Mikrokosmos. He shared an interest in traditional Magyar music with his friend Kodaly. FTP identify this composer of Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, the opera Duke Bluebeard's Castle, and the Concerto for Orchestra.
ANSWER: Bela Viktor Janos Bartok
5. John Thomas' amendment to it allowed for the creation of currency backed by silver. It was based on the ideas of Mordecai Ezekiel, who worked under Henry Wallace. Owen Roberts declared that it violated the Tenth Amendment in the Supreme Court case United States v. Butler, because it imposed a tax on one group to subsidize another. A second version of this act with a different taxing scheme was passed two years after that case; during the interim, part of the purpose of this act was covered by the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. FTP identify this piece of New Deal legislation that subsidized farmers to reduce crop production.
ANSWER: AAA or Agricultural Adjustment Act
6. Sylvester’s law of this states that the signature of a symmetric bilinear form is independent of the diagonal representation. This word’s adjectival form denotes the range of length scales in which Kolmogorov’s -5/3 law holds. The Rossby number is the ratio of these forces to the Coriolis force, and the Reynolds number is the ratio of these forces to viscous forces. This property is non-local, being determined by the distribution of mass in the distant stars, according to Mach’s principle. FTP, name this property associated with Newton’s First Law, the tendency of a body to remain in a state of uniform rectilinear motion.
ANSWER: inertia
7. This poet wrote of his inability to perform in bed with a beautiful girl in his poem “Disappointment.” He presented letters written in the characters of Helen, Dido and other legendary women in Heroines, and noted that “the work of bards endures” in his “Elegy for Tibullus,” written after the death of his comrade in Messalla’s circle. His poem Fasti was half-finished in 8 CE, and was left unfinished in favor of the more plaintive Tristia and Letters from Pontis. FTP name this Roman poet of the Ars Amatoria and a work describing mythological transformations, the Metamorphoses.
ANSWER: Ovid or Publius Ovidius Naso
8. On this painting’s left side, above reliefs depicting wrath and lust, stands a statue of Apollo, who reappears in the artist’s adjacent fresco Parnassus. Dali created a stereoscopic work pairing this painting with The Fire in the Borgo. The artist can be seen in the right foreground, standing next to a figure thought to be Sodoma or the artist’s teacher, Perugino. The artist designed the receding series of barrel vaults with the help of a contemporary who is depicted using a compass to draw a pair of overlapping triangles in the guise of Euclid. FTP name this Raphael fresco depicting Plato, Aristotle and many other Greek philosophers.
ANSWER: The School of Athens or Scuola d’Atene
9. In one treatise, this man proposed that Aristotle’s books of Logic, Rhetoric, and Poetry be studied without notes and comments, and the Physics, the Metaphysics, Of the Soul and Ethics be abolished. In that treatise he dismissed an arrogation of the power to call a council and stated that the temporal and spiritual estates are identical in the course of attacking the three walls of the Romanists. His opponents included Johann Eck and Johann Tetzel, a seller of indulgences. FTP, name this author of “To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation” who also wrote 95 Theses.
ANSWER: Martin Luther
10. One of the claimants in this case was represented by a former member of the United Irishmen, while the other side was represented by the future presidential nominee of the Anti-Masonic party. Cornelius Vanderbilt had taken the action that instigated the dispute over a contract made with the negotiator of the Louisiana Purchase, Robert Livingston, and the designer of the Clermont, Robert Fulton. Centering on the interpretation of Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution, FTP identify this Supreme Court case in which a dispute over steamboat operation along the Hudson River resulted in John Marshall defining his interpretation of the commerce clause.
ANSWER: Gibbons v. Ogden
11. A simple model for the operation of these structures is the one-dimensional Haskell source, which predicts trapezoidal time functions in the far-field. They can produce fine debris known as their namesake gouge, which can accommodate continuous creep. The accumulation of strain near these structures is a prediction of the elastic rebound theory. Nonvertical ones appear between the hanging wall and the foot wall. The normal and reverse types show dip-slip, as opposed to strike-slip. FTP, name these quasiplanar fractures in rock across which seismic movement has taken place, whose examples include the San Andreas.
