Virginia Beach Swim League

Chesapeake-Norfolk-Virginia Beach


February 2015


LN – Sara Beth Roberts

BB – Jeny Taylor

PM - Jane Orem

PACC – Joan Wagner

GBSRC – Nancy Gray & Kristi Rinkus

ALN – Kristin Lineberry

OCN – Laura Mantheny & Sheila Ferracci

RW – Robbe Addis

LRK – Stephanie Wyman

CGC – Becky Greene

IL – Todd Murphy

CHF – Kara Bird & Sharon Powell

CYGC – Kristi Joint

CB – Leigh Anne Clay

MCC - Roxanne Pegram

VBSL – Dan Demers, Bill Gill & Tracy Laugle

  1. Call to Order – Dan Demers @ 6:40
  1. Treasurer’s Report - Tracy
  2. Checkbook Balance: Same as last year month five team have paid their $650.
  3. Dues will remain $650 for this year. Checks should be mailed to PO Box 56481, Virginia Beach, VA 23456. – Tracy gave the new PO Box address
  1. Ribbons
  2. Please provide your ribbon count by March 1st to Kristi Joynt (). Thank you Kristi.– Kristi will e-mail the four teams that still owe their counts.
  3. You will be provided with enough ribbons to bring your stock up to the starting amount for the season.
  1. New Business
  2. The 2015 league schedule has been updated on the website. If your team is interested in hosting a meeting or training, please contact Leigh ().

1)CGYC would like to host an Official’s training session on June 2nd. They have reserved a room to do this and just want us to tell them if we do not want this meeting to happen.

2)There was a request to have an Official’s training session in Norfolk. Dan says he is happy to travel if a team wants to host.

  1. Division Chair needed for the Tarpon Division. If you are interested or know of someone who is interested, please let contact Leigh.
  1. Rule Proposal –Bill went through these:

1)Change of age up date. Roxanne Pegram MCC, presented her rule change idea which is to move the age-up date so that those that are competing and setting records at the end of the season are actually the age they should be at the end of the season.

(1)The group voted in favor of sending this to the rules committee for further review and recommendation.

(2)The group was leaning to a date of September 1.

(3)The group does NOT want a date that moves during the season like USA Swimming.

(4)We would need a transition year to give those swimmers that would be aged out of the league because of the rule change another year to compete.

2)Elimination of events 13 & 14. Bill read Bob Barry’s proposal and reasoning.

(1)The group voted NOT to forward this to the rules committee.

(2)The group was concerned about eliminating four slots for Divisional swimmers.

3)Swim Caps for Divisionals and All-Stars. Dan Demers presented the idea that only VBSL team swim caps or blank caps should be worn during the Divisional and All-Star meets.

(1)The group voted in favor of sending this to the rules committee for further review and recommendation.

(2)The goal is to bring the focus back to the VBSL teams and not other groups/organizations for these higher profile meets.

(3)Each team could choose whether or not to enforce this rule for their swimmers at dual meets.

(4)The Rules Committee would need to make the recommendation of what would happen for an infraction.

(i) Is it up to the Starter and Ref to enforce this before the start of each race?? (Similar to backstroke feet placement at the start in USA swimming)

(ii)Could S&T officials call this? Would it be a DQ on the first violation? Would it be a warning followed by a DQ similar to HS jewelry rules?

  1. Division Assignments – Approved by meeting and email vote.

1)There were questions by a couple of teams as to whether or not CAF would actually field a team despite what was said at the last meeting. CAF was not represented at the meeting last night.

Dolphin / Marlin / Porpoise / Tarpon
  1. Bill Gill asked if any other teams were interested in hosting All-Stars. None were. LN was voted as the host as 2015 All-Stars (again).
  1. Division Meeting Sessions

1)Division schedule due including Divisional meet location. Please email to and .


Leigh Henniker

VBSL President