September 19th – September 25th
During the week of September 19th - September 25th the Virginia Fire Department was called for service sixty-four times, twenty-nine 9-1-1 EMS calls, twenty-seven transfers, and eight fire calls. The twenty-nine 9-1-1 calls brought us once to Biwabik, Britt, Iron, McDavitt, Mt. Iron, twice to Eveleth, three times to Gilbert, the rest in Virginia. We transported these patients to St. Luke’s Hospital, Fairview Range Medical Center, Essentia Health St. Mary’s and Virginia. Our twenty-seven transfers brought us to Cook Hospital, Ely Hospital, Essentia Health Northern Pines, and Virginia. These patients were transported to a specialty clinic, St. Luke’s Hospital, Essentia Health St. Mary’s, Miller Dwan, and Virginia. During this week we our busiest day was a tie between Sunday and Monday where we did twelve calls each. The number one reason for dispatch was some kind of cardiac issue. During this week we performed eighty-five procedures and administered fifty-four medicines. We treated more women (30) than men (26) with the average age being 63yo. The eight fire responses one Fire Sprinkler malfunction, Electrical problem, lift assist, and five times we were cancelled prior to getting on scene. The Fire Marshall was busy again with inspections and having our Fire Explorers going through the Fire Survival training that was located at the Virginia Golf course during this week. The Fire Survival Training was done by not only them but many local fire fighters from around the area to include Hibbing as it was in the city prior to ours. The survival trailer is to replicate us Fire Fighters getting trapped in a building we us different skills that we practice to find our way out. First, we start on the top of the trailer and enter from there. When the instructor closes the door it becomes very dark. We also have our masked covered so we can’t really see anyways. During this course we have our air packs on and are breathing “air” just like if we were in a fire or dangerous to life environment. As we move through the trailer we find more obstacles that we have to overcome, for example fitting through very tight places. This would represent going through a hole in a wall. During this obstacle we have to take off our packs to fit through different spots in the course we do so without stopping the air flow to our masks. We sometimes during the course will have to place our packs through the tight space first then our bodies. There are wires hanging that we get caught on and have to free ourselves from. The courses is challenging and places us in stressful situations where we have to stop and think to get ourselves to the finish line which is a door out. Inside there are speakers playing sirens, chainsaws, and other noises similar to a fire ground to add in the fun.
October has Fire Prevention Week which is the second full week of the month. The Fire Marshall has many events planned for this week. Starting on Sunday October 9th where he and other Fire Fighters will be in the Thunderbird Mall parking lot for tours of the apparatus. Monday he will be talking at the Northland learning Center. Tuesday he will be at the Marquette School talking with the kids and that evening will be the open house at the Virginia Fire Department from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. At the open house there is be tours, demonstrations, and of course some food. Wednesday he will be at the Gethsemane Daycare and ECFE at Parkview. Thursday will take him to the Parkview Elementary school to talk with the kids there. And, finally Friday he will be at Roosevelt Elementary to talk with students and staff there. Please come and join us at our Open House all are welcome to come check out our station and equipment.