Minutes of the Eagle Crest HOA Board Meeting
Dated Wednesday, November 16, 2016
813 South 425 East, Brigham City, Utah (Sharon William's home) – Approved by the board on December 7, 2016
Call to order
A.Quorum Confirmation
B.Member Forum (10 minutes)
C.Approval of Minutes
D.Reports of Officers/Committees
1.President’s Report
2.Treasurer’s Report
3. Architectural Control Committee
4.Association Division Committee
E.Property Management Company Report
F.Unfinished business
1.Division of ECSFHA
G.New Business
1.EC II Leaving ECSFHA
2.Next meeting date
A)President Claudia Ross, Treasurer Sharon Williams, Secretary Mary Seager, board member Brady Herd, and property manager Steve Randall were in attendance. Vice-President Ron Peterson was unable to join us.
B)No visitors were present to offer community comments.
C)It was moved and sustained that the minutes for the October board meeting be approved.
D)Reports of Officers/Committees
- President Claudia Ross mentioned that owners of multiple lots within the HOA carry only one vote as they pay only one HOA fee. She also relayed that nothing had yet been done in response to the HOA’s request for the trimming of a tree within the HOA. (Action Item for Steve – need to get Ben Lomand in to trim tree and bill owner) In addition, at Claudia’s request it was moved and sustained that legal fees incurred up to this point for the upcoming association division be paid from the checking account and that Eagle View be billed later for those expenses. (Action Item for Steve)
- Treasurer Sharon Williams indicated that the $210.00 bill from Ben Lomond for locating the manhole covers to the private sewer had been billed as a backflow expense and that a separate account needs to be created for expenses related to the private sewer. (Action Item for Steve) She mentioned that one family in the HOA had not yet been billed for and had not yet paid their HOA fees. (Action Item for Steve) She recounted that certain legal fees which had been paid by the HOA will be accredited back due to a billing error. (Action Item for Steve) She discussed the fact that Ben Lomond had mowed lawns three extra times this year, thus raising landscape maintenance fees. A couple of accounts were discussed that had been turned over to the attorney for collections. It was moved and sustained that an abeyance agreement be offered to one HOA member who is now current on HOA dues but who still owes late fees. (Action Item for Steve) It was moved and sustained that sewer fees be refunded to one HOA member who has paid double sewer fees on his property. (Action Item for Steve) The issue of this year’s snow removal was discussed as well as the likelihood that opt-out letters for yard care will be sent out in January. (Action Item for Steve) It was mentioned that landscape bids would likely be requested at that time, also. (Action Item for Steve)
- Ron Peterson was not present to offer the Architectural Control Committee report.
- No Association Division Committee report was requested in light of our subsequent discussion of the upcoming division.
E)No property management company report was offered in light of our need to discuss the upcoming division of the association.
F)Unfinished Business
- Division of ECSFHA – It was determined that 32 of 47 votes in the affirmative would be needed in order to dissolve the current association, to rewrite the CC&Rs, and to write an easement agreement for the 6 Eagle View homeowners whose properties directly access the private sewer. It was decided that a “straw vote” would be sent by postal mail no later than Monday, November 21st, to all HOA members in that regard and that responses would be requested from everyone to be sent to President Claudia Ross within 10 days (i.e., by November 30th). (Action Item for Steve) It was determined that an official vote to dissolve the association will be held at our annual meeting in February. In addition, it was decided that a vote to determine whether homeowners with multiple lots should be assessed multiple fees would be held in January, prior to the annual meeting and the vote pertaining to the dissolution and reformation of the HOA. (Action Item for Steve)
G)New Business
- EC II Leaving ECSFHA – Any discussion of dividing out the two Eagle Crest subdivisions was left for a future date as well as how that might impact HOA fees.
- It was determined that the next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 7th, at 7:00 p.m. at Sharon William’s home.