Form of Application for Participation in Exhibition

Duration of Exhibition Apr.22-24,2015 Venue : Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing

This enterprise accepts the rules for participation in the exhibition, guarantees payment of all fees therefor and complies with the uniform arrangement of the fair.

About Participator

Name:(Chinese) (English)

Address : P.C.:

Legal representative: Contact man: Duty:

Tel: Fax:

Email: Website:

Type of enterprise(make a “√”at the corresponding type )

□enterprise in membership □manufacturer □agent □exporter □importer □organizer of particpation

□other: (please fill in the blank with details).

We are to exhibit the following products (in exact and clear description):

Please attach hereto a page of the brief of your enterprise with less than 200 words.

Application for exhibition booth

Alternative 1: floor(to be rented at a minimum of 36 square meters)

floorage: m2 total price:USD Number of booth:

Alternative 2: Standard booth(to be rented at a minimum of 9 square meters)

Exhibition stand: (number) Total price USD Number of booth:

Special requirements:

Alternative 3: □space in the exhibition magazines □ticket for visit □floating balloons □other ,totaling RMB .

Application for technical exchange:

Equipment available: meeting room containing 50 persons, 90 minutes for once; desks, chairs, tablet, microphone, and organization of profession audience.

Fees: RMB10,000/time, applying for times Total price: USD .

Lecturer: Duty of the lecturer:

Theme of the exchange: .

Confirmation of exhibition booth and payment

The above fees total USD , say :

The exhibition matters have been confirmed and have contractual binding force, the both parties shall perform their respective obligations. A 50% of the total fees or the total fees shall be advanced and paid into the designated account within seven days of the signing of the contract, and the remaining fees shall be paid in full as of March 1, 2015.

Bank Account: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Caobao Branch, Shanghai, CHINA
Number: 076473-98150154740006697
Company Name: Shanghai Yihan Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Seal of the participator:
name (print form) Duty Seal of participating
Signature Date
Seal and signature for confirmation of participation:

Fax this form to: +86-21-60919309 Contact man: Liukui +86-13636683790