Unit 3: Progressive Era (1900-1920)
  • Each unit test will consist of multiple choice, matching, or True/False questions mostly revolving around the “Terms” listed below. However, you could get questions from “The Story of Us” videos or other handout activities/lectures from class.
  • Also as part of the unit, you will be expected to write written answers to the Essential Questions in short answer format. You may have these EQ’s as part of an exit ticket or it may count as a quiz or part of the test.
  • Your knowledge each day should build and connect. You will also be expected to answer either verbally or in writing the Connection to Today prompts as well. Always be thinking!

Tentative Test Date: ______

Meet in Lab 2202 on ______

I. Roots of Progressive Reform

Essential Questions:

A)What social, political and economic problems existed during the Gilded Age that sparked the need for reform?

B)Explain the “big picture” goals of the Progressive Era reformers and muckrakers.

C)Why did certain groups of people oppose progressive reforms?

Terms: progressivism, reform, to advocate, socialism, capitalism, utopia, Social Darwinism, competition, free market, muckrakers, Social Gospel, Josiah Strong, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Frank Norris, Lincoln Steffens

Connections to Today: Who are some “modern day” muckraking journalists, either in print or in media? How can YOU make a change and raise awareness today?

II.Social Progressive Reforms

Essential Questions:

A)In what ways was education for children and immigrants changing during this era?

B)In what ways was day to day urban life changing during this era?

C)Explain the rise of the temperance movement and the solutions proposed by advocates.

Terms: leisure time, spectator sports, amusement parks, national parks, landscape architecture, nickelodeons, kinetoscope, Vaudeville, automobiles, kindergartens, child labor, temperance, settlement houses, social workers, Hull House, YMCA, Salvation Army, American Birth Control League, Prohibition, 18th Amendment, John Dewey, Margaret Sanger, Carrie A. Nations, Jane Addams

Connections to Today: What are some social reforms you think need to occur in America?

III. Political Progressive Reforms

Essential Questions:

A)In what ways was political reform successful at the local and state level?

B)In what ways was political reform successful at the federal (national) level?

C)Who were the Presidents of the Progressive Era?

Terms: political machines, initiative, referendum, recall, secret ballot, city manager/council systems, progressive era presidents, Elections of 1912, Bull Moose Party, Square Deal, 16th Amendment, 17th Amendment, 19th Amendment, suffrage, suffragette, Alice Paul

Connections to Today: What are some political reforms you think need to occur in America?

V.Economic Progressive Reforms

Essential Questions:

A)In what ways was economic reform attempted of trusts?

B)What progressive changes occurred in industry and factories?

C)In what ways did the federal government reform the health of the money supply?

Terms: economy, economics, good trusts vs bad trusts, monopolies, “trust busting”, “gas and water socialism”, 16th Amendment, Federal Reserve Bank, The Jungle, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act, laissez-faire economics, American Bar Association, Henry Ford’s progressive factory system

Connections to Today: What are some economic reforms you think need to occur in America?

VI.Progressive Reforms for African Americans

Essential Questions:

A)Who were the major reformers for African Americans during the Progressive Era?

B)What successes and failures occurred for African Americans during this era?

C)Why was Progressive Era reform slower for African Americans?

Terms: Jim Crow, lynching, anti-lynching legislation, Ida B. Wells, Booker T. Washington, to accommodate, vocational jobs, Tuskegee University, Urban League, The Crisis, NAACP, “Atlanta Compromise”, Wilmington Race Riot, Up From Slavery, Souls of Black Folks

Connections to Today: What are opposing viewpoints on how African Americans should “get ahead” today?