Teaching Resources (I)

Teachers are urged to take some time and explore the wealth of resources listed in this section. Most have been organized by topic or language skill. Some appear more than once because they offer suggestions and activities in more than one area.

  1. Adult ESL Instruction: Some Suggested Materials
  1. Blaine Ray – TPRS site
  1. Boggle’s World ESL: Adult ESL worksheets and Activities
  1. Center for Adult English Language Acquisition – recommended resources
  1. Culture Crossing: A community built guide to cross-cultural etiquette and understanding
  1. ESL Glossary
  1. ESL Materials Listed by Levels
  1. Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Model – A.A.D.I.E. is modeled on ISD.
  2. Kaizen Program for New English Learners with Visual Limitations
  3. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. (1986) Techniques and Principles of Language Teaching, OxfordUniversity Press. “Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching,” (1991)TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 3 Autumn.
  4. Multicultural Awareness
  1. National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition: glossary of terms related to the education of linguistically and culturally diverse students
  2. Project Based Learning – article written by Donna Moss and Carol Van Duzer for Eric.
  3. PurdueUniversityOnline Writing Lab at the “OWL” Center
  1. Real English (authentic and natural lessons and videos)
  1. SIL – program (site) which focuses on unwritten languages and researches and develops computer software.
  1. Stephen Krashen – site for information, articles, books, materials.
  1. TABE Glossary of Assessment Terms
  1. Thornbury, Scott 1999. How to Teach Grammar. Essex, UK: Pearson Education Limited.
  1. TPR World – James Asher’s site on Total Physical Response procedures and activities.
  1. Using English – a collection of English as a Second Language (ESL) tools & resources for students, teachers, learners and academics.
  1. Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center
  1. Weber State University ESL Glossary

Websites for Teaching/Studying English

Intermediate / Advanced

Students whose English language skills are intermediate - advancedcan use the following Web sites for extra English practice:


  • Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
  • English for All


  • American English Pronunciation


  • CA Distance Learning Project
  • English Language Listening Lab Online


  • Writing Den
  • Long Beach City College


  • Long Beach City College
  • English Grammar Book


  • US Citizenship Podcast


  • SDCCD El Civics

More Sites

  • ESL with Jim


Beginning level students can go to these Web sites for extra English practice:


  • Starfall
  • Language Guide


  • ESL Gold
  • American English Pronunciation


  • EFL Net
  • OM Audio (Spanish/English)


  • Writing Den
  • English Grammar 4U Online


  • Long Beach City College
  • ESL Gold


  • US Citizenship Podcast


  • SDCCD EL Civics

More Sites

  • ESL with Jim