Manila, Utah

August 18, 2015

TheTruth in Taxation Hearing and regular meeting of the Daggett Board of Education were held in the Manila High School Theater on August 18, 2015. President Asbill called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Also attending were members Pallesen, Reidand Olsen; Superintendent Northcott; Business Administrator Robinson; Principals Gonder and Staggs; Mike Hughes, Mindy Terry, and Dave and Ruby Hoover. Member Barber was absent.

During the Truth in Taxation Hearing, Superintendent Northcott explained how the property tax system works. He further explained that because the value of the county has gone up, the tax rates should go down in order to collect the same amount of tax money as was collected in the prior year. Since the Board has chosen not to let the tax rate that they control fall, the school general rate was increased in order to keep the rate the same as last year. The basic rate that is controlled by the state was increased because of SB97 S3 Property Tax Equalization Amendments.

Mr. Asbill adjourned the Truth in Taxation Hearing and called the regular meeting to order at 6:15 PM.

Mr. Hughes requested out-of-state travel to attend the National FFAConvention in Louisville, KY on Oct. 27th through Oct. 31st of this year. Approval was given earlier in the year for Mr. Schell and the Land Judging Team to attend the convention. Since that time Anna Marie Henry qualified as a Proficiency Finalist and Lexi Taylor, Ronnie Lucio and Koby Mosley qualified with their AgriScience – Science Fair Projects. Mrs. Pallesen moved to approve the out-of-state travel for Mr. Hughes and the 4 students. Motion was seconded by Mr. Olsen and carried unanimously.

Mr. Olsen moved to approve theConsent Calendar. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Reid and carried unanimously. The Consent Calendar consisted of Board Meeting minutes of May 26, 2015 and June 9, 2015; warrant list; ratification of contracts for Ally Mangum – FGS PK, Debbie Tinker MES 4-5, Amy Johnson – MHS Social Studies, Stephanie Hickey – MHS Counselor, Toni Pendleton – MHS Business/FACS, Missy Butler – MHS Office Manager, and Wyatt Potter – District Maintenance.

Mrs. Reid moved to approve the line item adjustments in the 2014-15 budget as noted. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Pallesen and carried unanimously.

Mrs. Reid moved to approve the 2015-16 budget as previously adopted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Olsen and carried unanimously.

Mindy Terry, the 6th Grade teacher at Manila Elementary asked the Board for a tuition waiver for her son who is a 4th grader and lives in McKinnon, WY. The Sweetwater SD #2agreement does not allow tuition payment for McKinnon students until 5th Grade. She is asking for the waiver because of the difference in school schedules and it would be for one year only. Following discussion Mrs. Reid moved to waive the tuition for this year only and any future requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Pallesen and carried unanimously.

Discussion was held on the revision of Policy DKC 3440 – Employee Leave. The major change to this policy is converting leave days to hours. Because we are now on a 4 day week with longer days there is a small difference in the hours worked. As an example, teacher days will be converted as follows: 3 personal days = 21 hours, 10 sick days = 71 hours. Ten month employee days will be converted using the same formula. Mrs. Pallesen moved to approve the revision as modified on the 1st Reading, seconded by Mrs. Reid. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Reid moved to approve the following new policies on the 1st Reading. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Pallesen and carried unanimously.

CAD –Capital Outlay Reporting

CBF – Procurement: Exceptions to Standard Procurement (Policy Exhibit 1)

CBJ – Contractor Oversight

Mrs. Pallesen moved to approve new Policy DKD – Nursing Mothers on the 1st Reading, seconded by Mrs. Reid. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Reid moved to approve new Policy FAB – Transgender Students on the 1st Reading, seconded by Mrs. Pallesen. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Reid moved to approve new Policy GCF – Animals on School Premises as modified on the 1st Reading. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Pallesen and carried unanimously.

Superintendent’s activity report was reviewed.

Enrollment projections show us at 200 students to start the year. Anything less than 200 would be considered declining enrollment.

Mr. Staggs showed the recent improvements made to the District Webpage.

Summer maintenance projects were reviewed.

Superintendent Northcott noted the following Great Things Happening.

  1. We have had a great summer of Summer Maintenance.
  2. Volleyball practice and games have begun. Cross Country will start shortly.
  3. Great new hires.
  4. Four more students qualified for National FFA Competition.

Next Meetings

  1. Opening Institute, Thursday August 20, 2015. Breakfast at 8:15 AM in the MHS lunchroom with meeting to follow in the Theater at 9:00 AM.
  2. Meet the Legislators of the NUES Region, Thursday September 3, 2015 at the Wasatch SD Offices. Dinner at 6:00 PM with meeting to follow.
  3. Regular Board Meeting, Tuesday September 9, 2015 @ 5:00PM

There being no further business, President Asbill declared the meeting adjourned.

President, Board of Education Clerk, Board of Education