At the completion of this course you should have a clear understanding of the following topics: exponents, linear equations and inequalities, coordinate graphing, systems of equations, polynomials, radical and irrational numbers, quadratic equations, adding and subtracting matrices, data analysis, rational expressions and equations, arithmetic and geometric sequences and series, complex numbers, basic trigonometry and conics.

Each student will be responsible for bringing to class each day the following items:

  • Textbook
  • Pencils with erasers
  • Three ring binder with dividers
  • Loose-leaf Paper and graph paper
  • TI 84 Calculator (or comparable)
  • Dry erase markers (4)
  • 4gb thumb drive
  • Bring all needed materials to class.

You will need to bring a pen, pencil, paper, notebook, and book to class everyday.

Bringing these items will ensure that you are ready to work and ready to learn mathematics.

  • Be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings.

You are expected to be in your seat with your sharpened pencil, your book, and paper on your desk when the late bell rings. There will be warm up problems for you to work on for the first 8-10 minutes of class.

  • Respect and be polite to your teachers and peers.

It is essential that we all get along and do our best to be good and courteous toward each other. This includes listening carefully when your teacher or another student is speaking, behaving like young adults at all times in and

out of class.

  • Speak at appropriate times, using appropriate voice andappropriate language.

This rule is to help all of us use the appropriate voice for the situation. We share the space with another class so you will need to consider this when talking to each other or in groups. Sometimes you will need to speak extra softly if you are working in groups or in pairs at your desk. We practice appropriate language in this class. Foul language should not be used.

  • Cell Phones are not allowed in class at any time.

I have found them to be a huge distraction to learning. Please turn them off or on vibrate during class time.

  • Respect other people’s property

Keeping the classroom clean and neat should be a goal for us all. At the end of class be sure to pick up after yourself and throw all trash in the trash can and not on the floor. Please erase the desks and whiteboards before you leave


  • Follow all school rules

This rule is to remind us all that all the normal school rules still apply in the classroom. Most of theses rules are obvious. Please do not damage classroom or school property. The rule of thumb is, if you don’t own it, don’t break


  • To learn the language of mathematics.
  • To improve mathematical skills and note-taking.
  • To respect each other as individuals and reserve judgment.
  • To be positive in our attempts at problem-solving.
  • To adopt an attitude of not giving up too easily.
  • To always be ready to succeed.

Regular attendance is extremely important. Missing math class on a regular basis will make it difficult to understand the concepts covered in this course.

Each semester grade is computed by evaluating homework, quizzes, tests, End of Course exam, participation and ethics, and projects.

Tests/Projects 40%


Homework/Participation 15%

End of Course Exam25%

An assignment will be given each class period and reviewed the following class period.

You will be provided with an assignment calendar on the class website. If you are absent, be sure to check the calendar for your assignment for that day.

Homework is a very important component of this course. It must be done carefully and completely. Its purpose is to practice, apply and extend the concepts taught.

1. Number each problem.

2. Copy each problem. If it involves a diagram, copy the diagram and fill in the given

information. Show all the work involved in solving the problem. Put a box or circle

around your final answer.

3. Attempt every problem. If you get stuck, check your notes, look in the book, or call a friend. If you

are still unable to solve the problem, mark the question and ask about it during the next class period.

Late Work will be accepted on the following basis- it will receive half credit the next day and after that it will NOT be accepted. If you are absent for an excused reason you will be allowed to make up the work within a reasonable timeframe.

If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what was assigned either by asking a classmate or your teacher before class or after class.

*Papers being submitted should have your name and the period of the class.

*All Loudon High students are expected to know and follow the standards for academic

honesty published in their Student Handbook.

*All work should be in pencil.

*You will show your work as appropriate for full credit and as discussed in class.

*Work that is illegible will be given a zero.

*Incomplete work will not be given full credit and every problem must be given a

reasonable attempt. This is the effort part of the homework grade.

* Late work will be half credit on the next day of class and will not be accepted after


*Assignments are due at the beginning of each class period or are considered late.

All students will be given a detailed grade report every 3 weeks and at the scheduled interim period. Also, your grade is always available for you to see online.

It is very important to stay current with the class, as falling behind will catch up with one quickly. If in the event you feel class time is not sufficient or you are having trouble with a topic, you should arrange to stay for extra help. Also, forming a study group is probably the best way to ensure that you understand the material.

In closing, success in Algebra 2, as well as all academics, is based on the combined efforts of students, teachers, and parents. As your teacher, I will provide the opportunities for learning. Ultimately however,you are responsible for the success of your education. Let's work together to make this a productive year.

Contact Information

Glenn D.Bowden

August, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Attached is the syllabus describing the Algebra 2 course for the coming school year. Please take a few minutes to read it and discuss it with your child. After reviewing it, please sign, detach the form below, and return it to me by Friday,August 12th, 2016.

The most important thing you can do to help your student be successful in this course is to be sure he/she attempts every homework problem and encourage him/her to seek teacher help when necessary. Thank you for your support and please email me if I can assist you in any way to make Algebra 2 a positive experience for your child.


Glenn D. Bowden

We have read and understand the Algebra 2 course requirements and expectations.


Student Name (please print clearly) Parent/Guardian Name


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature


Cell/Work Telephone #


Home Telephone #


Email Address (please print clearly)