e-Government Procurement (e-GP)

T E N D E R N O T I C E ( 1 ) D A T E D : 21/ 3 / 2 0 1 7

Executive Officer, SreeMadanatheswaraSiddhivinayaka Temple ,Madhur, Kasaragod ,invites tender for the followingwork as detailed below. Only those bidders having a valid and active registration and who posses compatible digital signature certificate issued by competent authority can participate in the tender. Tender documents and tender schedule may be downloaded free of cost from the e-GP Website shall be accepted only through online mode and no manual submission of the same shall be entertained. Late online bids will notbe accepted.

1 Name of work Temple Renovation - 2017Copper sheet covering to roof to all shrines

2 TENDER No. 01 /EO/Madhur/MDB/2015-16


3 Estimate PAC Rs.1,08,84,136/-

4 EMD Rs.2,50,000/-

5 Cost of Tender documents/ Bid submission fee Rs. 5000/-+ Vat 5%

6 Time of Completion 24months

7 Period of downloading To be downloaded free of cost from the Temple Website

or from 12/4/201710:00 Hours

Online bid submissionperiod From04/05/2017 10:00 Hour To04/05/201715:00 Hour.

9 Last date and time ofsubmission of originaldocuments06/05/17 3:00pm

10 Place, date and time ofopening of BidOffice of the Executive Officer, SreeMandanatheswaraSiddhivinayaka Temple, Madhur. KASARAGOD – 671 124 06/05/201716:00 Hour



Executive Officer

1. Bidders shall remit the tender document fees and E.M.D using the online payment options of e-Procurement system only. Bidders are advised to visit the ”Downloads” section of e-Procurement website ( for detailed instruction making online payment using Internet banking facility of S.B.T or by using NEFT facility. Bidders opting for NEFT facility of online payment are advised to exercise this option at least 48 hours before the closing date of bid to ensure that payment towards tender document fee & EMD are credited and a confirmation is reflected in the e procurement system. The online NEFT Remittance Form provided by e-procurement system for making a NEFT transaction is not a payment confirmation.PWD/NIC/SBT shall not be responsible for any kind of delay in payment status confirmation.

2. Bidders are requested to submit scanned copy of the following documents - Contractor’s Registration Certificate, EMD Exemption Certificate and Preliminary Agreement executed in Kerala Stamp Paper worth Rs.200/-,duly filled up proforma for availing e-payment by “online”. Subsequently the hardcopy of attestedcopy of Registration Certificate (duly attested by a Gazetted Officer not below therank of Executive Engineer) and other two in original would be submitted “offline“in a sealed cover super scribing the name of work and tender number, to the Office ofthe Executive Officer, SreeMandanatheswaraSiddhivinayaka Temple, Madhur. KASARAGOD – 671 124, throughspeed post/by hand/registered post as prescribed in the Time Schedule, failing whichsuch tenders will be rejected and EMD forfeited.

3. The bidding authority deserves the right to modify/ cancel any/ all bid without assigning any reason. The Public Works Department will not be responsible for any error like missing of scheduled data while downloading by the bidder and non receipt of documents.

4. On the opening day of bids, if the office happens to be closed for any reason, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.

5. All other existing conditions related to tender of Kerala PWD will be applicable in this tender also.


Executive Officer, SreeMandanatheswaraSiddhivinayaka Temple, Madhur. KASARAGOD – 671 124


Bidder Executive Officer


I do hereby distinctly and expressly declare and acknowledge that I haveread the conditions as stipulated in the standard forms No. 83 and 84 with the relevant modifications effected under clause 9-13-24 of form. No. 83 and Clause 14of Form. No. 84 and I do hereby admit that these conditions are binding on me and Ishall abide by the terms and conditions as stipulated therein in respect of the work.

I do hereby declare also that, I have read the Revised PWD Manual 2012 andthat I am familiar with various clauses contained in it. I am fully aware that theconditions contained in the Revised PWD Manual are to became as part of theAgreement.

