“Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other.” Proverbs 27:16-18 (CEV)

To the American Indians, the Eagle is the most revered of all animals because it serves as the messenger between man and God, and symbolizes the freedom that arises when one is deeply connected to the divine. In both the Hebrew and Christian faiths the eagle represents the flight of the soul to heaven. It is the symbol of faith – the connection with the seen and the unseen. If we are to tap the wisdom and resources of God, we can learn from the ways of the Eagle.

1. Weekly meeting Time (Wednesday) 7:00 - 8:30 AM Promptly

2. Purpose: Accountability and encouragement to challenge one another to be growing in our faith, knowledge of The Word, and application in our lives. As we see opportunities to “speak the truth in love” we acknowledge the privilege and responsibility of doing so – in our weekly meetings or anytime during the week. Our strength derives in part from our diversity; we are not looking for consensus but for “iron sharpening iron.”

3. Relationship – not curriculum driven. Books serve as a stimulus for discussion but are always secondary to our own Life Application, Personal Sharing, and Praying together. We encourage open discussion of challenging areas in our lives; not only to walk together through heartache and unavoidable crises, but to help avoid those crises when possible. As men of God who are willing to share together, we will deepen our friendships and experience a connection seldom experienced by men today.

4. Tools: Well written books, videos, and teaching material that align with a Christian worldview. Everyone has the freedom to propose a book that he has personally read and for which he would be willing to lead the discussion. Typically we’ll cover a medium sized chapter per week in books like: Spirit of the Disciplines, Wild at Heart, Ragamuffin Gospel, Built to Last, and other suggestions. Will include theology and spiritual growth, Church life, and personal and business success. Subjects like: Marriage, Leadership, Evangelism, Money, Prayer, etc.

5. Group make-up - 12 guys max (thinkers/leaders/eagles) - closed group so that a history, trust, and relationships develop. We expect to be responsive to personal and family events; to share, support and pray for each other daily.

6. Commitment - 1 year, with right to renew. Recommitment will be in December of each year and we will review new member suggestions at that time. 80% attendance minimum (If you are in town and not ill you are here)

7. Moving On. If you reach a season in your life where you recognize your need to move on, we ask that you present that desire to the entire group in a Wednesday morning meeting, allowing us to bless you and thank you for your time with us.


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