Eagle’s Nest Camp

Canteen/Shipping Account Information

  • CANTEEN ACCOUNT: Each camper is set up with a canteen account through which he/she can purchase items such as camp memorabilia, postage stamps and needed toiletries, or get small amounts of spending money for special outings and traveling home. More expensive items such as Crazy Creek chairs or Hoodies may be purchased only with parental consent. Parents are asked to deposit funds in their camper’s canteen account on or before the beginning of the session.
  • The deposit amount is optional, though we recommend:
  • $30.00 for one week sessions
  • $60.00 for two and three week sessions
  • J.C.s may need an additional amount to cover "JC Outing" expenses, typically $30
  • An additional $85.00 deposit is required for all campers shipping trunks/luggage (see below)
  • Hante participants meeting at Eagle’s Nest can deposit money into a canteen account. Hante participants NOT meeting at Eagle’s Nest do NOT need to deposit money into a canteen account. They are responsible for bringing and keeping track of their money during the course of their Hante.
  • We will do our best to ensure campers do not exceed parents’ initial canteen deposit.
  • Refund checks and invoices for balances due on accounts that are not settled on closing day will be mailed several weeks after the close of camp; outstanding balances are due upon receipt of invoice. Refunds of $5.00 or less will be donated to the camp scholarship fund unless otherwise requested.
  • NOTE: Charges incurred by Eagle’s Nest for items such as shipping trunks home and medical expenses are also handled through camper canteen accounts and are considered over and above the amount deposited for general canteen purchases.
  • SHIPPING TRUNK TO CAMP: Baggage and trunks may be shipped a week prior to the opening of the session via UPS, FedEx or DHL. The camper's name should be clearly marked on the outside of the item.
  • SHIPPING TRUNK HOME FROM CAMP: As a courtesy, ENF will make arrangements for trunks, etc., to be shipped home after the close of the session.
  • A local shipping company will pick up the items, package them for shipping and send via UPS or FedEx Ground.
  • This is a parent expense. The average shipping fee is $85.00 but it can be higher or lower. Parents who want to use this service arerequired to pay a deposit of $85.00into their camper’s Canteen Account prior to or at the time of the camper's arrival.
  • If you have a UPS or FedEx account you would like to use, please provide us with a completed Airbill with your Account #. Your account will not be charged for boxing or other shipping supplies, only postage. Anything charged beyond postage will be charged on your camper’s canteen account (i.e. boxing).You do not need to pay the $85 Canteen/Shipping Deposit if you choose to use your own UPS or FedEx Account, although we do suggest depositing some funds to cover boxing or other shipping supplies.
  • TRAVEL MONEY: Those campers traveling home by air without an adult will be given $10 in travel money taken out of their Canteen Account. Please note on the form on reverse if you do NOT want Eagle’s Nest to give your camper travel money OR if you would like for Eagle’s Nest to give your camper additional money. Please pay all airline baggage fees in advance; Eagle’s Nest will bill you for any fees paid at the airport.

Eagle’s Nest Camp

Canteen/Shipping Account Form

This form is required of all campers traveling by air or shipping luggage.

For all other campers, the Canteen Account is optional. This form is due April 15th.

Camper’s Name(s):
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s):

Canteen Account, Shipping, and Travel Money:

I have enclosed a check/money order for$ to be deposited into my camper’s canteen account(s)

I have included $ in my deposit to ship my camper’s trunk(s) home (please see below)

I have included an Airway Bill with my UPS or FedEx Account # to be used when shipping my camper’s trunk home instead of paying the $85 Deposit.

I give permission for my camper(s) to purchase items over $20, such as Crazy Creeks and Hoodies while at camp

Please do NOT deduct cash from my camper’s canteen account for travel money home

Please add $to my camper’s travel home money on top of the $10(please see below)

Split the Deposit:

If you are making a deposit for more than one camperand/or you have included shipping, please indicate below how you would like the deposit split up:

Camper Name / Canteen Amount / Shipping Amount / Travel Amount
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $

Don’t forget to enclose your check for the deposit!

Thank you!