I am enclosing preliminary agreement form in stamp paper Rs. 200/-

Name of Bidder:




I hereby declare that I have perused in detail and examined closely in the Madras Detailed Standard Specification, IRC specification, MORTH specification, allClauses of the standard preliminary specification before I submit the tender/ bid and Iagree to be bound by and comply with all such specifications except clause 73 and otherclauses relating to arbitrations contained therein. The guarantee period as per G.O. (MS)No. 98/02/PWD dated 21/11/1992 is noted by me for this work,

Name Of Bidder :

Address :




I. Bills shall be submitted by the Bidder for part payment while the work is inprogress or final bill on completion of the work as per the specification, terms andconditions of the contract and the Executive officer shall take the requisite measuresfor having the same checked and the claim as far as admissible settled according tothe availability of budget provision and allotment of funds made with the divisionalofficer under the respective heads of account under which the work is sanctioned andarranged and also subject to the seniority of such bills. The Bidder shall not make any

claim for interest or for damages for any delay in settling the bills. No such claimsshall be admitted by the Government. If the Bidder be unable to prepare the bill forhimself, the Divisional officer shall depute a subordinate to measure the workperformed in the presence of the Bidder, whose counter signature to the measurementlist will be a sufficient warrant to the Divisional officer to prepare the bill for himthat list.


e-Government Procurement (e-GP) Notice invitingTenders for Works

1 Name of work Temple Renovation - 2017Copper sheet covering to roof to all shrines

2 TENDER No. 01 /EO/Madhur/MDB/2015-16

3 Estimate PAC Rs.1,08,84,136/-

4 EMD Rs.2,50,000/-

5 Cost of Tender documents/ Bid submission fee Rs. 5000/-+ Vat 5%

or from 12/4/201710:00 Hours

Online bid submission period From04/05/2017 10:00 Hour To04/05/201715:00 Hour.

1(a) Onlinetenders are invited for and on behalf of the Governor of Kerala only from registeredClass_A & Above Class bidders approved by P.W.D for the work

(b) The tender document(s), may be downloaded free of cost from the e-GovernmentProcurement (e-GP) website ( No payment is required fordownloading the tender documents from the above website however a bid submission fee, as mentioned below in this document, is required to be submitted along with the online bid.



Executive Officer

(c) Only those bidders having a valid and active registration, on the date of bid submission,shall submit bids online on the e-GP website. All bids shall be submitted online on the e-GP websiteonly in the relevant envelope(s)/ cover(s), as per the type of tender. No manual submission of bidsshall be entertained for the tenders published through e-GP system under any circumstances.

(d) The e-GP system shall not allow submission of bids online after the stipulated date &time. The bidder is advised to submit the bids well before the stipulated date & time to avoid anykind of network issues, traffic congestion, etc. In this regard, the department shall not beresponsible for any kind of such issues faced by bidder .

(d) Ineligible bidders or bidders who do not posses valid & active registration, on the date ofbid submission, are strictly advised to refrain themselves from participating in this tender. If suchinstances are noticed, the same shall be treated as “fake bidding” by the respective bidder and suchbidder shall be blacklisted as per departmental rules in force.

(e) The bidders, who submit their bids for this tender after digitally signing using theirDigital Signature Certificate (DSC), accept that they have clearly understood and agreed the termsand conditions including the Form/ Annexure of this tender.

(f) Mention of price details at any place other than the designated place, shall disqualify thebidder and the bid shall be summarily rejected.

2. The items and sub-heads of works to be done are enumerated in the subjoined schedule.Unless otherwise specified, the tender must be for the whole or any individual work and parttenders are liable to rejection. A bidder may tender for more than one work with the earnest moneydeposit specified in each case, but shall not tender for any part of a work , unless specifically sorequired.

