Know Thyself
Socrates was the first philosopher who advised, “Know thyself.” This maxim has been repeated throughout history, even as recently as being featured in The Matrix. The phrase “Know thyself” suggests that people must understand themselves before they can understand the world around them. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to think about exactly who you are and where you hope to be by the end of this year.
- Write a letter to yourself
- It must be written in letter format and contain an opening (introduction) paragraph, at least three body paragraphs, and a closing paragraph. Each paragraph must contain at least five sentences.
- In the introduction paragraph of your letter, tell about who you are now in your life. For example, give your name, age, favorite activities, strengths, weaknesses, career interests, etc. Lead into your three body paragraphs with a thesis statement that resembles something similar to “Since I’ve just become a junior at Southside, there are three things I’d like to discuss about this school year.”
- Each one of your three body paragraphs must address the following:
- Body paragraph 1 – Tell about what you are feeling as you enter into the tenth grade.
- Body paragraph 2 – Set some goals, both personal and academic, and describe who and where you hope to be in your life at the end of this year.
- Body paragraph 3 – Explain what you expect to take away (learn) from English class this year and the grade you predict you will receive and why.
- I will be reading your letter but not marking it. We’ll seal them up in envelopes (do NOT seal the envelope before you turn it in!), and I’ll give the letters back to you at the end of the school year.
Point Value and Rubric:
- Completing the assignment in a thoughtful and serious manner—this does not mean you can’t use humor. In fact, I hope you’ll have fun with this assignment. I want to hear your “voice” while you use it as an opportunity to get to “know yourself” a little better. 10 points
- Following the instructed format of the letter. Your letter must contain five paragraphs: an opening, three body paragraphs, and a closing. 5 points
Total Point Value: 15