School: Metro Tech High School / Credit: 3 / Grade level: 11Instructors: / Phone: / Email: / Office Hours:
Ms. Coone / (602) 764-8069 / / During Advisory or by appointment
Dr. Percell / (602) 764-8068 /
Early Childhood Education is the study of how to apply the knowledge of growth and development while working with young children. Students in this class will study the growth and development of children from fetus through age 8, and how to appropriately use that knowledge to help children learn. As part of the course students will plan and lead activities. Students will use the skills learned by working as aids in the child care facility on site at Metro Tech. Throughout this process we will use various tools including laptop computers, PowerPoint, Publisher, internet, email, movies, videos, etc. We will also use specialized infant and pregnancy simulators. Both vocational and academic skills will be stressed throughout this course of study. This course is designed as a 2 year program; students are expected to complete both full years.
We strongly support and will pursue as our goal the District Mission Statement:
“Preparing Every Student for Success in College, Career, and Life.”
Academic Expectations:
The expectation in this class is that everyone does every activity and assignment. During the course we will do several major assignments. These include wearing an Empathy Belly, caring for a baby simulator, and participating in and planning activities for preschool. There are alternative assignments for the Empathy Belly and baby simulator assignments, for those who have special circumstances and are unable to complete them. The student will need to arrange to make up missed lab time by working in the preschool before school, after school and during lunch. Please help and encourage your students to responsibly complete these assignments.
Classroom Rules
1. Be prepared
2. Use appropriate language
3. Behave professionally (on time, appropriate dress, appropriate websites, etc.)
4. Use of any personal electronic device is prohibited.
Unreasonable behavior and/or excessive absences/tardies may result in the student being required to attend Saturday School
Self-management is crucial to your success in this class. Self Management Skills include:
ü Attending class on time each day
ü Controlling one’s emotions, voice levels, and words
ü Working independently without prompts & reminders from the teaching staff
ü Interacting in a respectful manner with all people in our class environment
ü Respectfully participating in class activities and functions
The above skills are those that each student should already possess, or work on improving in one’s self. They are critical to success in this class and in the workplace. Chronic failure to manage one’s self will result in outside contact/intervention/disciplinary referrals/drop from class. You may NOT disrupt the educational process or environment.
Guest speakers and tours are an important part of our class. It is expected that students actively participate in, listen to and be prepared to write a summary on guest speaker topics or tours. These events cannot be made up. Your attendance is important to your success.
Each 6 week term is worth a full semester credit and is a stand alone grade that will not be averaged with any other terms. Grades are based on 4 categories: assignments, tests/assessments, performance in childcare, and the final.
100-90%=A / Term grade is calculated in the following manner:89-80%=B / Tests/Assessments / 40% / 9 Weeks = .5 credits
79-70%=C / Class work / 28% / 4 X 9 week terms = 2 full credits/year
69-60%=D / Childcare performance / 27%
Below 60%=F / Final / 5%
Class work/Homework:
Class work is designed to help students learn. Each student is responsible for completing her/his own work. The only information that may be copied from another student is class notes. Worksheets, projects and any other assignments must be completed by each student individually unless it is assigned as a group or partner activity. Assessments/tests must be completed individually using your own notes – students may never help each other or share notes for the assessments. Students who cheat will earn a zero for that assignment/test and will be required to attend Saturday school. Board policies regarding ethics will be followed.
The grading of classwork in this course is structured in the following way for each unit:
· Students completing the minimum assignments earn a 75%
· Completing the required assignments qualifies a student to take the assessment
· Students can earn an “A” or “B” by completing “Above and Beyond” assignments in addition to the required materials
· “Above and Beyond” assignments are available for all students to expand their learning
Homework in this class is rare, but important. Occasionally students will receive an assignment to complete at home because it is something that cannot be completed, or the student did not have time to complete in class.
Late and Make-Up Work
Students will be notified of a due date for each assignment. To receive full credit, assignments must be turned in complete and on time. If an assignment is turned in after that time, points will be deducted. Tests are open note, so the student will be required to have all corresponding work from that unit complete before being able to take the exam. 50% of your grade is based on your ability to pass to exams for the course competencies.
It is essential that you come to class and work EVERYDAY! If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to get your make-up work from me. You will also be required to make-up any missed lab time.
Professionals attend work every day. Part of this course is practicing professional behavior. We expect you to attend class on time daily. At 3 tardies or 2 absences in a term the students will be required to attend Saturday school (or an alternative as needed) in order to make up missed time and work. Due to absences including brownslips, we expect you to make up preschool hours missed. Time is available before school, at lunch or after school. Students who are significantly behind in classwork will be pulled from preschool and expected to make up the time missed in preschool at a later date. For every 2 days missed your grade will drop 1%.
Excessive absences can result in your being dropped from the course. Tardiness is unacceptable and school policy will be followed and enforced.
*To excuse an absence: please call both Metro Tech 602-764-8026 and your home school.
Required Materials and Supplies (to be brought to class):
· An up to date shot record (Check with the office if you are unsure if the student is up to date).
· A TB test (mantu™) administered no more than six months before starting the class. Students starting at the beginning of the year have 6 weeks to get this done before losing credit. Students starting late have no more than 2 weeks and will lose credit for time lost. Students who fail to obtain this will be dropped from the class.
· $18 for a food handler’s card – we will do the training during class time. Your money must be collected by the state representative giving the test.
· $10 for CTSO dues (the national student organization we are affiliated with). There will also be other fees for conferences and competitions, but we will have fund raising opportunities.
· 1½ - 2” Three ring notebook for your portfolio.
· Textbooks will be provided in class as needed
Food Handlers Card
A requirement of working in a licensed Early Childhood Education environment is possessing a food handler card. The Arizona requirements for the card are attached. Students are expected to obtain this card. As a convenience to you, a day will be arranged for you to obtain this license on campus. If you miss this opportunity, you will be responsible to obtain this card on your own time. Cost is $18.00, which provides you two cards, one of which must be kept on file here during your enrollment in the ECE program. It will be returned to you at the end of the year.
If you are unable to obtain the food handlers card, you will still be able to participate in the ECE program; however, will not be able to perform specific jobs which require the food handler’s card in our licensed center. Other tasks may be assigned to ensure you gain all the skills necessary to succeed as a professional.
CDA Opportunity
This course is also aligned with the Child Development Associate credential (the national credential for childcare workers) Students will receive information throughout the course of the year about how to complete the credential.
Please sign and return the following:
I have read, understand and will follow the expectations set forth in the Early Childhood Education course statement.
Student Signature ______Date ______
I have read and understand the conditions set forth in the Child Development course statement. I will assist my student in being successful by making sure that they come to school, are on time, and prepared for class daily.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
I understand and give my permission for my student to have access to and use email and internet on laptop computers in the class. He/she is responsible for appropriate use at all times (loss of privileges will result from improper use).
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
I give permission for the teacher to use my student’s work and image for appropriate instructional and promotional materials related to the course.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Please either attach a copy of your student’s negative TB test results
Complete the attached permission from for our school nurse to administer a TB test to your student. (Students cannot work with children in the lab without this, and will be dropped from the class after the 1st term if the student does not have this on file.)