Early College MathTeacher Recommendation Request

To the Student: Please complete the information in the box and give this portion of the form to your math teacher.

Student’s Name ______


Which early college(s) are you applying to attend?

___ CCTL ___Crossroads Arts & Science Early College ___Agriculture & Science Early College

To the Math Teacher: The student named above is applying for admission to early college. Students attend early college for five years and earn a high school diploma and an associate’s degree. Thank you for your assistance.

Please share your perceptions of how this student will meet the academic and social responsibilities of the school. Pleasecomplete and submit the online Googledoc form by 3:00 pm, February 3, 2017.Go to “Quick Links” andchoose the correct recommendation form.


Math Teacher Signature (return request form to student)Date

(cut along dotted line)


Early College Language Arts Teacher Recommendation Request

To the Student: Please complete the information in the box and give this portion of the form to your language arts teacher.

Student’s Name ______


Which early college(s) are you applying to attend?

___ CCTL ___ Crossroads Arts & Science Early College ___ Agriculture & Science Early College

To the Language Arts Teacher: The student named above is applying for admission to an early college. Students attend early college for five years and earn a high school diploma and an associate’s degree. Thank you for your assistance.

Please share your perceptions of how this student will meet the academic and social responsibilities of the school. Pleasecomplete and submit the online Googledoc form by 3:00 pm, February 3, 2017.Go to “Quick Links” andchoose the correct form.


L.A. Teacher Signature (return request form to student)Date

Early College Counselor Recommendation Request

To the Student: Please complete the information in the box and give this portion of the form to your school counselor.

Student’s Name ______


Which early college(s) are you applying to attend?

___ CCTL ___ Crossroads Arts & Science Early College ___ Agriculture & Science Early College

To the School Counselor: The student named above is applying for admission to an early college. Students attend CCTL for five years and earn a high school diploma and an associate’s degree. Thank you for your assistance.

Please share your perceptions of how this student will meet the academic and social responsibilities of the school. Please

complete and submit the online Google doc form by 3:00 pm, February 3, 2017 .Go tounder “Quick Links” andchoose the correct form.


Counselor Signature (return request form to student)Date

(cut along dotted line)
