SEN Student Behaviour Report Form
It is important that behaviour of SEN passengers on transport is managed appropriately, as incidents can distract the driver,and cause distress or injury to other passengers and road users. Transport Operators are expected to initially discuss any problems with the school and parents/guardians, as distraction techniques and recommendations for a particular passenger can often improve the situation.
Transport Operators must use this form to reportsevere and persistent SEN student behaviour problems to the Passenger Transport Coordination Centre. Any information provided may be discussed with the school, Parents/Guardians and the Education Transport & Awards Team to establish if it is necessary to adapt the transport provision.
Passenger Details & Transport InformationPassenger name
School name
Contract number
Transport Operator name
Person completing this form name
Driver name
Passenger Assistant name(s) – indicate if provided for a specific passenger on the vehicle
Type of vehicle and seating capacity
Number of passengers on vehicle
Details of SEN Student Behaviour Incident
Incident date and time
Are there any CCTV images of the incident?
Police crime reference number
School advised? If yes, give contact name
Description of incident – attach a detailed report separately if necessary
Is any other passenger/Driver/Passenger Assistant being physically harmed? If yes, give details
(e.g. biting/slapping/scratching/punching/spitting)
Has any damage been caused to the vehicle?
If yes, give details
Details of SEN Student Behaviour Incident
Are you aware of any problems at school/home, bullying by other passengers, or a change of Transport Operator/Driver/Passenger Assistant?
Description of any techniques used by school or parents/guardians when transporting the passenger
Any history of behavioural incidents and have these been reported previously?
If yes, give details
What has already been tried to resolve this problem?
What do you feel may help to resolve this problem in future?
Any other comments
Email completed forms to
EssexCounty Council Use OnlyWhat are the passengers current specific transport requirements and special educational needs?
Conclusions and recommended solution
Name of authorising Officer
Environment, Sustainability & Highways, Passenger Transport Coordination Centre
October 2011