Senior Board Minutes November 18, 2004



November 18, 2004

Present were Henry Coe, Shirley Bielefield, Henry Robinson, Mary DiMella, Althea Parmelee, and Elaine Melvin.

Absent were George Zeeb, Howard Kelley and John Hogarth.

Also present were Janet Muraca, Sherry Hill, Gwen Clark, Library liaison, and Eileen Murphy.

Henry Coe, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:39 P.M.

Motion to approve the minutes from the September 2004 meeting were approved unanimously with a motion by H. Robinson and second by E. Melvin.

The election of Officers by H. Coe was as follows: H. Coe would be vice chairman and E. Melvin would assume duties as Chairman. They have always worked as a team and will continue to do so. H. Robinson made a motion to approve, seconded by Shirley Bielefield. All in favor, no opposed.

M. DiMella was elected as Secretary. Motion to approve M. DiMella as Secretary was made by H. Robinson and seconded by E. Melvin. All were in favor, no opposed.

There were concerns over whom to appoint as Treasurer since G. Zeeb was not present. M. DiMella suggested they keep the position open until the next meeting and complete the process then. H. Robinson motioned to keep the position open. Second by E. Melvin. Unanimously approved.

H. Coe turned the meeting over to E. Melvin at this point.

E. Melvin asked J. Muraca to report. J. Muraca reported that the painting classes were a great success and she had received many calls asking about the next class. S. Bielefield suggested that it should be advertised as classes for beginners only.

J. Muraca stated that the Woman’s Club would cover the cost of payment to the teacher of $250.00. J. Muraca read a thank you note from Lois Leston. It was mentioned that L. Leston was purchasing supplies for the students. J. Muraca would like to see her be reimbursed. She asked S. Bielefield to compose a letter from the Senior Board thanking her for teaching the classes.

J. Muraca would like to have these painting classes offered quarterly. The salary of the teacher would be $1000.00 per year. H. Robinson asked if the Board of Finance could transfer the funds for this use? Someone would have to attend a meeting and request this be put on their agenda for the following meeting. J. Muraca will pursue the painting classes for the January to March 2005 quarter.

J. Muraca mentioned that the Thanksgiving and Christmas programs will be held in the basement of the Notre Dame Church.

J. Muraca wondered if the Board would like to consider a Senior Newsletter for

Durham’s senior population. Discussion followed. H. Coe found that the Durham Senior Board as sponsor was missing from the Senior Activity Flyer. S. Hill did a good job in designing the flyer and will place the sponsorship on the front cover of the next flyer.

E. Melvin left at 2:15 p.m. after turning the meeting over to H. Coe.

S. Hill reported that things at the recreation department were going well. The yoga classes were doing very well.

G. Clark showed a copy of the proposed library flyer for Durham seniors, describing services the library will offer to better serve seniors.

H. Coe asked if there were any other reports or new business to bring before the board.

He then read correspondence he had received from Janet Lenardy of the Department of Health. No action taken.

First Selectwoman M. P. Boord observed this meeting from 2:20 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileen M. Murphy

Recording Secretary