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Early Childhood Cooperating Teacher’s Feedback Form
To be completed by the cooperating teacher at midterm and end of term. Use ”N/A” for responsibilities that cannot yet be assessed.
Student Teacher: ______CT ______Supervisor ______Date: ______
Expectations / Making
Progress / Needs Improvement / N/A
2.1 Regularly engages children in appropriate communication
2.2 Classroom interactions are generally polite and mutually respectful.
2.3 Tasks for individual, small or large group work are clearly organized and well-managed so most children can be engaged in planned learning experiences.
2.4 Is developing strategies to manage transitions smoothly,
2.5 Routines for handling materials and supplies are mostly efficient, with minimal disruption of planned activity.
2.6 Expectations for children’s behavior within the learning environment are clearly identified and supported.
2.7 Is alert to the children’s behavior at all times.
Expectations / Making
Progress / Needs
Improvement / N/A
1.1 Displays sufficient content knowledge and articulates connections among content, pedagogy, and child development.
1.2 Displays sufficient understanding of city/state content standards and makes connections within and/or beyond curriculum areas.
1.3 Planning for instruction connects to long-term goals and sufficiently uses pedagogical knowledge of curriculum, children, and standards.
1.4 Sufficiently understands the curricular and resource possibilities and constraints of the placement and begins to use them in planning/teaching.
1.5 Assessment criteria and standards of activities are generally appropriate and sufficiently clear.
1.6 Uses assessment results to plan for individuals and groups of children as well as the group as a whole.
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Expectations / Making
Progress / Needs Improvement / N/A
3.1 Activities/lessons are clearly organized, with appropriate pacing and support for individual children.
3.2 Selected curriculum outcomes are appropriate to the developmental expectations of the small and large groups..
3.3 Demonstrates sufficient, knowledge of learning styles of all children including those with special needs.
3.4 ST’s communication and/or written language is clear and appropriate to the age and interests of the children in the setting.
3.5 ST encourages and facilitates the development of interactive communication among the children.
Expectations / Making
Progress / Needs
Improvement / N/A
4.1 Support and cooperation characterize relationships with others.
4.2 ST demonstrates sufficient knowledge of the cultural context of the school and the community.
4.3 ST observed CT and other teachers on a regular basis.
4.4 Maintains excellent attendance and punctuality; notifies school appropriately in case of absence or lateness.
4.5 Dresses and acts appropriately for school/community.
4.6 Shares and discusses planned activity with cooperating teacher before teaching and debriefs implementation afterward.
4.7 Participates in school activities and collaborates with staff.
4.8 Communicates candidly and effectively with cooperating teacher.
Signature of Cooperating Teacher: ______Date: ______
Signature of Student Teacher: ______Date: ______
Updated: 2-13-12