BradfieldDungworthPrimary School
Dungworth Green, Dungworth, Sheffield S6 6HE
Telephone: 0114 2851338 Fax: 0114 2851901
October 2013
Dear Applicant
Thank you for taking an interest in our school.
Bradfield Dungworth Primary is a small rural school on the outskirts of Sheffield, 6 miles from the city centre; it enjoys the largest primary school catchment area in the city, most of which is within the Peak District National Park. Its 114 children are widespread, with many living several miles away and coming to school by one of three buses. Socially, the school is the focal point for many of the children.
The school has been extensively modernised and extended. The latest addition is a new hall which belongs to school, but is a facility shared with the local community.
Within the last year we have taken over ownership of a newly built hall of 200 square metres, with its own toilets and production kitchen which provides freshly cooked meals enjoyed by around three quarters of the children. The hall is part of a partnership with the community and there is an agreement for shared use.
Early in the new year an adventure playground will be erected by the side of the hall.
We have 5 classes: Reception /Y1 - 30 children, in a large, bright classroom with easy access to the outside play area; Year 2 -16 children; Year 3– 17children; Years 4 and 5 - 33 children and Year 6 - 18 children. Class 1 has a full time teacher and full time Nursery Nurse/HLTA, each teacher has 8 hours teaching assistant support, all of whom have a high standard of training and experience. We have an established staff who are all keen and innovative, ensuring that the children are very well taught and supported in a relaxed environment.
We are a very popular school, our admission number is 15 and we are always over subscribed, parents visit the school and put their child’s name down for a place well in advance of their start date.
BradfieldDungworthSchool has many strengths and these are highlighted in the school inspection report, which can be downloaded from the Ofsted website. Relationships with children, parents, staff and governors are perhaps its greatest strength resulting in a happy school with very high standards of achievement.
I hope this brief introduction encourages you to want to learn more about BradfieldDungworthSchool and look forward to receiving your application.
Yours faithfully
Angela Donnelly
Acting Chair of Governors