ANSWER: seismic faults
12. The narrator recounts how he went each night for a week at midnight to look in with a lamp on another character. On the eighth night, he entertains three guests who arrive at 4 in the morning. The primary motive for the narrator’s actions is his disgust for a filmy, pale blue eye like that of a vulture, which belongs to an old man. A sound like that made by a watch wrapped in cotton ultimately destroys the composure of the narrator, causing him to confess his deed to the police officers. FTP name this Poe story in which a murderer can hear the title object beating through the floorboards.
ANSWER: “The Tell-Tale Heart”
13. During this movie’s filming, the actors invented a dish of sautéed beef with whole raw onion named for one of the main characters. That character says he was captured after he took ill from foul water, correcting the policeman, who conjectures that he was thrown by a stolen horse. The director added ink to the local water supply for use as rainwater, and during a final downpour, another character is accused of stealing a valuable dagger after he contradicts evidence given by a medium. A woodcutter and Tajomaru the bandit provide two conflicting accounts of a rape and a murder in, FTP, what film by Kurosawa?
ANSWER: Rashomon
14. Feynman integrals can be rendered finite by introducing fictitious heavy particles in the regularization named for Villars and this man. His fundamental theorem guarantees the representation independence of the gamma matrices, and he lends his name to a set of three 2 by 2 sigma matrices for spin-1/2 particles. Another of his results is built into the Slater determinant for multi-electron systems, which vanishes if two columns are identical. FTP, name this man who stated that two identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state in his exclusion principle.
ANSWER: Wolfgang Pauli (accept Pauli-Villars regularization before “Villars”)
15. Some sources state that this brother of Polycaste was followed into exile by his student Endoeus. He outlived his son by the slave Naucrate, and was banished by the Areiopagus for the murder of his nephew Talos. He killed a former employer by pouring boiling water or pitch on him during a bath. In this he was helped by the daughters of King Cocalus, for whom he figured out how to thread a Triton shell. He also created a special cow construct to satisfy Pasiphäe’s lust, then created a home for the resulting monster. FTP name this man who designed the Labyrinth and sets of wings to escape with his son Icarus.
ANSWER: Daedalus
16. One character on this show introduces himself as Chareth Cutestory (CHAIR-eth CUTE-story) to a woman with a blind dog named Justice. Another character, who appears to the theme music “Solid as a Rock,” is the business model Starla. Starla is hired by a former Hot Cop who turns out to be the father of Steve Holt. That man is blackballed by the Magician’s Alliance after attempting to hide his father in the Aztec Tomb from the SEC’s raid on the family yacht in the pilot episode. Featuring Jeffrey Tambor and Jason Bateman, FTP name this recently-canceled Fox show focusing on the Bluth family.
ANSWER: Arrested Development
17. The pinnacle of society in this book is represented by the van der Luydens, who hold a dinner party for one of the main characters after proper society refuses to attend the Lovell Mingotts' welcome party for her. That character is discouraged from seeking a divorce by a man who secretly loves her; the two are finally deterred from consummating their affair by the pregnancy of that man's wife, May Welland. Describing the male protagonist's realization of the emptiness of New York society after falling in love with May's married cousin Ellen, FTP identify this Edith Wharton novel about the non-relationship of Newland Archer and Countess Olenska.
ANSWER: The Age of Innocence
18. In an early work, he discussed the medieval commenda and concluded that Florence was the birthplace of the modern general partnership. He introduced an analytic tool formed in part by “one-sided accentuation of one or more points of view,” and used it in identifying traditional, rational-legal and charismatic sources of authority. He also used his tool of the ideal type in studying the rationalizing influence of bureaucracy. In one essay, he argued that a rational approach to acquiring wealth was one consequence of belief in predestination. FTP name this German author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
ANSWER: Maximilian Weber
19. One type of cell that makes up this tissue may contain torus-margo pits, crassulae, and window pits, which connect this tissue with surrounding parenchyma. Plasmodesmata pass through those pits when the cells that make up this tissue are living. Cell walls of this tissue derived from cambium often contain lignin because that hydrophobic molecule allows for effective transport of this tissue’s contents by transpiration. Consisting of tracheids and vessel elements, FTP identify this plant tissue that transports mineral solutes and water upward from the roots.
