Ministry of Post, Telecommunications, Technology and Digitalization


Ilot n°01 parcellen°04Zone d’Affaires Bab Ezzouar Alger

F Id Numb:000216002104442

Open National and International Call for Tender with minimum capacity requirements

Numb 03/DGAP/ 2018

The Public Company of The Industrial and Commercial nature, Algérie Poste, launches an Open International and National Call for Tender with minimum capacity requirements, for ” the acquisition,installationandput intoservice ofthree03regionalCentersforHybridMail(personalizationofchecksand editing account statements “.

This call to tender is intended for:

  • Manufacturers, representatives or distributors, involved in the manufacture or marketing of desktop publishing machines and the processing of check books and books.
  • Bidders whom undertake to guarantee the equipment and software, subject of this call for tender for, Minimum period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of provisional acceptance.
  • Bidders with professional references, supported by certificates of performance of contracts or orders for similar equipment, the amount of which represents at least 30% of this contract delivered by the customers concerned.

The representativeoftheinterestedcompaniesareinvitedtowithdrawtheinstructionstender bookatthefollowing addressE.P.I.CAlgériePoste.Quartier desAffairesBabEzzouar, Alger.Direction desAffairesJuridiqueset desRelations Internationales. Sous-direction desRelationsContractuelles.10etagebureau29.Ilotn°01parcelle n°04Zoned’Affaires BabEzzouar Alger. Againstthe presentationofthedocumentinproofofpaymentoften thousand Dinars (10.000.00 DA fortenderers under Algerian law),non-refundable,which haveto be transferred on the PostalCurrent AccountN° 380576 clé 80 opened nearAlgériePoste.AndOnehundred100 Eurosfortheforeigntenderers, non-refundable,whichhavetobetransferredonthe BankaccountN°621 300300 01888openedinnameofAlgériePoste.Nearthenational bank ofAlgeria (BNA)

Theoffersmustbejoinedwiththedocumentsrequired by thepresidentialdecreeN15-247 datedon16September2015including thepubliccontractsregulationandthepublicservice delegation contract;mentionedin the instructions tender book(article18).

Thebids must bedepositedin triplicate(separated,closedand signed) underasealedcover. At AlgériePoste.QuartierdesAffairesBabEzzouar,Alger.DirectiondesAffaires Juridiqueset desRelations Internationales.Sous-directiondesRelationsContractuelles.

10 Etagebureau29. Ilot n°01 parcelle n°04 Zone d’Affaires Bab Ezzouar Alger.

The outer jacket should to be anonymousand should comprise only thefollowingmentions:

Appel d’OffresNational et InternationalOuvert avec exigence de capacités minimales

N° 03/DGAP / 2018

« Acquisition, installationetmise enservicedetrois 03 centresrégionaux deCourrier

Hybride (personnalisation des chèques et éditiondes extraits)»

« A n’ouvrir queparlacommissiond’ouverturedes plis etd’évaluation des offres»

Theperiodofbidspreparationisfixedatfortyfive(45)daysfromthefirstday ofthe publicationof thistender innewspapersandintheReportofProcurementof thePublic Operator(BOMOP).

The tender submission date is fixed on the last day of the tender preparation, no later than 12:00. The tenderers are cordially invited to the opening sessionof the tenders which will take place on the same day at 14:00, at the Head Officeof Algeria Post.

The Tenderers will remain committed by their offers during a delay of Ninety (90) calendar days added to the period of bids preparation, which starts from the date of opening bids