3. All works shall be done in conformity with the specifications and conditions of contract inforce in the P. W. D. In case of schedule rate contract, bidders must quote their own ratesspecifically for each item without reference to the departmental estimates or' the current schedule ofrates and for percentage rate contract only a single rate as an overall percentage above or below orat the rate given in the schedule by a single entry at the space provided in the schedule under, thehead quoted rate may be made. The rates quoted shall be inclusive ones; covering all the operationscontemplated in the specifications and tender schedules and all incidental work necessary for suchoperations such as shoring, bailing out work, scaffolding, etc. The rates quoted shall be inclusive ofall taxes applicable.

(a) When tenders are submitted based on bidder's alternate designs such tenders should beaccompanied by a schedule of quantities of materials to be used for each item of work withcomplete detailed specifications and data as a separate attachment at the designated placewhile submitting the bids online. In such cases the benefit of any savings in the quantities ofmaterials actually used up under each item of work during execution will accrue to thedepartment.

(b) The overall percentage rates accepted and specified in the agreement shall not be variedon any account whatsoever.

(c) The bidders who quoted below estimate rate will remit performance guarantee with a view to curb the tendency to quote low rates and execute the works unsatisfactorily.

i) If the quoted PAC differ estimate PAC by more than 25%, the bid will be rejected.

ii) If the quoted PAC differ estimate PAC up to 25%, the bidder will remit performanceguarantee equal to the unbalanced price in the estimate P.A.C and quoted P.A.C. This willbe released only after satisfactory completion of the work.

iii) No interest, in any circumstances, shall be payable by the department to the bidder forthe EMD/ security deposit/ performance guarantee furnished.

4.(i)Tender duly signed using bidder’s valid Digital Signature Certificate shall be submitted onlineon e-GP website before on or before .

The bids will be opened online at the office of the tender inviting authority on at byin the presence of those bidders or their authorised agents who wish to be present. In case it is notpossible to open the tenders on the specified date due to any valid reason the revised time and dateof opening of tenders will be published on e-GP website. The bidders shall check the e-GP websiteregularly for such updates.

The total amount of each tender will be read out. There is no provision for correction of bids oncesubmitted online. However, multiple bids can be submitted by the bidder, in case of corrections, tillthe last date & time of bid submission and the most recent/ latest bid submitted before the stipulateddate & time of bid submission shall only be considered by e-GP for further processing. Details ofindividual rates will be treated as confidential and will not be read out.

(ii)Bidders shall remit the tender document fees and EMD using the online payment options of eprocurementsystem only. Bidders are advised to visit the “Downloads” section of e-procurementwebsite ( for detailed instructions on making online payment usingInternet Banking facility of SBT or by using NEFT facility. Bidders opting for NEFT facility ofonline payment are advised to exercise this option at least 48 hours before the closing of the bid toensure that payment towards tender documents fees and EMD are credited and a confirmation isreflected in the e-procurement system. The online NEFT remittance form provided by eprocurementsystem for making a NEFT transaction is not a payment confirmation.KSITM/NIC/SBT/PWD shall not be responsible for any kind of delay in payment statusconfirmation.

(iii) The bidder shall mandatorily enclose an attested copy of his/ her valid and active Registration Certificate to the Tender Inviting Authority in an envelope. The bidder shall get the RegistrationCertificate attested only from any of the Superintending Engineers/ Executive Engineers of PWD,Kerala. The envelope, containing attested copy of the valid and active Registration Certificate,preliminary agreement should reach the department on or before the bid opening date & time, failing which, the bid is liable to be rejected. The department shall not be responsible for any postalservice delay or any other delay.Bidders, who have secured exemption from individual EMD payments, need not do thisexcept when special Earnest money is asked to be deposited. Such EMD exemption certificate/document needs to be scanned andSd/-

Bidder / Executive Officer

submitted online along with the bid, failing which, the bid shallbe rejected summarily. The original EMD exemption document may have to be produced, ifrequired, failing which, the bid shall be rejected summarily.

5. Selected bidder will be required to produce income-tax and sales tax clearance certificates beforefinal payment is made for the work, and before security deposits released.

