Title of Meeting: / Ampthill & District Community SafetyForum
February 2010
Date: / 1 February 2010
Venue: / The Baptist Church Dunstable Road Ampthill
Chair: / My Shout Clophill Adam, Nic and Zena
Name /
Title /
Leona Ellis / Community Safety Forum Officer / Central Bedfordshire
Claire Cooper / CS Administrator / Central Bedfordshire
Joy Craven / CSP Manager / Central Bedfordshire
John Seamarks / CSO / Central Bedfordshire
David Bowie / Traffic Management Manager / Central Bedfordshire
Trevor Willoughby / Station Commander / Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue
Cllr Gary Summerfield / Central Bedfordshire
Margaret Wilson / Ampthill Town Council
Lisa Johnston / Acting Inspector / Bedfordshire Police
Arno Van Heygen / PCSO / Bedfordshire Police
John Plummer / Chair / Ampthill Community Safety Group
Review of Priorities
Millbrook Junction
John Seamarks (JS) gave an update to those present regarding the Millbrook Junction following on from his meeting with the project manager. The plans for the new development of Centre Parcs have been approved and within the project there will be a new roundabout with limited traffic light control.
The roundabout will be situated where the pig farm is at present and Staples the Garden Centre. Computerised plans have been viewed and the size for comparisonis similarto the Phoenix Roundabout in Bedford.
There are also plans to improve the road from the motorway junction leading up to the new development that will ensure no additional traffic goes through the surrounding villages.
All road works should commence by the Summer 2010. This completion date was challenged by some members of the public as confirmation had not been communicated to the general public that the Centre Parcs development was going ahead. It was also reiterated that this would cause additional traffic problems along the A507.
JS communicated to those present at this meeting that the development for Centre Parcs looks most likely to go ahead as they have now invested monies into the improvement/development of the surrounding roads and areas. This includes Warren Wood. Once the improvements and development of the roads have been completed works will start on the main development.
Centre Parcs is scheduled to officially open in the Summer of 2013, but plans suggest it will initially open in April 2013.
Ampthill Woburn Road Junction onto A507
CBC Highways are looking into a speed restriction along this road. The criteria to warrant any other traffic enforcement or change in the highway such as a roundabout, traffic lights are not met. This will be dealt with as a priority due to the development of Centre Parcs.
David Bowie stated that the ruling is that there should be three to four fatal accidents in one year to warrant the financial costing of other traffic enforcement or highway changes. At present this is not a priority for CBC Highways team and there are not sufficient funds to implement any changes.
This was not well received by those present at the forum and a lengthy debate took place with examples of incidents communicated from residents. A majority of those present at this meeting felt that the question raised in October forum had not been addressed correctly.
The topic of speeding on this road and other well used routes within the surrounding district was raised again with furtherpassionate debate in the Public Discussions section of this meeting.
It was agreed that a short overview presentation giving details regarding the ruling to change the layout or other control systems for the highways would be communicated at the next CSF meeting.
Shared Space
Bob Barton of Ampthill CSG gave an overview of Shared Space and updated those present of the current status in relation to this project. It is still awaiting formal approval from Ampthill Town Council. If approval is given further consultations will take place with Ben Hamilton Bathe who is the expert in relation to this scheme so that it can be adapted for Ampthill. Further updates will be given at the next CSF.
Gretel Nevols the Community Safety Officer for NHW Maulden communicated the success of the Open Day held back in December. There was representation from all the key agencies and the event was very well attended by members of the Maulden community.
Special thanks were given to Leona Ellis of Central Bedfordshire and to those personnel who gave up their spare time and accommodated the meetings to prepare for this open day, and those who assisted on the day.
Aragon housing – Steve Nash & Youth Jane Regan
There is now a successful project in place that is aimed at youth’s age from 13 to 15 years of age. Events such as disco’s etc are organised. These are advertised on Face Book Aragon Youth Lounge web site. Dates and events have been scheduled for 2010
The disco held with out alcohol in Ampthill was well received and youths from Flitwick, Clophill also attended.
