November 2014


Time: 6:15pm

Date:Tuesday 30th September 2014

Venue: The Ramside Hall Hotel, A690, Co Durham, DH1 1TD

  1. Apologies for absences

Tony Gibson

  1. Treasurers report – KG

Payments into the LOC account from GOS now late and ad hock, becoming difficult to reconcile, one payment outstanding. Balance £24,147.79 LOCSU payment of £3934.93 is pending

  1. PENE update, including business manager update- JR

Elaine’s contract now expired, in part due to ill health, PENE still waiting for some information to be handed over.

Memorandum of understanding between PENE and LOCS due to be updated.

South of Tyne and North of Tyne continuing to work closely (not merged…yet?)

  1. Enhanced services update, PwLD TH, Cat/IOP, MECS- IT/DT

Pilot PwLD pathway (in DDES) still a few contract issues to work, currently waiting for some information to go between Webstar and NHS England. Tom and Stephen Kilner (from SeeAbility) kindly attended a recent health and social care event, opportunity to promote PwLD pathway.

Tom kindly put himself forward as Clinical Governance and Performance lead.

IOP RR and Cataract pathway outlined, launch events-Tuesday11th Nov and Tue 20th Nov. Practical Sessions 4:30&5:30 followed by launch lecture. Still work to be done on College Leaflets and signposting.

MECS- (DDES&Darlington) Bid result 30th Oct, Practical session scheduled for Sunday 30th Nov at SS Bishop Auckland. Cost look like approx £100 per delegate (based on 30 places) Cost met by LOC, but delegates who book and don’t attend will be invoiced.

Sub contractor declaration being worked on

Clinical Governance and performance lead will be Ian Thompson, group thanked Ian.

  1. Website update – IH

Almost live, a few unforeseen IT issues, some content gathered but always room for more! Group to feed back with some constructive critism by 15th Oct.

Website going to particularly useful for communication enhanced service launch events and packs.

  1. AOB

Business Plan, first draft completed, waiting for updates, Tom will share when complete.

Research Network, still some communications.

Joint Lecture (DLOC and North Yorks) being given by Mr El-Ghrably at St Georges Hotel, Darlington, Further lecture by Depali Varmer scheduled for March 2015, please contact Tom if you wish to attend – all welcome.

Durham County Council Sensory Support Team leaflet derogatory about the role of community Optician in therole of supply of low vision aids.

  1. Date of next meeting

Monday 19th Jan 2015, at Ramside