E. J. Caropreso: Developing Assessment Literacy (MCCSSS)
Sample Test: 1
Directions: This sample test includes a variety of objective test items. Some items are flawed and in need of modification; others are acceptable as presented (given that even acceptable items could be improved).
Please read and analyze each item in the sample test. For each item, on the line to the left of the item mark “A” if the item is acceptable; mark “F” if the item is “flawed” in one or more ways. For those items that you determine to be flawed, please indicate below the item how you would correct the errors, or, simply rewrite the item.
1. ___ All but one of the following is not an element. Which one is not?
a. carbonb. saltc. sugard. plastic
2. ___ Maine is not the only state that does not have a boarder with a neighboring state. T___ F___
3. ___ Utah as a common boarder with 3 other states. T___F___
4. ___ What is the relative length of the shortest distance between Chicago and Detroit and Sacramento? ______
5. ___ The ______produced by the ______is used by the green ______to change ______and ______into ______. This process is known as ______.
6. ___ George Washington was our best president. T___F___
7. ___ The most important city in the southeastern U. S. is
a. Atlantab. Miamic. New Orleansd. Jacksonville.
8. ___ The postulation of capillary effectuation promotes elucidation of how pliant substances ascend in incommodious veins. T___ F___
9. ___ Switzerland
a. is located in Asia b. produces large quantities of gold
c. has no direct ocean access d. is a flat, arid plain.
10. ______and ______are the names of two rivers in Pittsburgh.
E. J. Caropreso: Developing Assessment Literacy (MCCSSS)
Sample Test: 2
Directions: This sample test includes a variety of objective test items. Some items are flawed and in need of modification; others are acceptable as presented (given that even acceptable items could be improved).
Please read and analyze each item in the sample test. For each item, on the line to the left of the item mark “A” if the item is acceptable; mark “F” if the item is “flawed” in one or more ways. For those items that you determine to be flawed, please indicate below the item how you would correct the errors, or, simply rewrite the item.
1. ___Who was Abraham Lincoln? ______
2. ___Where is Dublin located?
a. in the northern hemisphereb. near Englandc. in Irelandd. near Scotland
3. ___Name the author of The Old Man and the Sea. ______
4. ___As compared to the cars of the 1960s, cars of the 1980s
a. traveling slower b. bigger interiors c. to use less fuel d. contain more safety features.
5. ___A figure that has eight sides is called an
a. pentagon b. quadrilateral c. octagon d. ogive
6. ___Which of the following best describes an electron?
a. negative particle b. neutral particle c. positive particle d. a voting machine
7. ___Some people think the moon is made of green cheese.T___ F___
8. ___Figures that have five sides are called
a. pentagonsb. tetrahedronsc. octanglesd. pentagrams
9. ___ Test items should never be stated in the negative. T___ F___
10. ___In what country was Winston Churchill born? ______