ANSWER: xylem
20. Seal impressions from the tomb of Khasekhemwy suggest that he succeeded Khasekhemwy. A legend that this ruler succeeded in stemming a 7-year drought by building a temple to Khnum at Elephantine can be found inscribed on the later Famine Stele. He or his predecessor was the first to take up permanent residence at Memphis, but he is better known for a project that began as a stone mastaba in nearby Saqqara. FTP name this pharaoh of the early Third Dynasty whose minister Imhotep helped him erect the Step Pyramid.
ANSWER: Djoser or Zoser or Netjerikhet
A collection of six pieces entitled Lelio was written by its composer as a sequel to this work. This work's third movement opens with an idyllic duet between an English horn and an oboe in F major, but the movement closes with F minor chords in the timpani. The fifth movement features the use of col legno by the strings and a burlesque of the Dies Irae in a musical depiction of the Witches' Sabbath. The fourth movement concludes with a loud G minor chord interrupting the idée fixe found in each movement of this work. A musical depiction of an artist's opium-induced visions of his beloved, FTP identify this work inspired by the passionate love for Harriet Smithson of its composer Hector Berlioz.
ANSWER: Symphonie Fantastique Opus 14 or Fantastic Symphony (accept "Berlioz" before "its composer" in first line)
1 She guides her father to his final resting place, where she persuades him to talk to his son Polyneices. FTPE:
[10] Identify this woman who supports her dying father in Oedipus at Colonus and hangs herself in a cave in another play by the same author.
Answer: Antigone
[10] Identify the playwright who wrote Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus Rex, and Antigone.
Answer: Sophocles
[10] In this Euripides play, Antigone and her mother Jocasta unsuccessfully try to stop Eteocles and Polyneices from killing each other. The chorus is journeying to Delphi but is trapped in Thebes because of the war between the two brothers.
Answer: Phoenician Women or Phoinissai
2. Name these Nicaraguans, FTPE.
[10] This man annexed the Mosquito Coast and installed Miguel Dávila as president of Honduras while serving as president of Nicaragua from 1893 to 1910, when the arrival of US Marines forced him to flee.
ANSWER: José Santos Zelaya
[10] This man led troops in support of Juan Bautista Sacasa. Upon the intervention of US Marines, he fled to the mountains to lead a guerilla campaign. He gave his name to a later armed movement opposed by the Contras.
ANSWER: César Augusto Sandino
[10] This head of the National Guard assassinated Sandino and deposed Sacasa in 1936, ruling as dictator until 1951. His two sons carried on the dynasty until 1979, when the Sandinistas took control.
ANSWER: Anastasio “Tacho” Somoza García
3. Answer the following about the breakdown of fatty acids FTPE.
[10] The first step of fatty acid breakdown is the activation of the fatty acid by reaction with this coenzyme that when acetylated, enters into the citric acid cycle.
ANSWER: coenzyme A or coA
[10] Transport of the fatty acid/coenzyme A compound into the mitochondrion for the remaining oxidation steps requires transport by this quaternary amine derived from lysine.
ANSWER: carnitine or 4-trimethylamino-3-hydroxybutyrate
[10] The complete breakdown of odd-chain fatty acids requires an enzyme with this vitamin as a prosthetic group. This vitamin contains a corrin ring with a central cobalt ion, and its absorption in the ileum requires intrinsic factor.
ANSWER: biotin
4. Today, this dependency is administered by the Valparaíso (val-pa-ra-EE-so) region. FTPE:
[10] Name this island which is home to giant stone platforms known as ahu used to support the large stone statues known as moai.
ANSWER: Easter Island or Rapa Nui or Te Pito te Henua or The Navel of the World or Isla de Pascua
[10] This 2005 book discusses the destruction of the forests of Easter Island as well as the disappearance of the Anasazi and the successful forestry management practices of Tokugawa-eraJapan. It is subtitled “How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.”
ANSWER: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
[10] Collapse was written by this UCLA professor whose other books include Why Is Sex Fun? and Guns, Germs, and Steel.
ANSWER: Jared Mason Diamond