The district URL is: www.kleinisd.net

Phone Number: 832-484-5900

Each day bears its own gifts.

Untie the ribbons.

W. J. Cameron

Theiss Volunteers,

Winter has arrived and we welcome the new season with the gift of giving. Our Theiss community of parents gives everyday by sending responsible students ready to learn and achieve. The many volunteer hours and financial contributions are greatly appreciated. This year we have a tremendous number of parents assisting throughout the building and we appreciate your gift of time. The time you provide to our students and our school is of tremendous value. If you would like to volunteer, please register online at kleinisd.net. We need your time and talents in all grade levels. Thank you for your generosity.


CARPOOL PROCEDURES Each morning our staff does a fabulous job welcoming the students. If your child is a car rider, be sure to use the designated lanes for drop off. For safety reasons, do not pull into the teacher parking area and have your child walk in front of the carpool lines. Our children are too precious to risk possible injury. At dismissal, the car rider line is long but efficient. We would like to extend a special thank you to the parents who are using their carpool tag and hanging it on their rear view mirror for easy sighting by the staff. This is our seventh year to use this procedure and it has proven to be effective. We truly appreciate you not using the club house as a pick-up location. Our walkers and bike riders who must cross the clubhouse parking area are much safer now.

Thank you again for following the arrival and dismissal procedures.


As we enter the holiday season, we want to reinforce the importance of school attendance. Every year, absences spike in the weeks before and after the holidays as families squeeze in a few more vacation days. We know that just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your child behind in school. We also know that attendance is a habit that children should learn early if they’re going to succeed in school and eventually on the job. Our teachers will be teaching, and our students will be learning, right up until vacation starts. So make sure your child is in school every day and on time. Attendance Counts!

Every Day! Everyone!

TARDY - DON’T BE LATE! Our doors open at 7:45 am and breakfast is served at 7:50 am. Please make every effort to have your child at school on time. Tardy slips are given to students arriving late and are posted to your child’s attendance record. Students are dismissed to the classrooms every morning at 8:00 so they have time to organize their day.

HOLIDAY PARTIES The Theiss Christmas parties will be Friday, December 19th at 2:00 pm. Please be sure to check in at the front office if you are volunteering. You will need to have your driver’s license available when you enter the building. For security reasons, we ask that you allow your child to stay until the end of the day. If you choose to leave before dismissal, you must sign your child out before you leave. Thank you for your assistance in providing a safe campus.

Calendar Of Events

12/03/14 McFun Night

12/05/14- Toy Drive for Homeless Shelter ends –Thank you to the families that gave so generously!

12/05/14 Doerre Music Holiday

12/11/14 4th Grade Program

12/12/14 Polar Express Day

Pre-k -5th Pajama Day

12/12/14 KHS Holiday Performance 1:25 pm

12/16/14 Theiss Spelling Bee

9:00 a.m. in the cafeteria

12/18/14 Doerre Drama 9:45

PTO Meeting 2:00

12/19/14 Holiday Parties Pre-K 10:00 a.m. K-5 classes 2:00 p.m.

12/19/14 “Speak Up” Survey Deadline Today www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2014

12/22/14 Christmas/Winter Holiday begins

1/05/15 Classes Resume

1/09/15 PTO Meeting 2:00

1/15/13 5th Grade Parent Meeting at 6:00 p.m. at Doerre

1/16/15 Staff Development

Student Holiday

1/19/15 MLK Holiday


Please take a minute to help our school and take the “2014 Speak Up Survey.” Speak Up is a national online research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow and gives individuals the opportunity to share their viewpoints about key educational issues, particularly concerning 21st century education and technology. Each year, findings are summarized and shared with national and state policy makers.

Please go online and take a few minutes to complete the survey as a community member and as a parent. Go to: www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2014. Choose 2014 speak up survey, enter your zip code, and then locate Theiss Elementary and take the survey by selecting from the various options listed. The survey is open until December 19, 2014. Last year Theiss had the most participation of the Klein schools. GO THEISS TIGERS!!! Thank you for your help.

Box Tops Means $$$ for Theiss Keep sending in your Box Tops Tigers! We earned over $1000 from the Box Tops submitted between August and November. Big shout out to all of our Theiss Tigers that sent these in and to Mrs. Claus for cutting, packaging and mailing in our box tops. Keep cutting out those Box Tops! Our next homeroom competition is in the planning stages and will kick off on January 6, 2015. Visit www.btfe.com for additional ways to support our school. Go Tigers!


Parents are encouraged to visit our school at any time. It is a pleasure to show you our educational program as well as having you visit for lunch. You are encouraged to visit with us; however, in order to ensure maximum protection for your children, visitors must sign in at the office and receive a visitor’s tag. You will be requested to provide proper identification before being allowed entry. Our V-soft security system will run a criminal check on all visitors to Theiss. The teachers have been instructed to request persons without a tag to return to the office in order to obtain one. This procedure helps us ensure the safety of the school environment for your children

Parents often wish to visit with their child's teacher(s) prior to school without having an appointment. Please understand that the teachers are often times involved in instructional meetings before school or they are preparing for the school day. We ask that you respect this time and any other time unless you have scheduled a conference.


