Hydrology Unit Vocabulary
______________________ Water at the top and bottom of a lake switch places 2x a year
_____________ Permeable rock underground that can hold water
_____________ Freshwater river meets the saltwater ocean; natural filter
_______________________ How water moves continually on earth (Precipitation, condensation, evaporation)
__________________ Oxygen dissolved in water
__________________ Natural well caused by pressure (pimple)
__________________ Organism that tells you if water is healthy
_________________ Water that contains the minerals Calcium and Magnesium
_____________ Where land dips below the water table
_________________ Protecting natural resources
__________________ Water level underground; Top of zone of saturation
Water flows from a _____________ (high level of ground) to a drainage basin
__________________________ You know exactly where pollution came from
_______________ Chemicals from agriculture runoff
___________________ Increase of nutrients in pond causing too much algae
_________________ Large, slow moving ice moving down a mountain
__________________________ You can’t tell exactly where pollution is coming from (RUNOFF!)
_____________ How cloudy or dirty water is
Name: __________________________
__________________ Large piece of ice floating in the ocean
___________________ Chemicals used to kill pests or insects
_______________ Chemicals from sewage (icky)
________________________ Water above ground
_____________ Liquid in which we dissolve something (water is universal)
__________________ Where all water drains from a divide; ours is the Yadkin-Pee Dee
_________________ Liquids and gases can pass through it
_______________________ Water without salt
_________________ Something that pollutes something else
________________________ Water under ground
_______________________ Layer of ground that water CANNOT pass through
_____________ The mouth of a river
_______________ Something that has to eat something else for energy
____________________ Warm ocean current flowing from the Gulf along eastern N.A.
______________________ Number of waves that pass certain point and time
___________________ “Rivers” of circulating water in the ocean
___________________ Rise and fall of ocean waters
_________________ Waves caused by earthquakes
_________________ Something that can make its own food (photosynthesis)
_________________ Feeding relationships in an ecosystem (Who eats whom?)
__________________ All the water on earth
___________________________ Causes currents to move in a circular pattern (North – clockwise, South- counterclockwise)
___________ Using sound waves to calculate distance to an object
___________________ Unwanted organisms caught while fishing for something else
___________________ Too much fishing in a certain area
_____________________ When organisms can create their own light
______________________ Area of ocean floor where methane leaks into the ocean
_____________________ Organisms using chemicals to create energy (similar to photosynthesis)
_________________ A body of water used as a source of water
____________________ Trench in the ocean because of sea floor spreading
_________________________ Opening in the sea floor where hot, mineral-rich water flows up
_________________________ Used to study the deep ocean (ROVs)
________________________ Water containing salt; found in oceans
_________________ Cold, nutrient rich water rising to the surface (fish love this!)
_________________ Warm surface water sinking down to the ocean floor
_________________ Describing animals that live on land
__________________ How salty something is
__________________ Describing animals that live in water