The Dunbarton Board of Selectmen held their regularly scheduled meeting at the above time, date and place with Les Hammond, Chairman, presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. The following were present:
Les Hammond, Chairman
Charles Graybill, Selectman
Ron Wanner, Selectman
Line Comeau, Town Administrator
Alison Vallieres, Recording Secretary
Dunbarton Board/Staff Members:
John Stevens, Energy Committee
Jeff Crosby, Road Agent
Jon Wiggin, Fire Chief
Brett St. Clair, Conservation Commission
Rene Ouellet, School Board
Members of the Public:
Lori Davis
Lara Larson
At the start of the meeting, the following motion was made:
Charles Graybill made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen elect Leslie Hammond as Chairman of the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen for the calendar year 2010. Ron Wanner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Energy Grants/Compliance:
Ron Wanner, Selectman, stated that the Town of Dunbarton is in receipt of four energy grants and there are certain things that need to be accomplished before the grants are finally approved. We need to make sure we all understand what needs to be done. The two grants for Energy Audits for the Town/Library, Police/Fire and Town Office in the amount of $7,460 were all approved by Warrant Article so these are okay because the public was noticed, etc. According to the criteria, anything $5,000 or more needs to be noticed in the newspaper. Need to also include the minutes of the Public Hearing of the meeting. This applies to the Solar Panels for the School ($9,623) and the Lighting for the Town Offices which is over $5,000.
Ron Wanner stated that a Public Hearing has been scheduled for April 8th for the Solar Panels and Lighting at the Town Offices. This is a procedure required by RSA 31:05. Need to have a properly noticed Public Hearing. We need to make sure we are in compliance.
One of the requirements is that we have a fully executed contract in place prior to any work being performed. Must have the grant in place prior to requesting any proposals from vendors, etc. or the RFP's may not hold up. The contract must conform to all Federal standards including OMB requirements, etc. The Lighting will be going out as a new RFP. It is important that bidders agree with whatever requirements are.
It is recommended that the awardees wait until they have a fully executed contract, signed by all parties, before requesting proposals (RFP) from vendors/subcontractors/auditors for specific project related requirements/equipment.
Selectmen agreed that authorized signature would be one or more Selectmen.
It was noted that there was notice of the Board of Selectmen meeting when these grants were discussed along with the minutes of the meeting.
John Stevens, Energy Committee, stated he has started to read all the criteria. Has called and e-mailed with three or four questions to TRC. Looking for a feel for where we presently stand. There will be a Workshop Meeting but will not have it until they have all the information together. Issues on Federal compliance (Davis Bacon, Buy American, OMB Circulars, etc.) If we take shortcuts, we could end up losing all. Need to cross our T's and dot our I's.
John Stevens, Line Comeau, and Ray Labore will attend. Date has not been set.
Rene Ouellet, Dunbarton School Board, appeared before the Board of Selectmen to discuss the following issues:
Community Center:
1. Trying to find a new method of assigning time for the use of the Community Center. The School Board met last week. Last fall, the idea that come up was that it would make sense to have both Boards sit down and talk about who are the main stake holders and how are we going to get the best use of the Community Center and see that it gets maximum benefit.
Les Hammond, Chairman, stated that probably the Recreation Commission was the major stake holder in this case.
Ron Wanner stated that he was aware of several Yoga Groups who were interested in using the facility. In addition, the Library has had some requests.
Stated that the School Board would be meeting next Wednesday, April 7 and possibly the Selectmen could attend this meeting to sit down and work this out. Would like to get something worked out before the end of April.
Pine Tree Blow Down:
2. Selectmen stated that during the recent wind storm there had been considerable blow down in the area behind the school where they conduct artesian activities, etc. Over 15 large pine trees were uprooted. Jeff Crosby will make sure the stumps are settled back into the holes, etc. Have already started cleaning up the brush today.
Will do this as soon as the area dries out. Jeff Crosby will coordinate with the School Principal.
School Energy Grant:
3. Selectmen advised Rene Ouellet about the School Energy Grant Process and noted that there will be a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 8, 2010 for the Energy Grants. RFP's have to be put out. There will be a Compliance Workshop on OMB circulars, etc. to train people.
Rene Ouellet stated that George Holt was doing work on how we came up with the numbers. He should be included. May include him in our meeting Wednesday evening.
Store Room at the School:
4. Les Hammond stated that the Store Room at the School had been partially clean out. Took several loads out of the area.
Back Parking Lot at School:
5. Rene Ouellet stated that the back parking lot at the school pavement appears to need work.
Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, stated that the parking lot shows wear but there is no asphalt missing. There are cracks and heaves like the rest of the roads in Town. He stated he brought a Pike Asphalt Representative out and asked about sealing the lot with an industrial coat of sealant. This would get some mileage out of the parking lot. Stated there is no money in the budget for new asphalt for this parking lot. Did budget for crack sealant. Felt most of the problem is on the east side of the parking lot where the concrete curbing is located. There are no loose pieces of asphalt or rebar sticking up.
Solar Panels Energy Grant:
6. Charles Graybill, Selectman, stated that he understood the School will be doing something with the roof. Would like to make sure the Solar Panels are put in place prior to the Roof Work. Would not want to damage any portion of the roof after it had been worked on, etc. At this point, we have no idea when the Solar Panels will be installed, etc.
Rene Ouellet stated they hoped to get seven years out of the roof repairs.
Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, stated he understood that the boiler room was also leaking. If that continues to leak, is that going to last seven years? Stated he felt that was important to fix. They are not going to be able to insulate that area because of the leaks.
School and Town Lawn Mowing and Spring/Fall Cleanup Quotes:
7. Selectmen stated that quotes for the School and Town Lawn Mowing and Spring/Fall Cleanup will be opened this evening.
Rene Ouellet will be in touch with the Town Administrator regarding a meeting with the School Board.
Kimball Pond Vandalism Problems/Solutions:
Jon Wiggin, Fire Chief, and Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, appeared before the Board to discuss possible solutions for the Kimball Pond vandalism problems as follows:
1. Stated that most of the problems occur off the road on the "jeep trail" which is really rough.
2. There are fires and parties. We have already been there twice this year. These are a liability to the Town.
3. If there is a large forest fire, it could cost the Town up towards $100,000. Recently the Town of Alton had a forest fire which was $50,000.
4. Jeff Crosby, Road Agent, will put large boulders blocking the trail heads. It is pretty rough terrain; this will keep them from going out onto the powerline. Will plan to close off four trail heads.
5. Have spoken with JR Swindlehurst and the "jeep trail" ends up on their property. They would also like it blocked off. In the wintertime, they were going across the ice.
Brett St. Clair, Conservation Commission, stated that there has always been a dumping problem at Kimball Pond. They have taken out refrigerators, couches, chairs, etc. We would like the area blocked off somehow. We had talked about the possibility of gates but this met with opposition. The Fish and Game Department has chased ATV's in the past. We installed two gates of the four that were donated by Stanley Sowle.
Jon Wiggin noted that the Police presence was still good.
6. Noted that Kimball Pond Road is still a Class VI road and cannot be gated off.
7. Brett St. Clair asked about the possibility of a sign stating this is "An Unmaintained Road".
8. Jeff Crosby and Jon Wiggin will start working on this project within the next few days.
Line Comeau, Town Administrator, brought up the following issues for discussion/action:
Special Revenue Fund - Fire Department Ambulance Fund:
1. Lori Davis had requested an explanation if the Special Ambulance Fund was in accordance with appropriate standards, etc.
2. Checked with Sandra Rourke, DRA and she has suggested that we pursue this as a Warrant Article at next year's Town Meeting. Also checked with Christian Fillmore, LGC. This would give authority to an agent to collect monies on behalf of the ambulance, etc.
3. Selectmen stated that DRA told us how to write the Warrant Article in 2001 when we set up the fund. Will plan to change the article at the March 2011 Town Meeting if necessary.
Charles Graybill also agreed to let it continue as it has in the past.
Jon Wiggin, Fire Chief:
1. Stated there is no news on the possibility of a grant for the ambulance. Still trying to get written permission from the feds to purchase the ambulance now and get reimbursed later. Talked with several people, but have not gotten any written answers. Bob Waters was in the State doing a Workshop last week but was not aware of this. The longer we hold off getting an ambulance, the scarcer they are. There is no deadline for giving out the grant monies.
Jeff Crosby, Road Agent:
1. Stated he had heard that the Windstorm was declared FEMA reimbursable. The State is going to get the last two rain events as one. We will include the school blow down cleanup in the FEMA request.
Emergency Operations Plan for the Town of Dunbarton:
Line Comeau, Town Administrator, presented a final copy of the Emergency Operations Plan for the Town of Dunbarton with a signature page to be signed by Selectmen, Fire Chief, Road Agent, etc. All necessary parties that were present signed the signature page.
Lawn Mowing and Cleanup Quotes - Town and School:
1. Presented the following quotes for lawn mowing and cleanup for the Town and School: Noted that all quotes were within the $2,000 - $10,000 which only requires three or more written quotes.
Name Amount Bid
RC &Sons Property Maintenance $5,470.00/year
Richard Letellier
Dunbarton, NH
D & R Waste Management $4,895.00/year
Ron Boynton
Manchester, NH
Saints Lawn Care $3,840.00/year
Arthur St. Laurent
Pembroke, NH
Michael Underwood $3,900.00/year
Goffstown, NH
All bidders agreed with no increase for the second year.
Selectmen agreed that they had been very satisfied with the present contractor for the lawns, Michael Underwood of Goffstown, NH and would agree with awarding him the contract for the years 2010 and 2011 for a price of $3,900.00/year.
Les Hammond made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen accept the quote from Michael Underwood of Goffstown, NH for the lawn mowing and spring and fall cleanup for the Town and School at a price of $3,900.00/year for the years 2010 and 2011. Charles Graybill seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Line Comeau, Town Administrator, presented the following schedule for summer hours for the Board of Selectmen meetings. She stated that the Recording Secretary budget had been reduced in the 2010 budget to reflect this.
The schedule for the Board of Selectmen's Meeting is as follows:
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010 (will include the Hazard Mitigation Public Hearing)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday August 26, 2010
The regular meeting schedule of every Thursday evening will resume on September 2, 2010.
Charles Graybill made a motion that the Dunbarton Board of Selectmen adopt the summer hours as presented due to budget reductions. Ron Wanner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Community Center Parking Lot:
Stated that the school keeps coming back regarding the lower parking lot at the Community Center. Stated that it was in better shape than the Town Office parking lot. We have widened out the upper parking lot. Have fixed the drainage problem with the neighbors. Will get an estimate for the Industrial Seal. Can't see any issues with people walking across the parking lot. The sealing will preserve it somewhat. Crack sealing is not worth the money.