6. In the case of proprietary or partnership firm, it will be necessary to submit online the scannedcopy of the certificates aforementioned for the proprietor or proprietors and for each of the partnersas the case may be.

All bids received without the scanned copy of certificates mentioned at point 6 & 7 above will besummarily rejected.

7. The bidder shall examine closely the Madras Detailed Standard Specifications, CPWDspecification, IRC specification, MORTH specification, and also the standard preliminaryspecifications contained therein which is available for viewing on the e-GP website and PWDWebsite before submitting his tender unit rates which shall be for finished work in site. He shallalso carefully study the drawings and additional specifications and all the documents which formpart of the agreement to be entered in to by the accepted bidder. The documents connected with thecontract such as specifications, plans descriptive specification sheet regarding materials etc., canalso be seen during the office days & hours in the Office of the Superintending Engineer/

the Executive Officer, SreeMandanatheswaraSiddhivinayaka Temple, Madhur. KASARAGOD – 671 124

8. The bidder will examine the site condition and satisfy themselves of the availability of materialsat near by places, difficulties which may arise during execution etc before submitting tender for thework.

9. The bidder's attention is directed to the requirements for materials under the clause "Materialsand workmanship' in the Preliminary Specification. Materials confirm to the Indian StandardSpecification shall be used on the work, and the bidder shall quote his rate accordingly.

10. Every bidder is expected before quoting his rate to inspect the site of the proposed work. Heshould also inspect the quarries and satisfy himself about the quality and availability of materials.The names of quarries, kilns, etc. where from certain materials are to be obtained will be given inthe descriptive specification sheet. The best class of materials to be obtained from the quarries orother source defined shall be used on the work. In every case the materials must comply with therelevant standard specification. Samples of materials as called for in the standard specification or inthis tender notice, or as required by the Executive Engineer in any case, shall be submitted for theExecutive Engineer's approval before the supply to site of work is begun. If the bidder afterexamination of the source of materials defined in the Descriptive Specification sheet is of opinionthat materials complying with the standard or other specification of the contract cannot, be obtainedin the Descriptive specification sheet he shall so state clearly in his tender and state where from the intends to obtain the materials subject to the approval of the Executive Engineer. TheGovernment will not, however after acceptance of contract rate pay any extra charges for lead or forany other reasons, in case the bidder is found later on to have misjudged the materials available.Attention of the bidder is directed to the standard "Preliminary specification regarding payment ofseigniorage, tolls etc.

Note:-The department does not undertake to construct or make available any approach road orother means of approach to the proposed work site and the bidder shall get acquainted withthe available means of approaches to the proposed site and quote for the various items. TheDepartment shall not be liable for any claim raised later on the plea of non-availability ornon-access to the site.

11.The bidder's particular attention is drawn to the sections and clauses in the standard 'PreliminarySpecification" dealing with

1) Test, inspection and rejection of defective material and work

2) Carriage

3) Construction plant

4) Water and Lighting

5) Cleaning up during progress and for delivery

6) Accidents

7) Delays

8) Particulars of paymentThe bidder should closely peruse all the specification clauses which govern the rates whichhe is tendering.

12. In consideration of the bidder being allowed to quote for the work, he should keep the tenderfirm for a period of two months from the date of opening the tender during which period or till thetenders are decided whichever is earlier, he will not be free to withdraw the tender. Any suchwithdrawal will entail forfeiture of the earnest money deposited for the work.

Due to departmental or administrative reasons if it is found necessary to keep the tender openfor a further period, prior consent of the bidder shall be obtained in writing for every further periodof one month.

13. Acceptance of the tender rests with the Tender Inviting Authority who does not undertake toaccept the lowest or any particular tender.

14. The right to carry out the work in conformity with or in a manner entirely different from theterms of this invitation that may be considered most suitable before or subsequent to the receipt oftenders due to exigencies of work, is reserved with the department.