Spelling Contract
Each week you will need to complete a total of 40 points.
Please write the activity number and the number of points it is worth on the top of every paper. If you do not have the activity and points on top, you will not get credit. Return all work on Friday.
Each of the following is worth 5 points.
1. Write your spelling words in ABC order.
2. Divide your spelling words into syllables.
3. Using a thinking map (bubble map) study a spelling word.
4. Spell your words out loud while bouncing a ball or skipping rope one time for each successive letter. Have Mom or Dad sign the top of the paper.
5. Identify each spelling words parts of speech. (Ex. - noun, verb, adjective, etc.)
6. Write the root word of 10 spelling words.
7. Make a set of flash cards to study your spelling words.
8. Have a family member quiz you, and then they will need to sign the top of your quiz.
9. Choose 10 words and draw a picture of each word.
10. Write your words in their shapes. (Ex. - train in the shape of a train.)
Each of the following is worth 10 points.
11. Scramble 10 of your words. Then have a family member unscramble them and sign the top of the paper.
12. Choose 10 spelling words to add a suffix or prefix to make a new word.
13. Make a dance or movement for each spelling word. Show a family member and have that family member sign the top of the paper.
14. Write 10 sentences using one word in each sentence. Each sentence must have 7 or more words.
15. Write a poem using 10 of your spelling words.
16. Cut out letters from a magazine or newspaper. Then glue them together to create 10 spelling words.
17. Type all your words twice using a typewriter, computer or iPad.
Each of the following is worth 15 points.
18. Write a riddle for 10 of your words. Give the riddles to a family member and have them figure each riddle out and sign the top of the paper.
19. Write an antonym (opposite) for 10 of your words.
20. Write a synonym (same) for 10 of your words.
21. Make a song or a rap using at least 10 of your words. Write down the song or rap on a piece of paper and perform it for a family member and have them sign the top of the paper.
22. Create categories for all of your spelling words. For example, one category might be to group all words containing eight letters. Another might be to group them by sounds or meanings. See how many categories you can create.
Each of the following is worth 20 points.
23. Write each word with a dictionary definition.
24. Write a creative story using 10 of your words. Underline each word as you use it in your story. You must write a full paper and use good writing practices.
25. Write each word and identify a situation, event, or place in which you might need to use this word.
Each of the following is worth 30 points.
26. Write a friendly letter using all of spelling words. You must right a full page.
27. Write a creative story using all of your spelling words. You must write a full page. If you can, try and make your stories flow from week to week!