March 11, 2015

5:00pm – DHS Library

Committee Attendees: Abby Manning, Julia Adams, Kate Bonneau, Dave Maimaron, Elizabeth Walsh, Kristen Rappe, Andrew Stephens, Mary Lynn Carson, Joe Lamothe, Vicky Anderson, Jessica Manning,

Public: Colleen Slocum, Julie Hargrave, Anne Ward

NOTE: The Comments from the Public section of the meeting is an opportunity for members of the community to address issues of concern about policy, budget, or administrative matters or share ideas about how we can work together to improve the Duxbury Public Schools. We value your input and respect divergent views; we only ask that you limit your remarks to two minutes and refrain from airing grievances with individual members of the school community. Thank you.

1. Approve minutes from February meeting: Approved by Joe, Seconded by Mary Lynn

2. Updates:

*Survey – April 16th – teachers and students will all take it at the same time.

13th dimension focused on special education…will give us $500 credit and it will add 5 extra questions. It will be done during advisory on the 16th. Window closed on the 17th. Working on the parent piece of it. Will be given through the portal. We still need to decide is it one per household, or per child.

*Budget – Town Meeting this weekend.

Not a lot of change. (see handout)

Article 5: $300k for computer lease, taken out of the budget and was printed as a separate line item…needs to be voted on again.

Public Comments:

Parent 1: coffee presentation was excellent, clarified issues and shared information. She believes it is important language. Wants to see it kept in the handbook. The fear of getting caught keeps the kids out of trouble and motivates teenagers. We are lucky bc these kids are so involved. These are priveledges that they do not want to lose. She thinks most parents feel this way. Administration works hard for our kids and she trusts them. If possible, always good to have 2 adults present when students are questioned about events. Better for the school…no “he said she said”.

Colleen Slocum: we have an important opportunity to bring fairness, balance and respect back. MIAA health policy for all students is fair enough and can be followed to the letter. Let parents parent. This is not 1986. There are school rules now. Guilty by association is not used in the building, it should not be used outside of the building. Not doing something wrong, should not be punished the same way that a criminal act should be handled. Parents parent, teachers teach and police are keeping our kids safe on the streets. She would like the language taken out of the handbook.

Julie Hargrave: Junior and sophomore childen. She feels the language is profoundly unfair. There is misconception that we want our kids to drink and break rules. She agrees with all the MIAA rules. If they are somewhere and they did not do anything wrong…there is something wrong with this language. Too many grey areas. This goes hand and hand with dissatisfaction with culture.

Ann Ward: Supports the language. Her issue is with the implementation. Focus on education and this policy is more preventative than punishment.

Why is alchohol bad for you? Keep policy and support education. Importance of not being a bystander.

*Schedule Proposal & next steps: Teachers shared concerns around loss of class time to have study hall with the kids. Too much change…we are not going with this next year. Working with faculty and will look for other options. In school collaborative time for teachers and for kids to get work done during the school day. If we implemented study hall it would equal 17 days lost per year of instruction…will this add up to more homework? Would this have been a benefit to the kids? Teachers were not in favor.

*Coffee with Principal – Great talk…32 people attended. Presentation handed out and presented to the council.

*Handbook review process – Items/language for review

Ex: excused absence for juniors for college visits. Group has an administrator, parents, council members (student and parent), students and teachers.

What are some things that we would like to look at for review in the handbook. We will hand this over to handbook review committee and then they can become language changes in the handbook. Late March/early april. Items can be emailed and will be put on the agenda for next month.

3. Discussion:

*Chemical Health procedure : Went through slideshow from the coffee (see attachment) Each member went through their feelings on the procedure.

Maimaron: Shared studies from westborough…increase in drinking and driving once the language was put in. Language that is to kept our kids safe eliminates the good role models. He votes for the language to be removed. This study was emailed to the council

Joe: take out language. This is how we develop character. He emailed his thoughts to the council

Elizabeth Walsh-struggles with choosing one side, but feels the language is needed. More procedure and education

Julia-in favor of the language. Bystander to someone breaking the law and putting themselves in harms way. Make procedure as fair as possible. Consequence equally or not at all. Students should have the opportunity to make mistakes. Gradual enforcement for first, second and third offense. Does not encourage learning from mistakes. Still believes the language is a deterrent from losing something in the school environment...loose social affirmation.

Kate Bonneau-Keep language as it is a deterrent to keep kids away from unsafe situations. Struggles bc she sees both sides of this issue.

Abby-shared her view as a student. Afraid to go out and lose all she has worked so hard for. Punishments not fair. Need more education and consistent procedure.

Mary Lynn: Her concern is that teens brains are not developed, executive functioning. Lumping criminal offense with a school policy that we have imposed that is not criminal and we are treating them all the same. Agree with the philosophy, principles. Same on procedures, contact parents every time, 2 adults in on investigation, repetition and educate the community. Keep wording and change the punishment for those in the knowing presence of.

Jessica: Unfair that children behaving in a criminal manner are punished the same way children in knowing presence are. The current language does not give children an opportunity to redeem themselves. Carries with them through highschool..NHS, scholarships, etc. Language removed or modified. Clear procedure, which should be done same each time. Educate kids around these rules several times per year and educate on the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

Vicky Anderson: shared with the group the Wellesley High School's Drug and Alcohol Policy, which issimilar to DHS'sprocedurewith the important exception that it does not getinvolved in any non-school related, off-campusincidents. Her vote is No.

Kristen: Is this policy working? Are we deterring kids? There is some collateral damage. 2 procedures bc one is on campus and one is not.

Julia: yes

Kate: Yes

Maimoron: no

Elizabeth: yes

Mary Lynn: no

Kristen no






*Future ‘Coffee with Principal’ Topics- Council should think about topics for other coffees.


The Duxbury High School community provides students with individual and collaborative experiences that inspire them to approach learning with innovation, motivation, purpose and integrity.


Everyone can learn. Learning takes many forms. Learning requires a commitment to hard work and self-discipline. Learning requires a safe, supportive and engaging environment. Learning occurs when meaningful connections are made. Learning is best achieved through an active partnership between the school and the community.