A former scout leader purposed the question that if the project was to become a victim of its own success was there any constituency plans in place?. It was communicated that events would be held more frequently and alternative larger venues would be sourced.
Clophill My Shout
This is now successfully up and running with the help of CBC and the Parish Council. This is not just a Youth Club. As the group develops the age range will be aimed at a wider audience to include young and the elderly. In Addition include projects such as SPARCS Adult Learning, this is to encourage and teach young, older members of the community in how to use a computer and internet and how to surf the net safely.
An Open Day has been scheduled for the 19 February 2010 so residents can attend to put forward their views and see how what the group currently do.
SNT Updates – ActingInspector Lisa Johnson
LJ gave a brief update on the local priorities and crime figures for the Ampthill area. In the main these have decreased even in Hot Spots such as Willow Way. There has only been a minimum increase in
Theft of Motor Vehicles there have been two
Theft from Motor Vehicles by one.
20mph Speed Limit Dunstable Road – Following on from the concerns raised in the previous forum a total of 25 checks were made. 19 cautions issued, 10 FPN issued. It was communicated that the checks were done at various times and in the main the offenders were local residents and those on a school run.
Willow Way-Resident Association – This was received with mixed views as only ten personnel responded to the advert regarding the meeting, LJ will speak with the chair togive further assistance but stated due to the level of problems this street had experienced it was welcoming to see ten people attend.
Willow Way ASBO – These have decreased which is good news
Maulden Woods Reports of this being used as a communal sexual meeting placewere reported to the police.After 167 visits no arrests were made.
Sandy Acres – Intelligence was been gathered regarding the new residents in the block, in relation to recent burglaries however further development have taken place since and arrests were made on 1 February 2010 by the local PCSO Arno Van Heygen
Maulden – Gretel CSO for NHW Maulden asked a question in relation to the recent spate of burglaries in Maulden were being looked into. LJ confirmed that intelligence is actively being sourced and in addition High Visibility Policing Patrols are taking place.
Millbrook – Concerns regarding overweight vehicles as a result of events at race the tracks that use the road from the local pub up to the junction as short cut – rat run. LJ to investigate if anyone has been fined or cautioned for this.
Flitwick Road – A resident made inquiries in how to report Noise Nuisance. As recently there has been noise from people leaving the local pubs and there is litter on the pavement the next morning. LJ advised that if this persists a review of the licing laws could be viewed.
Crime figures- A member of the public requested that the crime figures were communicated more frequently. LJ advised that they are available on the Bedfordshire Police website;although feedback has been given it is not user friendly. Also instruction has been received from the Home Office that it not a statuary requirement to communicate these figures.
Ampthill CSG – John Plummer
John Plummer gave an update and reiterated points already previously raised. The date of the next Ampthill CSG Meeting is 16 February 2010.
Public Discussion
Speeding – 20mph Concerns were raised regarding various roads (see below) requesting a 20 mph speed restriction
- Ampthill Road – Maulden
- Dunstable Street – Ampthill make the whole high Street 20 mph
- A507 Woburn Road Junction
Signal Crossing – Clophill Roundabout A507
This was first raised back in 1999, where residents have requested a signal crossing or further speed restrictions so that they can safely cross to the amenities at Clophill The current situation excludes 35- 45 homes in total. There was demand from residents as in how much this would cost as it was communicated it was dangerous and lives were placed at risk.
A strong debate took place as reference was made to the crossing located outside the CBC building in Chicksands were it is perceived that there is minimum use. It was communicated that this was included in the corporate plans when the development was initiated.
It was suggested that this matter was taken to the local MP for the area for satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.
Car Park – Ampthill -
This is ongoing as the site previously sought i.e. Russell House CBC have advised that the building is unsafe and will not allow use of the grounds. Alternative sites are being sourced whether this will be one large car part to accommodate 100 spaces or a few smaller sites.
Further updates to be communicated to this meeting forum.
Millbrook Testing Centre
A resident from Millbrook requested the possibility of temporary traffic lights through the village to ease the congestion already caused by Millbrook Conference Centre when they hold events and it concludes at 17:00 hrs which is primarily rush hour. This will only increase once development works start for Centre Parcs