White Fields Application Form
Big Picture:
White Fields projects are typically for 6 months to 3 years. These time boundaries are not absolutely set in stone, but they’re a marker by which you might want to gauge your proposal.
Ideally, the start time of your project is *at least* 2 months prior to your submission of this form (see below for what’s needed for a complete submission). In return, the WCF Directors ensure to reply to your submission within a 30 day period (as much as any of us can give assurance of anything), and hopefully well within that time
Date of birth:
Home Ecclesia:
Marital Status:
Current Health Status:
Preparation for Preaching
What is the intended start and end dates for your project?
What preaching experience do you have?
What things are you currently involved in to support your home ecclesia?
In which country do you want to preach?
What is the country’s native language?
How well can you speak that language? (Very Fluent, Fluent, Moderately Fluent, Not Fluent, None)
If you are not fluent, do you plan to get fluent? If so, how?
What languages do you speak proficiently?
Explain your understanding of the social culture of that country; and how you fit in there preaching the gospel. What advantages and disadvantages do you perceive from your own nationality/gender/ethnicity here?
Explain your understanding of the religious culture of that country in terms of preaching the gospel there
What advantages and disadvantages do you perceive from your own perceived religious classification here?
If you are married, how does this preaching plan impact the family? Please have your spouse write a paragraph as to how he/she understands the potential impact to the family routine: how the opportunities can be exploited and/or the difficulties overcome.
Preaching Plan
What is your preaching plan?
What is the anticipated timeframe?
If you are requesting a one time grant, please outline the expenses you are wishing to cover:
If you are requesting a monthly stipend, please provide an itemized budget for how the money will be used:
Who is your target audience?
What promotional or preaching materials do you intend to use? Have you budgeted for this?
What are the man-hour requirements to complete the project?
How many hours a week do you anticipate will be dedicated to this project?
What do you hope to accomplish both personally and for the place you are staying?
What is the “bottom line” expense figure for this preaching enterprise (in US dollars)?
Who is the CBM contact/linkman for your target country?
Is the appropriate CBM organization (CBM; CBMA; ACBM; CBMSA; CBMJ) aware of your intention to preach in this country?
Are you planning to assist with a currently running CBM project or initiate one of your own?
Is the local ecclesia to be involved with your preaching effort? If so, how?
If there is no local ecclesia, how will follow up be done and by whom?
Is travel involved? How feasible is this? What is the cost?
Back-up and Follow-on
Reporting progress to WCF consists of sending a short (say 500 word) e-report containing a couple of pics back to WCF every 2 months, beginning with the second month of your stay. Is that something you feel capable to do?
What sort of contingency plan do you have if things go awry?
Does your project have an end point? How do you plan to evaluate the success of your project?
Will any aspects of your project continue after you leave? If so, how?
Submitting Your Application
A completed application will contain:
· the above form filled out
· three letters of reference from brothers or sisters in good standing
· (for cases of those working in conjunction with CBM brethren) a letter from the target country’s CBM linkman indicating approval of your project and brief delineation of your role
Please email your completed application to Bro John Pople: