e-Reimbursement Division Coordinators Fall Meeting

Date: 10/10/2013

Start/End Time: 1:00 – 2:30 PM

Location: Grainger Hall Room 3070


·  SFS 9.1 Upgrade: (See handout “Countdown to Upgrade”) – This was sent to the Division Coordinators on 10/09/2013 and should be distributed to faculty/staff as appropriate. The handout includes:

o  A timeline for the upgrade as it effects e-Reimbursement users

§  Note: GET reports that are not fully approved by the upgrade deadline will also be sent back; however, they will be sent back to the Travelers in e-Reimbursement, not in GET.

o  Highlights of new system functionality for Travelers/Alternates and Approvers/Auditors

o  New “How To” documents will be available on the e-Reimbursement website before Tuesday, October 22nd. All new functionality is outlined in either “How to Work with Expense Reports in e-Reimbursement” or “How to Approve Transactions in e-Reimbursement.”

Feedback Opportunity

·  Use of Out-of-State Travel Approval Form: This form is currently required for any out-of-state travel that will be paid in whole or in part by GPR funds. The form was mandated as part of the 2011-2013 biennial budget. Account Services is contemplating the continued use of this form. Does campus like it? If the general consensus is that the form is not valuable any longer, we can pursue doing away with is. What do you all think?

o  “It’s a pain; the form is often filled out upon reimbursement and back-dated”

o  “Couldn’t we just use e-Reimbursement Travel Authorizations if we wanted pre-trip approval?”

o  “Trips are already approved via other processes – this form is a duplicate effort.”

·  GET Usage: (See handout “Pilot Participants in Guided Expense Tool by Division”)

·  GET Information on Website: We are trying to determine where to post GET information on the Accounting Services website. We will most likely be adding the GET information to the current e-Reimbursement website, not creating a new page. We would like to add

·  “Sign into GET” buttons on the “Traveler” and “Alternate” tabs on the e-Reimbursement website. Then we will add a “GET” tab to the site to include information about what GET is and what it can and cannot do. Meeting participants agreed that this sounds logical.


·  Policy 201.A – Airfare: The “Payment Method” section of this policy was recently updated.

·  Upcoming Rate Changes (Meals, Lodging and Mileage): The Travel Management and Operations Committee is seeking approval from different campus groups for a new rate model for meals, lodging and mileage. The proposed model references the GSA rates for meals and lodging. Further information will be shared with the Division Coordinators in the coming months.

·  Receipt Requirement Policy: There has been no change in the receipt requirement policy. In the 9.1 version of e-Reimbursement, Travelers/Alternates will be able to attach files to their expense reports and/or expense lines. Hard copy receipts are and will still be required for reimbursement and must be retained.

Open Forum

·  International Travel: Carrying Cash – How does your division handle situations when travelers need a lot of cash for their trip and banks/ATMs are not available?

o  Take what you’re going to need initially and leave what they don’t need in their account to access as needed.

o  Takes all cash – doles out to various people to carry

o  Half in one fanny pack, half in someone else’s fanny pack (Africa)

o  Uganda – building villages. 5 to 6 month periods of time. Open bank account in that country. Wire to replenish.

o  Dan says that we should get with Cash Management and Risk Management to come up with a better solution.

o  What if they get robbed? What if they can’t get a good enough police report? How much will they be held accountable? Is there something that would ease their minds?

·  In-State Tax Exemption: Just a reminder that we are tax exempt in the state of Wisconsin. Please remind travelers who may be paying for their own lodging. If you need more Tax Exempt cards, please contact Meghann at .