Each year, every member is expected to serve on at least one club committee or subcommittee. The President shall, subject to the approval of the Board, appoint the following standing committees:

  1. Club Administration
  2. Membership
  3. Public Relations
  4. The Rotary Foundation
  5. Service Projects
  6. Fundraising


  1. The chairperson of the committees, and/or the President may, subject to the approval of the Board, also appoint such sub-committees to accomplish specific functions or address particular issues as deemed necessary.
  1. The committees and subcommittees shall each consist of a chairperson, who shall be elected by not less than two (2) other members of each respective committee.
  1. The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees and subcommittees and, as such, shall have all the privileges of membership thereon. The President may also, subject to the approval of the Board, appoint sub-committees on particular aspects of committee activities.
  1. Each committee and/or subcommittee shall transact such business as is delegated to it in the Bylaws and such additional business as may be referred to it by the President or the Board. Except where special authority is given by the Board, such committees shall not take action until a report has been made to the Board and approved by the Board.
  1. The President may appoint additional standing and/or temporary committees or subcommittees which, depending on their respective responsibilities, may be under any, or all, of the existing committees.
  1. The duties of all committees shall be established and reviewed by the President for his or her year. In declaring the duties of each, the President shall reference appropriate RI materials when developing plans for the year.
  1. Each committee shall have a specific mandate, clearly defined goals, and action plans established by the beginning of each year for implementation during the course of the year. Such action plans for the upcoming fiscal year should be submitted to the Board for review by the first Thursday of May each year. It shall be the primary responsibility of the President-Elect to provide the necessary leadership to prepare a recommendation for club committees, mandates, goals, and plans for presentation to the Board in advance of the commencement of the new club year as noted above. Each committee and subcommittee chair shall be responsible for regular meetings and activities of the committee or subcommittee, shall supervise and coordinate the work of the committee or subcommittee, and shall report to the Board on all committee activities. The chair of the committee will report to the Board on activities of his/her committee’s subcommittees.


  1. Club Administration Committee

This Committee serves at the direction of the Vice President and shall take the lead in preparing for and arranging the programs for the regular club meetings. This Committee will lead the effort to arrange for interesting guest speakers to attend the weekly meetings, will inform the club members of the speakers’ biographies and presentation topics, and encourage active and regular participation of club members in the weekly meetings. It will also assure that all club members are actively seeking interesting speakers to attract to the club.

This Committee should support the Sergeant-at-Arms in meeting all requirements for running effective weekly meetings, including arranging for “Greeters” to greet Rotarians and Guests when they arrive and make sure they are introduced to other members and made to feel welcome.

Additionally, this Committee shall assure that all audio/visual requirements for the weekly meetings are known and arranged, and shall set up and take down such equipment for the weekly meetings.

Club Finance Subcommittee

This subcommittee shall provide support to the club’s Treasurer in all matters requested by the Treasurer. This Committee shall be responsible for an annual review of club finances and may assist the Treasurer in preparation of the IRS form 990.

  1. Membership Committee

This Committee shall review continually the club’s membership profile and strive to increase membership and develop more professional diversity in the process of expanding club membership. It shall also consider all proposals for membership and thoroughly investigate the character, business, social and community standing, and general eligibility of all persons proposed for membership, and shall report their decisions and recommendations on all applications to the Board.

This Committee is charged with maintaining membership to the best of its ability, developing plans to keep members involved and committed to the club. The Committee shall especially encourage attendance at regular meetings as well as fellowship and service activities of this club, and seek to ascertain and remove the conditions that contribute to unsatisfactory attendance.

Finally, this Committee shall also review existing professional classifications represented in the club and counsel the Board on any classification issues.

Fellowship Activities Subcommittee

This subcommittee shall promote acquaintance and friendship among the members and their families, promote participation by members in organized Rotary recreational and social activities, and do such work in pursuance of the general object of the club as may be assigned by the President or the Board. Each activity proposal should, at a minimum, identify the club member or members who are willing to lead the organization and implementation of the activity, and propose a budget and funding proposal explaining the costs and funding plan of the proposed activity.

  1. Public Relations Committee

Public Relations Committee: This Committee shall devise and carry into effect plans to give the public general information about Rotary, its history, object, and scope; and to secure proper publicity for the club. It will also liaise with the media, informing them of club activities and accomplishments and building relationships that lead to media coverage that supports the club’s efforts to reach out to the community. This Committee will also suggest public events for participation of the club that could lead to greater visibility of Rotary in the community. This committee will be chaired by the Vice President.

Club Bulletin Subcommittee - This subcommittee shall, through the publishing of a weekly club bulletin or similar publication on the website, stimulate interest in the club, encourage attendance, announce the weekly meeting program of the forthcoming meeting, summarize highlights of the previous meeting, promote fellowship, contribute to the Rotary education of all members, and report other important news of the club, its members, and Rotary International

  1. Rotary Foundation Committee

This Committee shall provide guidance and education to the members of the club in understanding the activities of The Rotary Foundation and support the Board in promoting support for and cooperation with The Rotary Foundation consistent with the primary focus and service goals of the club. The primary role of this committee will be to assist in obtaining matching funds from the Rotary Foundation.

  1. Service Projects Committee


The President-Elect will serve as the Chair of Service Projects. He/She will assist each Service Project committee in their organization and recruitment.

Community Services Sub-Committee

This committee shall devise and carry into effect plans which will guide and assist the members of this club in discharging their service responsibilities in the Great Falls community and beyond. In particular, the Committee will design recommended community and service proposals and evaluate and report on similar proposals received from club members and community representatives and organizations. The committee shall be the first line of review of requests to the club for support of service activities and shall prepare recommendations for Board consideration. Each service project recommendation should, at a minimum, identify the club champion or champions who are willing to lead the organization and implementation of the project, and a budget and funding proposal explaining the costs and funding plan of the proposed project.

International Services Sub-Committee

This committee shall devise and carry into effect plans which will guide and assist the members of this club in discharging their responsibilities in matters relating to international service. The chairperson of this committee shall be responsible for the international service activities of the club and shall supervise and coordinate the work of any sub-committees that may be appointed on particular phases of international service. Each international service project recommendation should, at a minimum, identify the club champion or champions who are willing to lead the organization and implementation of the project, and a budget and funding proposal explaining the costs and funding plan of the proposed project.

New Generations Sub-Committee

This Committee shall also devise and carry into effect plans which will guide and assist the members of this club in discharging their responsibilities in matters related to youth Subcommittees may be created to focus on these various components of service.

Interact Sub-Committee

The club will support the local middle school and high school Interact clubs. Each Interact club will be assigned a member who will act as a liaison between the Rotary Club and the Interact club.

Vocational Service Sub-Committee

This Committee supports one of the primary “Avenues of Service” of RI, namely, promoting high ethical standards in businesses and professions, recognizing the worthiness of all dignified occupations, and fostering the ideal of service in the pursuit of all vocations. The role of members includes informing prospective members about the privileges and responsibilities of Rotary club membership and keeping members informed about the history, object, and activities of Rotary.

  1. Fundraising

Rotary clubs broaden and deepen the scope of their activities if they have funds available to support local, regional and international service activities. Raising funds is critical, therefore, to being active in service. The Club’s activities are supported by our Rotary Club of Great Falls, Virginia Foundation, Inc.(the “Foundation”). This committee will be charged with sharing fundraising ideas with the Club’s Board and with the Foundation with the aim of developing and executing fundraising concepts that are implemented either by the Club directly, or with the support of the Foundation, being inclusive of the members’ ideas in so doing.