DVTA Board of Directors
Minutes from the June 9, 2009 Meeting
Present: Mark Wallace, Linda Anelli, John Redd, Susie Haughwout, Randy Schoonmaker
Linda motioned to approve the May 4th and May 19th, 2009 meeting minutes, John seconded, all approved.
Randy reviewed YTD financials which continue to be favorable to budget. We will end the fiscal year without having to borrow money from our line of credit, and we will start the new fiscal year with a positive bank balance for the first time in many years.
The Board reviewed Joseph Cincotta’s new rough roof designs. The elevations were not ready in time for the meeting but will be e-mailed as soon as they are available. The Board generally liked the roof plan, agreeing that all that could be done to make it lower, attractive and more affordable was done. Morton has quoted a figure of $1.888 million for the structure versus rough quesstimates up to $3 million. John Redd revised several line items on the cost estimates, and we were able to project a cost just below our goal of $3.75 million.
Randy presented a proposed plan to provide and fund the operation of a vehicle for Butterfield Commons. The DVTA would buy or find a van to donate to them, work with a local charitable organization to fund the insurance for it, and to have the residents pay for fuel. After lengthy discussion, the Board felt that the plan was not within our realm of responsibility, and that Butterfield or the Land Trust should provide a transportation plan. Mark motioned to accept the proposal, but there was no motion to second it so that it was not voted on.
Randy notified the Board that GMC had earlier in the week notified us that they are no longer building medium-duty truck chassis for buses like ours. Our order for four new key replacement buses is caught up in GMC’s production schedule, and we have been assured by Glaval that our order was placed before any pertinent deadlines and that we should be receiving our chassis at some point and probably later than we anticipated. If there are any further developments, Randy has a backup plan.
The Board reviewed Randy’s proposal for operating MountSnow’s parking lot shuttles as part of a loop with The Outlook and possibly Snow Vidda. Since the two DVTA buses to do this loop will not both be available this winter because of limited awards from the state, Randy will contact Kelly and revive the conversation again a year from now. Mark recused himself before the motion and vote. Linda motioned to table working with MountSnow on their parking lot shuttles and to offer The Outlook a $400 per unit contribution service. John seconded, and three voted in favor, one recusal.
Mark motioned to move into executive session to discuss contractual and legal issues, Linda seconded, all approved. Mark motioned to move out of executive session, John seconded, all approved. No decisions were made.
Mark motioned to adjourn, Linda seconded, all approved.