Our Fourth Grade students will perform the Holiday Program on Thursday, December 11th. It is always a joy to witness the talent of our students and recognize their hard work in preparing for this wonderful program. We are very proud of them. We would like to thank Mrs. Gary and Mrs. Shaw who worked hard to coordinate a festive and entertaining program. Special thanks to the moms that assistant!


McFun Night was a huge success! Laurie Glaser Swift is happy to donate $686.29 for the Theiss McTeacher Night! Thank you to the parents and teachers that made this night a success. The check amount is because of YOUR support! Also, Santa is coming to McDonald's of Gleannloch Farms next Saturday, Dec. 13th from 11 am - 2 pm. If you want a picture with Santa, you don't have to go to the mall.


1.)  Duct Tape Club- Mr. Longtin & Mrs. Windsor

2.)  Robotics Club- Mrs. Chadinha Mr. Christy

3.)  Chess Club- Mr. Liptrap, Mr. Leith and Mrs. Keenan

4.)  Destination Imagination

Mr. Leith

5.)  Choir- Mrs. Shaw & Mrs. Gary

6.)  Garden Club- Mrs. Cannon

7.)  5th Grade Strings- Mrs. Multop

8.)  Math Clubs- Mrs. Chadinha,

Mrs.Whisnant & Mrs. Griffin

9.)  Superheroes- Mrs. Whisnant & Mrs. Miler

10.)  Outdoor Learning Center Laura Basinger & Jen Beall

Boy Scouts Troop 1332

Beautiful Installation Art Work

Created by our Theiss Students & installed by Laura Basinger & Jen Beall

I want to send out a special thank you to the teachers and parents for so generously giving their time and talent to our Theiss students.


November was a busy month in the Theiss library. For the second year in a row, we introduced our Theiss Tigers to the art and rich history of quilt making. Handmade quilts were spread throughout the library for students to enjoy as well as the stories on which the quilt patterns were based. We are always excited when a student comes to the library to announce, “I’ve earned my Star Reader t-shirt!” Already our Theiss Tigers have read over 80 million words! To date, 90 students have earned their t-shirts and many more are well on their way to achieving their goal. Parents, thank you for making reading a priority.


The Theiss Birthday Book Club wall is filling up with the names of students who have selected a very special library book dedicated in their honor! We appreciate all of those that have generously supported this program as many students have a book dedicated in their behalf for the previous 6 years they have attended Theiss! A big round of applause to Mrs. Parr and Mrs. Lorehn for making our library #1 in Klein!


Internet Safety is a key focus in the library. Students have participated in age appropriate lessons on how to stay safe online. The Klein district has recognized the importance of internet safety and has created lessons to educate, engage, and empower children on how to be safer on- and offline and to keep personal information safe. Parents and guardians can go online to the Netsmartz website @ www.netsmartzkids.org to meet Clicky & his gang, view valuable information and video clips on how to keep your children safe.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Parents, please remind your child that they are to wear tennis shoes to school on the days they are scheduled for Physical Education. The tight schedule does not allow adequate time for the students to change shoes for PE activities. Thank you for sending your children prepared for PE. Thank you coaches!


The holiday season affords numerous opportunities to help the less fortunate. If you would like to provide such assistance, check with your local volunteer association and choose a charitable activity. As you help others, you will build your own confidence, because you will become more aware of your value.

Here are a few ways to contribute:

© Send the utility company a check for someone less fortunate to put toward their bill.

© Adopt a needy family for the holidays.

© Start a food drive in your neighborhood.

© Collect old coats and blankets for the needy.

© Help serve food at a homeless shelter.

© Sing carols at a nursing home.

© Volunteer at a local school or recreation center.

© Visit a sick person in the hospital.

© Help raise funds for a local charity.

Charity is a gift from the heart that delivers a valuable reward to both the giver and the receiver.

Printed with permission from Harriet Meyerson


The Fourth Grade Science Fair was fabulous. Students began working on their science fair projects in October by deciding on a topic question for their experiment. For the analysis, students were encouraged to put their observations and measurements in a chart or graph. The reports featured at least one paragraph that stated the results and conclusions made from the experiment. The students had a couple weeks to create their displays and put together their project. The students learned that a science fair project must include the question, research, hypothesis, materials list, procedures, a graph, and a concluding report. We want to send a special thank you to our teachers and parents for supporting instruction. The projects were stellar!


The district Web site at www.kleinisd.net provides detailed information about the district and the individual campuses. The daily KleINTOUCH e-mail message is another good way to stay “in the know.” You may subscribe on-line by clicking KleINTOUCH on the left column of the home page of the district’s Web site. Another important way the district communicates with its citizens is through the quarterly Klein District News. This newsletter always includes a letter from Superintendent Dr. Jim Cain to the community.

If you do not receive the Klein District News or there is a neighborhood, street, or road where the newsletter is not being received, please call Ms. Linda Burdge at 832-249-4173 so that the district can correct that problem.


Unfortunately we have had children bitten by dogs on a leash at dismissal time. The sweetest dog can be frightened by the number of students dismissed, sudden movement or unfamiliar sounds. For safety reasons, please do not bring your pets to campus when picking up or dropping off your children. Teacher permission is necessary for pets to be brought to school for a specific classroom activity.


Klein ISD is always looking for crossing guards. An individual must be available a minimum 3 hours a day. Anyone interested in becoming a crossing guard should contact, Mr. Wendland at 832-249-4265 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm for further information.